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Can I use an email list to for Facebook Ads?

Can I use an email list to for Facebook Ads?

Using an email list for Facebook ads can be an effective way to target your existing customers and prospects. However, there are some important factors to consider when using email lists for Facebook ads. In this article, we’ll cover the requirements, benefits, and best practices for using email lists for Facebook ads campaigns.

What are the requirements for using an email list for Facebook ads?

Here are the main requirements for using an email list for Facebook ads:

  • You must have permission to use the email addresses for advertising purposes. This means you either collected the emails through opt-in forms or have a pre-existing relationship with the contacts.
  • The emails must be associated with real Facebook accounts. Facebook will try to match the emails to Facebook user profiles when creating a Custom Audience.
  • Your email list should contain at least 100 email addresses to maximize match rates. The more emails you have, the higher your match rate will be.
  • The email addresses must be properly formatted and valid. Facebook’s algorithm will check for formatting issues and invalid emails.

Having permission, matched Facebook accounts, 100+ emails, and properly formatted emails are key for successful Custom Audiences from email lists.

What are the benefits of using an email list for Facebook ads?

There are a few key benefits to using your email lists for Facebook ads:

  • Laser targeted ads: You can reach your existing customers, leads, and website visitors who are already familiar with your brand.
  • Improved relevance: People are more likely to engage with ads from brands they already know vs. random cold traffic.
  • Better ROI: Targeting existing contacts tends to have higher ROI than spending on untargeted mass reach.
  • Unlock more data: You can gain access to more insights on your contacts when they become a Custom Audience.

In summary, you get more relevant ads and better performance from targeting your own contacts vs. cold audiences.

What are some best practices for using email lists for Facebook ads?

Here are some top tips for success when using your email lists for Facebook ads:

  • Ask for consent before uploading emails for advertising. Make sure contacts agree to receive marketing messages.
  • Only include emails you’ve collected directly, not bought or rented lists.
  • Match your ad content to your email list segments. Send relevant messages.
  • Test different ad formats like video and carousel with your email lists.
  • Monitor performance over time and exclude low converters.
  • Combine email lists with other targeting like interests and behaviors.
  • Make sure your landing pages are optimized for conversions from your email lists.

Following best practices for permission, relevancy, optimization, and monitoring will drive better performance.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to using an email list for Facebook ads:

1. Prepare your email list

Start by compiling your email list into a .csv file to upload. Make sure the file only contains one column labeled “Email” with one email per row. Double check permissions and formatting before uploading. Ideally your list should have 100+ matched emails.

2. Create a Custom Audience

In Facebook Ads Manager, go to “Assets” and select “Custom Audiences.” Click “+ Create Custom Audience” and choose “Customer File.” Upload your .csv and select the email column. Facebook will hash the emails and try to match them to Facebook user profiles.

3. Check your audience size

It can take up to 24 hours for Facebook to match your email list. Check back on the size of your audience. A 60-70% match rate from an opt-in email list is considered decent. If the match rate is low, you may need to clean your list and remove invalid emails.

4. Create ads targeted to your Custom Audience

When creating Facebook ads, select your newly created Custom Audience under detailed targeting. This will make sure your ad is only shown to people on your email list who are on Facebook.

5. Analyze performance and optimize

Track metrics like CTR, conversions, and ROI for your Custom Audience ads. See which email segments perform best. Make changes to underperforming ads and exclude poor converters from your audience.

What to Avoid

There are also a few things to avoid when using email lists for Facebook ads:

  • Don’t upload purchased, rented, or illegally obtained email lists. This violates Facebook policies.
  • Avoid outdated, unengaged email lists with low match rates.
  • Don’t send overly promotional ads with no context. Focus on value.
  • Don’t just create one ad and set it and forget it. Continuously optimize.
  • Avoid sending the same ad to all email segments. Tailor messaging.
  • Don’t assume Facebook targeting alone is enough. Funnel recipients to a strategic landing page.

Avoid anything unethical, irrelevant, overly salesy, or untargeted. Follow Facebook policies and best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about using email lists for Facebook ads:

Can I upload an email list to Facebook directly?

No, you cannot upload full email lists directly to Facebook. You first need to create a .csv file with just one column for emails. Facebook will then hash these into a Custom Audience without storing the full emails.

Do all the emails need to match to Facebook profiles?

No, it’s normal to have only a 60-70% match rate. The remainder likely belongs to people without Facebook accounts or with invalid emails. A partial match rate is still useful.

What if my list is below 100 emails?

Lists under 100 emails are less than ideal. Consider growing your list further through opt-ins before creating a Custom Audience. Alternatively, combine multiple small lists into one audience.

Can I create lookalike audiences from email lists?

Yes, once you create a Custom Audience from your email list, you can then create a 1% or 2% lookalike audience to target new potential customers with similar attributes.

Is it ok to use an email list from a past business?

Only if you have explicit permission to continue marketing to the list under your new business. Otherwise, it’s best to start fresh with a new opted-in list.


In summary, email lists can be a valuable asset for Facebook ads targeting if used properly. Be sure to follow Facebook policies, optimize your lists, send relevant messaging, analyze performance, and continuously improve your campaigns. With careful execution, email lists can provide a boost to Facebook ad ROI by laser focusing on qualified prospects who already know your brand.