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Can I unlike someone on Facebook Dating?

Can I unlike someone on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new feature on Facebook that allows users to connect with potential romantic matches. It operates separately from your main Facebook profile and friends list. With Facebook Dating, you can like or unlike other users to indicate interest or disinterest in connecting with them.

How does liking/unliking work on Facebook Dating?

When you first set up your Facebook Dating profile, you will be presented with suggested matches based on your preferences, interests, and other factors. You can scroll through these potential matches and like any profiles that catch your eye.

If someone you’ve liked likes you back, it’s a match and you can start messaging each other through Facebook Dating. If you unlike someone, they will be removed from your pool of potential matches and you will no longer show up in their suggestions either.

Unliking simply reverses your previous like action. It’s a quick and easy way to indicate you are no longer interested in that person without having to block or report them.

Here are the steps to unlike someone on Facebook Dating:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the heart icon in the shortcut bar to access Facebook Dating.
  2. In the Likes You section, you will see a list of users who have liked your profile. Tap on the profile of the person you want to unlike.
  3. This will bring up their full profile. Tap on the star icon underneath their name and picture.
  4. A pop-up will appear asking “Unlike [name]?” – tap Unlike to confirm.

And that’s it! The person will be removed from your list of admirers and you will no longer appear as a match for them either. There’s no notification sent to the user when you unlike them.

Why would you want to unlike someone on Facebook Dating?

There are a few reasons you may decide to unlike a potential match on Facebook Dating:

  • You changed your mind and are no longer interested.
  • You realized something in their profile is a dealbreaker for you.
  • You matched with someone else you’re more interested in pursuing.
  • You started dating someone exclusively.
  • Their behavior made you uncomfortable or raised red flags.
  • You want to clean up your list of admirers.

Essentially, unliking is a way to politely decline interaction with another user. It’s less drastic than blocking them completely but makes it clear you are not interested in connecting further.

What happens when you unlike someone?

Here’s what happens when you use the unlike feature:

  • They are immediately removed from your Likes You list.
  • You disappear from their list of potential matches.
  • Any previous messages between you through Facebook Dating are deleted.
  • Neither person is notified of the unlike.
  • You won’t see each other suggested as potential matches in the future.

Unliking is reversible if you change your mind – you can simply like that person again and show up as a potential match once more. But otherwise, unliking provides a clean break between you and another user.

Can someone tell if you’ve unliked them?

No, there is no notification sent when you unlike someone on Facebook Dating. One moment they will see you in their admirers list, and the next you will simply be gone.

Some signs that you may have unliked someone include:

  • Disappearing from their list of admirers.
  • The chat history between you suddenly vanishing.
  • Their profile no longer says “Liked each other” if you had matched before.

But there is no definitive way for them to know for sure you unliked them. All they will see is that you mysteriously disappeared from their match list.

Can you re-like someone after unliking them?

Yes, you can re-like someone after unliking them on Facebook Dating. To do so:

  1. Go to their dating profile again.
  2. Tap the star icon below their name.
  3. When prompted to like the user again, tap Like.

This will add them back to your Likes You list so they can see you are interested again. If they had previously liked you back, your match will be restored.

Are there limits on how many people you can like or unlike?

Facebook has not publicly shared if there are any limits in place for how many people you can like or unlike on Facebook Dating. However, in practice unliking people does not seem to be restricted in any way.

Some users have reported being able to unlike hundreds of matches in a short time period without issue. Overall, it appears you have unlimited unlikes available.

The main restriction is on likes – you can only like a certain amount of new profiles each day. This limit helps improve match quality and prevent spam-like behavior.

Can you unlike someone accidentally?

It’s unlikely you would unlike someone by complete accident, but it’s possible to do so unintentionally in the following cases:

  • Tapping unlike thinking it was a different feature.
  • Swiping profiles too fast and unintentionally unliking.
  • Hitting unlike while trying to view their full profile.
  • Allowing a friend to browse your matches and they unlike someone.

Thankfully, there are some precautions in place if you do accidentally unlike someone:

  • A confirmation pop-up asks “Unlike [name]?” first.
  • You can simply re-like them again if it was a mistake.
  • There is no notification, so they may not even notice.

Overall the unlike feature does not have huge consequences if used unintentionally. But it’s still smart to be careful when swiping through matches.

Pro tips for using the unlike feature

Here are some pro tips for effectively using the unlike feature on Facebook Dating:

  • Don’t go on mass unliking sprees – be selective.
  • Remember you can change your mind and re-like someone later.
  • Use unliking to politely decline low quality matches.
  • Don’t unlike someone just because they didn’t like you back right away.
  • Consider unliking people who are inappropriate or make you uncomfortable.
  • Clean up your Likes You list occasionally by unliking inactive matches.

Following these tips will lead to a better dating experience overall!

The risks of unliking everyone or too many people

Although there is no limit on how many people you can unlike, doing so excessively can have some risks:

  • You may miss out on potential matches who you would be interested in.
  • Continuously unliking people can look like spam behavior to Facebook.
  • You may unintentionally unlike someone you wanted to keep matched with.
  • Unliking everyone defeats the purpose of using Facebook Dating.
  • Facebook may limit your account or ability to like new profiles if unmatched too aggressively.

The most serious risk is that Facebook could penalize your account for suspicious activity if you unlike an extreme number of matches in a short period. Moderately unliking low-quality matches likely won’t cause issues.

In summary:

  • Unliking someone on Facebook Dating removes them as a potential match and mutually declines further interaction.
  • The process is straightforward – simply tap unlike on their profile.
  • No notification is sent when you unlike someone.
  • You can re-like them in the future if you change your mind.
  • Excessively unliking many users in a row could appear suspicious to Facebook.
  • Use the unlike feature politely and selectively for best results.

We hope this guide gave you a better understanding of how to use unliking on Facebook Dating effectively and appropriately. Happy connecting!