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Can I turn off Marketplace on Facebook?

Can I turn off Marketplace on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to turn off or disable Marketplace on Facebook. Marketplace is the section of Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items directly through the platform. While Marketplace can be useful, some users may find it distracting or simply have no need for it. Fortunately, Facebook provides relatively simple options to disable Marketplace.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Marketplace?

There are a few main reasons why someone might want to turn off or disable Marketplace on their Facebook account:

  • You find Marketplace distracting – The constant stream of listings and recommendations can be distracting from your main use of Facebook to connect with friends and family.
  • You don’t use Marketplace – If you have no need or interest in buying or selling items on Facebook, the Marketplace section just takes up unnecessary space.
  • Too many notifications – Listing items and getting recommendations can lead to a lot of notifications that you may want to avoid.
  • Privacy concerns – Facebook Marketplace requires you to share some personal information, which raises privacy issues for some users.

In general, if Marketplace is cluttering up your Facebook experience, turning it off can help streamline your account and focus on the aspects of Facebook you do use. The process is relatively quick and easy.

How to Turn Off Marketplace on Desktop

If you primarily access Facebook on a desktop computer, here are the steps to turn off or disable Marketplace:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of any Facebook page. In the drop-down menu click “Settings”.
  2. On the left side of the Settings page click “Your Facebook Information”.
  3. Under the “Your Categories” section click “Categories used to personalize your experience”.
  4. Scroll down and uncheck the box next to “Buy and Sell”. This will disable the Marketplace experience.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click “Review a Few More Settings” to save your changes.

Once you have gone through these steps, the Marketplace section will no longer appear in your Facebook account on your desktop. You can still access and search Marketplace through the direct URL, but it will no longer show up as a main menu option.

How to Turn Off Marketplace on Mobile

The process is very similar if you mainly use Facebook on your mobile device:

  1. Tap the three line “hamburger” menu icon in the bottom right corner of the Facebook app.
  2. Tap “Settings & Privacy” and then tap “Settings”.
  3. Tap “Personal and Account Information” and then “Personalized Experience”.
  4. Scroll down and tap or uncheck the box next to “Buy and Sell”.
  5. Tap “Review A Few More Settings” at the bottom to save your changes.

This will prevent Marketplace from appearing in your mobile Facebook app. As on desktop, you can still access it through the direct URL if needed.

Other Ways to Reduce Marketplace Visibility

In addition to completely turning off Marketplace, there are a couple other options to reduce its prominence and visibility in your Facebook account:

  • Reduce notifications – Turn off notifications for Marketplace recommendations and activity. Do this by going to Settings & Privacy – Settings – Notifications.
  • Remove it from shortcuts – Delete Marketplace from your Facebook shortcuts bar. The shortcuts bar appears at the bottom of the Facebook app.

These steps can help minimize distractions from Marketplace without completely disabling the feature.

What Happens When You Disable Marketplace

When you disable or turn off Marketplace, here is what will happen:

  • The Marketplace menu option will disappear from both desktop and mobile.
  • Listings and recommendations will no longer appear in your feed.
  • You will stop getting notifications related to Marketplace activity.
  • Any existing listings you have made will remain live and active.
  • You can still access Marketplace using the direct URL or searching for it.
  • You can easily re-enable Marketplace in your settings if you change your mind.

So in summary, disabling Marketplace removes it from your regular Facebook experience. But it does not delete any existing listings you may have made.

Pros of Disabling Facebook Marketplace

Some of the key benefits of turning off or disabling Marketplace include:

  • Fewer distractions while using Facebook – No more random item recommendations or notifications.
  • More relevant feed content – Your feed will only contain updates from friends, groups, pages you follow rather than random sales listings.
  • Increased privacy – You share less transactional data and browsing information with Facebook.
  • Cleaner experience – Eliminates an aspect of Facebook you don’t use taking up interface space.

For many users who find Marketplace annoying or irrelevant, disabling it can make their daily Facebook experience significantly more positive. It helps keep your feed focused.

Cons of Disabling Marketplace

There are a few potential drawbacks to being aware of when disabling Marketplace:

  • Lose convenience of buying/selling through Facebook – You would need to use other platforms/methods if you want to transact.
  • Existing listings will still be active – Your current items for sale will remain visible, which can be confusing if you forget you listed them.
  • Harder to access offers – You would need to directly navigate to Marketplace URL rather than seeing promotions organically.
  • Can’t react to messages – You will stop getting notifications for inquiries on your listings.

The main downside is losing the convenience and reach of Marketplace if buying and selling on Facebook is important to you. But the impact is relatively minor if you weren’t using it much to begin with.

Can You Reactivate Marketplace After Disabling?

Yes, if you change your mind after disabling Marketplace, re-enabling it is very simple:

  1. Go back into your Facebook Settings.
  2. Navigate to the “Buy and Sell” personalization option.
  3. Check the box next to “Buy and Sell” to turn Marketplace back on.
  4. Click “Review a Few More Settings” to save the change.

Marketplace will then be visible and functional again throughout your Facebook account. Any existing listings you had will still be there. So don’t worry about permanently losing access if you decide to deactivate Marketplace for a period of time.


Facebook Marketplace can be a useful feature for some, but others may find it distracting or unnecessary for their purposes. Fortunately, Facebook provides simple settings to disable or turn off Marketplace for your account across both desktop and mobile.

The process involves going into your Facebook Settings, locating the “Buy and Sell” personalization option, and unchecking it. This removes Marketplace from appearing without deleting any existing listings you may have.

Disabling Marketplace can help streamline your Facebook experience and keep your feed focused. But it does come with a couple drawbacks such as losing some convenience if you rely on it for buying and selling. Overall, the ability to turn off Marketplace gives you more control over customizing your Facebook interface.