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Can I use Facebook without a mobile number?

Can I use Facebook without a mobile number?

Facebook requires users to provide a mobile phone number when creating a new account. This is primarily used for security purposes – to verify your identity and to enable two-factor authentication. However, there are some limited ways to use Facebook without adding a phone number.

Why does Facebook require a mobile number?

Facebook started requiring mobile numbers for new accounts in 2018. There are a few key reasons behind this:

  • Security – A mobile number helps verify your identity and prevents fake accounts. Facebook can send a confirmation code via text message when you create an account to confirm it’s really you.
  • Two-factor authentication – Adding a mobile number allows you to enable two-factor authentication, which requires both your password and a code sent to your phone when you log in. This adds an extra layer of security.
  • Recovering accounts – If you ever get locked out of your account, Facebook can send a password reset code to your mobile number to help you get back in.
  • Alerts – Facebook may send security alerts or other notifications via text message if you add a mobile number.

So in short, requiring a mobile number is intended to help verify real accounts, prevent fakes/spam, and give users a recovery option if their account is ever compromised.

Ways to use Facebook without a phone number

While Facebook makes it very difficult to avoid adding a mobile number these days, there are some limited options:

Use an existing account created before 2018

If you already had a Facebook account created before 2018, you may be able to continue using it without adding a phone number. Facebook only started enforcing the mobile number requirement for new accounts in recent years.

However, if you try to change your primary email on this account or get locked out and need to reset your password, Facebook may then prompt you to add a mobile number at that point.

Use a VOIP number

Facebook allows you to use a “VOIP” number – one provided through an internet phone service rather than a traditional mobile carrier. For example, you could use a Google Voice or Skype number.

This meets Facebook’s requirement to provide a phone number, but means you don’t have to use your personal mobile number if you don’t want to.

Use a friend or family member’s number

Facebook allows you to use someone else’s phone number when creating an account, as long as you have their permission. For example, you could use a parent, sibling, spouse or friend’s mobile number instead of your own.

Of course, this means that person would receive any login codes or alerts meant for you. And it may not be ideal for privacy reasons. But it is an option if you really want to use Facebook without your own mobile number.

Use a secondary prepaid mobile number

Another option is to purchase a prepaid SIM card and use that secondary mobile number for your Facebook account instead of your primary number. This adds some separation between your main number and Facebook account.

You can find inexpensive prepaid SIM plans from most major carriers. Just be sure to register the prepaid number under your real identity, or Facebook may flag your account as inauthentic.

Risks of using Facebook without a mobile number

While the above methods allow you to use Facebook without your personal mobile number, there are some downsides to be aware of:

  • No two-factor authentication – Without a mobile number, you won’t be able to enable the extra security of two-factor authentication.
  • Limited account recovery options – If you forget your password, it may be difficult to regain access to your account without a mobile number on file for password reset.
  • Increased risk of hacked account – Not having two-factor authentication and mobile recovery options enabled makes your account more vulnerable if hackers attempt to access it.
  • Possible account flagging – Facebook may flag accounts without mobile numbers as suspicious, which could lead to your account being disabled.

So while it’s possible to use Facebook without a phone number, you’ll be missing out on some important security features. You’ll need to weigh whether it’s worth the increased risk.


While Facebook has made it increasingly difficult to avoid providing a mobile number, there are still some workarounds like using a VOIP number or an existing pre-2018 account. However, these methods come with security trade-offs to consider.

Ultimately, the only way to use Facebook while taking full advantage of two-factor authentication and account recovery features is to provide your own mobile phone number. If privacy is your main concern, using a secondary prepaid number registered under your real identity is probably the best approach.

But if you want to avoid connecting your mobile identity with Facebook at all costs, using an alternative VOIP number or an existing account may allow you to do so. Just be prepared to manage additional risks, and the possibility that Facebook may eventually require a mobile number even for pre-existing accounts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Facebook require a phone number?

Facebook requires a phone number when creating a new account primarily for security purposes – to verify your identity, enable two-factor authentication, and give you a recovery option if your account is ever compromised.

Can I use a Google Voice number with Facebook?

Yes, Facebook allows you to use a VOIP number from services like Google Voice or Skype when creating an account. This meets their phone number requirement without having to use your personal mobile number.

What are the risks of using Facebook without a phone number?

The main risks are not having two-factor authentication enabled, limited account recovery options if you forget your password, and increased vulnerability to hacking without the extra security of mobile authentication.

Does Facebook allow you to use someone else’s phone number?

Yes, you can use a family member or friend’s phone number when creating a Facebook account, as long as you have their permission. However, this gives them access to your login codes and alerts.

Can I create a Facebook account without a phone number in 2022?

Facebook started enforcing the mobile phone number requirement in 2018, so it is no longer possible to create a brand new account without providing one. The only way is to use an existing account created prior to 2018 that doesn’t have a number attached.

Tips for Using Facebook Without a Phone Number

Here are some top tips for navigating Facebook without linking your personal mobile number:

Enable login approvals

Turn on login approvals in your Facebook security settings, which requires you to enter a special code each time you log in from an unrecognized device. This provides some extra account protection without two-factor authentication via mobile.

Beef up your password

Since you won’t have two-factor authentication as a backup, it’s especially important to create a strong, unique password for your Facebook account and not reuse it anywhere else. Enable password encryption for added security.

Add a backup email

Provide a backup email address in your Facebook settings. This gives you another way to reset your password if you ever get locked out of your account and don’t have a mobile number on file.

Use extra login checks

Opt to get alerts when someone logs into your Facebook account from a device or browser you don’t usually use. This lets you monitor suspicious activity.

Limit public info

Minimize the personal info visible on your public Facebook profile. The less detail available, the lower risk of your identity being stolen if your account is compromised.

Turn off SMS alerts

Disable any SMS alerts options in your Facebook settings so your mobile number doesn’t get broadcasted if you link it down the road.

Monitor your login history

Periodically check your Facebook login history under “Security and Login” settings so you can watch for any suspicious access attempts and change your password if needed.

Comparison of Facebook Security With and Without Mobile Number

With Mobile Number Without Mobile Number
Two-factor authentication Available via text code Not available
Login approvals Available Available
Password reset Can reset via text code Only via backup email
Account recovery Easier with mobile number More difficult without number
Risk of hacking Lower with 2FA Higher without 2FA

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How to Create a Facebook Account Without a Phone Number – Step-by-Step

If you must create a new Facebook account without adding a mobile number, here is one approach to try:

  1. Get a Google Voice, Skype, or other VOIP number. Verify it under your real identity.
  2. Sign up for Facebook at on a desktop computer (not mobile app).
  3. Enter your real name, email address and date of birth when prompted.
  4. Skip phone number when asked during initial signup.
  5. Complete email verification sent to your inbox.
  6. Return to Facebook and finish creating default profile.
  7. Go to Settings > Mobile > Add Mobile Number and enter VOIP number.
  8. Enable login approvals and other security options without two-factor authentication.

This uses a VOIP number to meet Facebook’s mobile number requirement, while limiting association with your real mobile identity. However, the account still lacks the full security of two-factor authentication via SMS code.

An alternative is trying to use an existing account created before 2018 that doesn’t have a connected mobile number yet. But Facebook may still require adding one in the future.

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The Future of Facebook’s Mobile Number Requirement

While Facebook has shown no signs of lifting the mandatory mobile number policy for new accounts, there are a few possible scenarios that could unfold in the future:

Expand requirement to all accounts

Facebook may eventually require all users to provide a mobile number, even those with existing accounts created before 2018. This would strengthen security across all 2 billion+ accounts.

Offer alternative 2FA options

To appease privacy-concerned users, Facebook could maintain the mobile number requirement for ID verification but offer alternative two-factor authentication methods like authentication apps and security keys.

Verify identity without mobile numbers

Advanced identity verification technology like government ID scans and face matching could allow Facebook to confirm new accounts without needing a phone number attached.

Backlash leads to policy reversal

If public pressure mounts, Facebook may need to roll back the mandatory mobile number policy for new accounts due to privacy concerns. However, this seems unlikely given its security benefits.

Requirement spreads to other platforms

If the Facebook mobile number mandate is effective at combating bots and spam accounts, other social networks and sites may adopt similar identity policies in the future.

In summary, the trajectory points to even tighter integration between mobile identities and online accounts, with Facebook leading the way. Unless alternative verification methods arise, most internet users will likely need to provide mobile numbers to use popular services in the years ahead.

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Expert Tips to Lock Down Your Facebook Security Without a Mobile Number

Here are some top expert recommendations to maximize your Facebook security if you want to use it without linking a personal mobile phone number:

Use a password manager

A password manager generates, stores and fills in unique complex passwords for each of your accounts. This prevents password reuse, which is a top cause of account hijacking.

Enable HTTPS browsing

Access Facebook using HTTPS connections as much as possible. HTTPS encrypts your web traffic to prevent hackers from spying on your activity over open WiFi networks.

Check permissions frequently

Review the apps and services connected to your Facebook account often. Revoke access for anything suspicious or that no longer needs integration to limit potential data exposure.

Monitor login locations

Check your Facebook login history weekly and watch for logins from unfamiliar locations, which could indicate an account breach. Change your password immediately if anything looks amiss.

Don’t click suspicious links

Be wary of emails and messages claiming to be from Facebook and asking you to click on embedded links. Opening links could expose you to phishing scams designed to steal your login info.

Following security best practices helps minimize risks when forgoing some of Facebook’s safety features. But ultimately, the most bulletproof protection combines vigilant habits with two-factor authentication via a mobile number you control.

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How to Maximize Privacy When Using a Mobile Number with Facebook

If you decide to provide your mobile number to use Facebook’s increased security, here are some tips to still limit associated privacy risks:

Use a secondary number

Where permitted, use a secondary prepaid mobile number rather than your primary SIM. This avoids connecting your main phone identity directly to your Facebook account.

Turn off SMS notifications

Disable SMS notifications in Facebook settings. This stops Facebook from ever texting your phone number directly after you provide it.

Limit linked info

Avoid entering your mobile number on your Facebook public profile or sharing it through Facebook Messenger where it may be harvested.

Review app permissions

Check that only trusted apps you actively use have access to info like your mobile number in Facebook’s permissions settings.

Enable login approvals

Use Facebook’s login approvals feature along with two-factor authentication via SMS for added account security.

Monitor your timeline

Periodically review your Facebook timeline privacy settings and activity log for any concerning posts related to your mobile identity.

Being cautious about sharing and granting access to your mobile number limits exposure. But ultimately, any mobile number provided to an online service incurs some loss of privacy.

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Facebook strongly encourages users to provide a mobile phone number for valid security reasons – to verify identity, enable two-factor authentication and recover compromised accounts. However, there are still some limited workarounds available if you wish to use Facebook without linking a personal mobile number.

Options like VOIP numbers, existing pre-2018 accounts, and using a friend or family member’s number may work. But these approaches lack certain security features, and Facebook may eventually close these loopholes.

If you do add a mobile number, be thoughtful about limiting wider exposure and linkage to your online identity. But also leverage Facebook’s enhanced safety tools available when you provide your number.

Overall, as mobile phones proliferate as the primary online identifier, the friction between privacy and security will continue around requirements to link accounts. Facebook’s mandatory mobile number policy for new accounts reflects this ongoing debate.

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