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Can I use my ID to recover my Facebook account?

Can I use my ID to recover my Facebook account?

If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password or have been locked out of your account, recovering access can be frustrating. One of the account recovery options Facebook provides is using your ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to verify your identity. This quick answer guide will explain how using your ID works to recover a Facebook account, the requirements, what types of IDs are accepted, and what to do if you run into problems.

Can I use my ID to recover my Facebook account?

Yes, you can use a valid government-issued ID to help verify your identity and recover access to your Facebook account in some situations. Here are the key things to know about using an ID for Facebook account recovery:

  • Facebook allows you to upload a photo or scan of an acceptable ID through the account recovery flow. This is one of the options they provide to confirm you are the account holder.
  • Not every account recovery situation will give you the option to use an ID. Facebook has various methods to authenticate you, and may select the ones deemed most appropriate for your case.
  • Even if you provide a valid ID, Facebook may require additional verification depending on the circumstances. So ID alone may not be enough.
  • The ID you submit needs to match the name and details on your Facebook account exactly. Any discrepancy could lead to complications in the verification process.

So in summary, yes ID can be used if Facebook provides that option during the account recovery process, but should be considered one option among many, not a guaranteed fix. Follow the steps Facebook provides and be ready to supply additional information if requested.

What types of IDs can I use to recover my account?

Facebook allows you to use a valid, unexpired government ID that includes your photo, full name, and date of birth to assist in verifying account ownership. Acceptable ID types include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National ID card
  • Other official ID card issued in your country

The ID must be an original physical document, not a photocopy or digital version. Scans or photos of the front and back of the ID must clearly show all text, your photo, and any holograms or other security features. Make sure your personal details on the ID precisely match those on your Facebook account, or it may cause issues during verification.

Some key things to keep in mind when using your ID for Facebook account recovery:

  • Make sure your ID is valid and unexpired. Expired IDs may be rejected.
  • Confirm your full name on the ID fully matches your name on Facebook. Middle names, suffixes, etc. must be identical.
  • Double check your date of birth on the ID is accurate and corresponds with Facebook.
  • The ID must have a visible ID number and your photo on it.

Providing a high quality, fully matching ID is important to help expedite the account recovery process and avoid complications.

What are the requirements for using my ID?

If Facebook provides the ID upload option to assist in verifying your identity, there are a few requirements to ensure it will be accepted:

  • The ID must be an original document issued by an official government authority, not a photocopy or digital copy.
  • It needs to be a valid, non-expired ID.
  • The ID should clearly show your full name, date of birth, photo, ID number, issue and expiry dates, and any security features.
  • Your personal information on the ID must match your info on Facebook exactly.
  • You need to be able to provide scans or photos showing the front and back of the ID in good lighting.
  • The scans/photos must be clear and legible, not blurry or obscured.
  • You may need to provide multiple high quality scans if initial ones are not clear enough.

Meeting these requirements helps ensure Facebook can properly verify the ID and match it to your account details. If scans are unclear or your info doesn’t match, it may delay the verification process.

What should I do if my name or other info does not match?

If the name, date of birth, or other personal details on your ID do not precisely match the information on your Facebook account, it can complicate using the ID for verification. Here are some tips if you have mismatching information:

  • Double check that you are providing the right ID that matches what is on your account. Use the ID with your most up-to-date information.
  • If you have multiple middle names or suffixes, make sure your ID includes the exact same ones as Facebook, even if you don’t regularly use them.
  • If you have legally changed your name, update the name on your Facebook account to match your current ID.
  • Submit any legal name change documents you have to help prove name discrepancies.
  • Be ready to provide additional information like email addresses, phone numbers, addresses associated with the account, and dates when it was created.
  • Know it may take more time to verify your identity if personal details do not match up.

With mismatching information, focus on providing as much supplemental verification details as possible. Facebook may be able to match other identifiers even if your name does not fully align.

What should I do if Facebook rejects my ID?

In some cases, the ID you submit may be rejected by Facebook during the verification process even if you follow all the requirements. Here are some steps to take if your ID gets rejected:

  • Double check you uploaded a high quality scan/photo where all text and details are clearly visible.
  • Try scanning or taking photos in better lighting and resubmitting clearer versions.
  • Check that your personal info precisely matches what is on your Facebook account. Update your info if needed.
  • If your ID is expired, try renewing it or submitting a different valid ID.
  • Be ready to provide alternative verification like emails, phone numbers, and locations where you used Facebook.
  • You may need to go through additional identity confirmation steps before regaining account access.

Getting your ID rejected can be frustrating, but does not necessarily mean you will be unable to recover your account. Work through other options Facebook provides and keep trying to submit verification details.

Can I use someone else’s ID to recover my account?

No, you should never submit someone else’s ID or documents when trying to recover your own Facebook account. Uploading another person’s ID is fraudulent and can lead to legal issues. Facebook’s automated systems are designed to detect mismatches between the ID details and your account info.

Even if you have the permission of the ID owner, it will almost certainly fail the verification process. Only submit official IDs belonging to you with your own lawful name and details. Attempting to verify with someone else’s ID will not only fail to recover your account, but may lock you out permanently and trigger account suspension for violating Facebook’s policies.

What if I don’t have an eligible photo ID?

In some cases, you may not have a driver’s license, passport, or other government photo ID that Facebook accepts for identity verification. If that is the case, don’t worry – you still have options to recover your account! Here are some steps you can take if you lack a proper ID:

  • Use account login approvals like confirmation codes sent to your phone or email.
  • Provide proof of ownership papers for your Facebook accounts.
  • If applicable, share your business documents if you run pages or ads.
  • Submit copies of utility bills, bank statements, tax documents containing your info.
  • Have friends vouch for your identity by confirming your details.

Focus on giving Facebook extensive alternative proof to demonstrate you are the legitimate account holder even without an ID. With enough valid information, they should be able to confirm your identity.

Can I use an ID to recover my Facebook account right away?

Unfortunately, using your ID is not an instant solution for recovering your Facebook account. Here is an overview of what to expect with the ID verification process:

  • Uploading your ID is just one step in the full account recovery process. Additional proof is usually required.
  • It can take Facebook up to 24 hours to review your ID and determine if they need more confirmation.
  • You will need to be patient and wait for an email or notification from Facebook after submitting your ID.
  • They may ask you to provide supplemental info like emails or locations to fully verify you.
  • Full account access may not be restored immediately even after ID review. It can take days or weeks in some cases.

While ID helps prove your identity, take the entire recovery process step-by-step. With complex cases, Facebook will thoroughly vet all information before reinstating access. Follow their guidance and provide any additional details requested.


Using a valid government ID can be helpful for recovering your Facebook account if you get locked out, but has limitations. Make sure your ID fully matches account details, meets Facebook’s requirements, and is supplemented with additional proof of ownership. While ID alone may not be enough, going through Facebook’s full identity verification process carefully should allow you to eventually regain access in most situations. Be patient, cooperate fully, and keep trying different recovery options.

Other Questions

Can I use my driver’s license to recover my Facebook account?

Yes, a valid driver’s license with your photo and matching details to your Facebook account can be used to assist in verifying your identity to recover your account. Make sure you provide a high quality scan or photo of the front and back and that all the information is clearly visible. Your license may not be sufficient on its own though, so be prepared to supply additional information as requested by Facebook.

What if I don’t have the same photo on my ID as my Facebook account?

If your photo on your government ID does not match the photo on your Facebook profile, that’s alright. Facebook understands profile pictures change, and does not expect them to be identical to ID photos. As long as your name, date of birth, and other personal details on the ID fully match your account information, the mismatching photo itself should not cause issues during verification. Focus on confirming the other identifying details.

Can I use an ID card from another country?

Yes, you can use a valid ID issued by an official government agency in another country to help recover your Facebook account. As long as it has your photo, name, date of birth and other details that match your account info, Facebook should accept foreign IDs and passports for identity verification. Just be sure the scan or photos you submit are high quality and all text is legible. If not in English, Facebook may take more time translating and reviewing it.

What if my account was hacked? Can I use my ID to get it back?

If your Facebook account was hacked or compromised by someone else, using your ID can be part of the process to regain access and secure your account. Along with your ID, be prepared to change your password, review recent activity for unauthorized access, check login locations, remove suspicious third parties, and enable two-factor authentication once you regain entry. Regaining entry via ID verification is just the first step in fully recovering and locking down a hacked account.

How do I use my ID if I don’t have access to my registered email for Facebook?

If you cannot access the email associated with your Facebook account, you can still potentially use your ID to recover your account. On the identity verification screens during the account recovery flow, look for options to enter details like your full name, date of birth, locations you have logged in from, phone numbers associated with your account, and so on. While tougher without email access, providing extensive supplemental information along with your ID may allow Facebook to confirm you are the legitimate account holder even without access to the registered email itself.

Can someone at the DMV use my ID to hack my Facebook?

Your actual physical ID document alone cannot be used to hack or access your Facebook account. However, a DMV employee could potentially misuse the personal information contained on your ID. Safeguard your ID and only share details like your driver’s license number as needed for legitimate identification purposes. Monitor your Facebook account regularly for any suspicious activity, enable two-factor authentication, and watch out for unauthorized password reset emails to make sure your account remains secure.