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Can I unfriend all my Facebook friends at once?

Can I unfriend all my Facebook friends at once?

Quick Answer

No, there is no direct way to unfriend all of your Facebook friends at one time. Facebook does not provide a “Select All” or “Unfriend All” option. The only way to remove all friends is to go through your friends list and unfriend people individually.


Facebook was designed to connect people, so they do not make it easy to disconnect from your entire network all at once. However, here are some methods you can use to unfriend people in bulk:

Unfriend Non-Contacts

One easy way to remove a lot of friends quickly is to unfriend people who are not your actual contacts. Go to your friends list and look for people you don’t actually know in real life. You can unfriend these acquaintances in batches since they likely won’t notice anyway.

Use the “Limit Past Posts” Tool

The “Limit Past Posts” tool allows you to temporarily hide posts from certain friends without unfriending them. Go to their profile, click the three dots icon next to “Friends” and select “Limit Past Posts.” You can do this for all the people you want to remove from your feed. While not exactly unfriending them, this essentially accomplishes the same result.

Unlike Pages to See Fewer Posts

Many of the irrelevant posts you see may be from Pages rather than friends. Go through your page likes and unlike the ones that clutter your feed. This will automatically reduce the number of unnecessary posts.

Take a Facebook Break

If you don’t want to lose touch with your real friends but need a break from the network, consider deactivating your account for a while. This removes your profile and posts while preserving your friends list. When you reactivate, you can come back fresh and do some pruning then.

Do a Friends List Audit

Download your Facebook data, which contains your full friends list. Look through the list and decide who you’d like to remove. Unfriend those people in batches over time. Doing a periodic audit ensures you only keep active friendships on Facebook.

Create a Restricted Friends List

Make a custom friends list containing only your closest contacts. Then when you post, use the audience selector to only share with that smaller group. This lets you keep friends without cluttering feeds or losing privacy.

Method Pros Cons
Unfriend Non-Contacts – Quickly reduces friend count
– People you don’t know won’t notice
– Need to manually unfriend each person
Limit Past Posts – Easy way to remove posts without unfriending – Doesn’t reduce friend count
– Need to do for each person
Unlike Pages – Quickly reduces irrelevant posts – Only affects pages, not friends
Take a Facebook Break – Preserves friends list
– Lets you reset feed
– Need to fully deactivate account
Do a Friends Audit – Lets you evaluate all connections – Time consuming to unfriend in batches
Restricted Friends List – Lets you keep friends
– Gives more control of feed
– Extra work to maintain lists

When You Might Want to Unfriend in Bulk

Here are some situations where unfriending many Facebook friends at once could make sense:

After a Major Life Event

Life events like marriage, divorce, major move, career change, etc. are prime times to do a Facebook reset. Ties change, and it’s healthy to reevaluate your online connections.

To Avoid Exes or Toxic Contacts

Want to make a clean break from a bad relationship? Unfriend and block to avoid constant reminders and give yourself space to heal.

When Preparing for a Job Search

Future employers may look at your Facebook profile. Pruning your friends list to remove unprofessional connections or content can be wise.

To Limit Overwhelming Updates

Feel stressed out from endless baby photos or political rants? Unfollowing a few prolific over-sharers can make Facebook fun again.

Before a Social Media Break

Removing friends preemptively lets you take a refreshing break without coming back to a ton of notifications and clutter.

To Protect Privacy

Concerned about data privacy? Periodically removing friends you don’t interact with reduces the info accessed about you.

To Avoid Spreading Misinformation

If you have friends sharing harmful fake news and cannot convince them to stop, removing them can limit its spread.

To Reduce Social Pressure

Do you feel jealous or anxious about friends’ life updates? Distancing yourself from their posts can remove this pressure.

Things to Consider Before Unfriending People

Before you begin unfriending in bulk, keep these considerations in mind:

People Will Probably Notice

Unless you only unfriend acquaintances, most people will likely realize they’ve been unfriended when they can no longer see your updates. Be prepared for questions.

You’ll Lose Touch With Some Contacts

Without the passive updates Facebook provides, you’ll grow more distant from casual friends and extended family. Decide if you’re comfortable with that.

It Can Be Socially Awkward

Having to explain why you unfriended someone can be uncomfortable. Spend the effort to unfriend with tact when necessary.

You Can’t Re-friend Easily

If you change your mind, you’ll have to send a new friend request and have them accept it to reconnect. The process is not seamless.

Consider Alternatives

Before cutting people off completely, think about muting them, unfollowing, placing them on a Restricted list, or taking a temporary break from the site.

Your Experience May Feel Limited

A very small friends list can make Facebook feel inactive, especially if you previously had hundreds of connections. Keep enough friends to stay engaged.

How to Unfriend with Tact

When unfriending individual people you have real relationships with, do it tactfully:

Talk to Them First

Have an honest conversation explaining your reasons for wanting to unfriend before you do it. Give them a chance to discuss it.

Send a Courtesy Message

Write them a kind private message politely informing them you’ll be unfriending and wishing them well. This avoids surprises.

Make Your Updates More Private

Restrict them from seeing your future posts before unfriending so they don’t notice the change. Then quietly remove them.

Blame Your Job or School

If necessary, tell a white lie that your workplace or school is making you prune friends for professional reasons.

Unfollow First

Before fully unfriending, try unfollowing their updates for a few weeks. If they don’t notice a change in interaction with you, it may be fine to then unfriend.

Explain It’s Not Personal

Assure them it’s just an overdue friend list cleanup, not a personal slight against them. Some people get offended easily.

What Happens When You Unfriend Someone

Here is how unfriending works on Facebook:

– They are immediately removed from your friends list.

– They can no longer see your posts, photos, or any content you share with friends.

– Any posts of yours they had commented on or were tagged in disappear from their view.

– You no longer show up in their chat contacts list.

– Neither of you will appear asSuggested Friends to each other.

– If you are in common Facebook groups, you will both remain members.

– Pages you both like will not be affected.

– Unfriending does not block someone completely, as they can still view your public profile info.

So in essence, unfriending removes access you gave as online friends. But it does not delete your history of interactions or prevent all forms of contact.

Should You Tell People You Unfriended Them?

There are pros and cons to notifying people that you removed them as a Facebook friend:

Reasons to Tell Them

– It’s the transparent, upfront thing to do.

– Prevents confusion if they notice your absence from their feed.

– Gives closure if ending a friendship.

Reasons Not to Tell

– More discreet and avoids awkwardness.

– They may not even notice if you weren’t very active.

– Allows for a clean break from toxic people.

– Prevents the issue if you just needed temporary space.

Overall, it’s often wise to say something to close friends and family you unfriend. But you likely don’t need to alert acquaintances. Use your best judgment based on each specific relationship.


While Facebook doesn’t allow you to remove all friends instantly with one click, you do have options to purge your friends list in batches. Go through and unfriend the contacts you have grown apart from or no longer wish to connect with online. This can refresh your Facebook experience and help you focus on the relationships you genuinely value.

However, take care to unfriend tactfully whenever possible, as abruptly cutting off real friends and family can cause hurt feelings. Periodically evaluating who you want in your social media inner circle is healthy, but handle it sensitively. With an intentional, thoughtful approach, you can maintain the Facebook friend community that brings you joy.