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Can I unlink my personal Facebook from my business page?

Can I unlink my personal Facebook from my business page?

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to unlink your personal Facebook profile from a Facebook business page you administer. When you create a Facebook business page, your personal profile automatically becomes an admin of that page. However, you can remove your personal profile as an admin while still keeping the business page active. There are a few steps involved in unlinking your personal profile:

  • Add another Facebook user as an admin on the business page
  • Remove yourself as an admin on the business page
  • Confirm you want to remove yourself as an admin

Once you are no longer an admin, you will be unable to access or post from the business page through your personal profile. The page will continue running with the other admins you assigned.

Should You Unlink Your Personal Facebook from a Business Page?

There are a few reasons why you may want to consider unlinking your personal Facebook profile from a business page you manage:

  • Keep personal and professional identities separate – Your personal profile likely contains personal information, photos, interests etc. that you may not want associated with your professional business persona.
  • Avoid confusing followers – Friends and family may find it strange to see business content mixed in with your personal timeline posts.
  • Maintain privacy – Unlinking can help protect your personal information and account security if the business page were to ever become compromised.

However, there are also a few potential downsides to consider:

  • Loss of administrative access – You will no longer be able to access or post from the page through your personal account once unlinked.
  • Reliance on others to admin page – You will need to fully trust whoever you assign as an admin going forward.
  • Difficulty re-linking later – Linking a personal profile again requires admin access, so you’ll need cooperation from assigned admins.

Overall, unlinking your personal profile makes the most sense if you want clear separation between your personal and professional presence on Facebook. Just be sure you fully trust the other admins you assign.

Step-by-Step Guide to Unlinking

Unlinking your personal Facebook profile from a business page you manage can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Add a new admin to your business page – This gives the page another administrator so it remains active after you unlink. To add an admin:
    • Go to your business page and click “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
    • Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar.
    • Enter the name or profile link for the user you want to make an admin and select “Add”
  2. Remove yourself as a page admin – This cuts off admin access from your personal profile. To remove yourself:
    • From the Page Roles settings, click on your name under the Admins section.
    • Select “Remove” next to your name.
  3. Confirm removing yourself as an admin. Facebook will ask you to confirm this action one more time. Select “Remove” to finalize unlinking your personal profile.

And that’s it! Those three steps will break the connection between your personal profile and the ability to administer the business page.

What Happens When You Unlink Your Personal Facebook

Here are some key things to expect once you complete the unlinking process:

  • You will no longer see posts from the business page in your personal timeline or receive notifications.
  • You will be unable to access the page unless one of the assigned admins adds your personal profile again in the future.
  • The business page remains fully active and can still be accessed/posted from by its other admins.
  • Your name remains visible on past posts you made, but shows as “Facebook User” for new posts.
  • The page can still be converted back to a personal profile if desired.

In summary, unlinking revokes your admin privileges as if you never had them in the first place. But it does not delete or disable the page at all.

Pros and Cons of Unlinking Your Personal Facebook

Pros Cons
Separate personal and professional identities Lose administrative access to business page
Avoid confusing your personal friends/followers Must fully trust other assigned admins
Protect personal account privacy and security Difficult to re-link personal profile later

Key Pros

Some of the main advantages to unlinking your personal Facebook include:

  • Separation of identities – Keep your personal life and interests completely separate from your professional business presence.
  • Less confusing for audiences – Friends don’t wonder why random business content appears in your timeline.
  • Enhanced privacy – Personal info remains private in case the business page is ever compromised.

Key Cons

Potential drawbacks to evaluate include:

  • Loss of admin access – You can no longer access or post from the page through your personal account.
  • Dependency on others – You must fully trust whoever you assign as page admins going forward.
  • Difficulty re-linking – You’ll need new admins to cooperate to add your personal profile again.

Best Practices When Unlinking Your Facebook

If you decide to unlink your personal Facebook profile from a business page, following some best practices can help ensure a smooth transition:

  • Document all critical login information – Note page usernames/passwords so you retain access if needed.
  • Carefully select new admins – Add 1-2 co-admins you fully know and trust to manage the page.
  • Review page roles – Make sure assigned admins have proper roles and permissions.
  • Communicate with new admins – Let them know you are unlinking and discuss plans for managing the page.
  • Provide training if needed – Show new admins best practices for posting, responding to customers etc.
  • Reassign ad accounts if applicable – Facebook ad accounts may need reassigned to a new admin.

Taking those steps helps set up the business page for smooth continued success.

Can You Retrieve a Business Page After Unlinking?

It is possible to regain access to a business page you previously unlinked from your personal Facebook profile, but doing so requires getting the new admins to cooperate.

Here are the steps involved:

  1. Contact a current admin of the business page and ask them to add you as an admin again. They can do this the same way you originally added them.
  2. If they approve adding you, you’ll receive a notification prompting you to accept the admin role. Accepting re-links your personal profile.
  3. You can now access and post from the page through your personal profile again.

However, there is no way for you to directly add yourself as an admin again without permission from current admins. Unlinking intentionally removes your access, so regaining it requires getting that access granted back to you.

If your page was converted back to a personal profile after unlinking, you can directly convert it back to a business page from your own account without needing admin access.


Unlinking your personal Facebook profile from a business page you manage cuts off your administrative access, but can benefit privacy and separating your personal and professional presences. Carefully appointing trusted co-admins ensures the page continues running smoothly. While you can’t directly re-link yourself later, cooperative admins can grant you access again if desired. Overall, unlinking provides more control over separating your personal and business identities on Facebook.