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Can I turn off ads on Facebook videos?

Can I turn off ads on Facebook videos?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2020. One of the ways Facebook makes money is by showing ads in between videos that users watch. However, some users find these video ads annoying and would prefer to turn them off. In this article, we’ll discuss the options available for turning off or limiting ads that play before, during, and after videos on Facebook.

Can You Completely Turn Off Video Ads on Facebook?

Unfortunately, there is no setting within Facebook itself that allows you to completely turn off video ads. Facebook relies heavily on advertising revenue, so they do not provide users with an option to eliminate ads.

However, there are some steps you can take to reduce the number of ads you see or limit when you see video ads:

Use Ad Blockers

One option is to use an ad blocking extension or software when accessing Facebook on a web browser. Popular ad blockers include:

– uBlock Origin
– AdBlock Plus
– AdGuard

These browser extensions will automatically block many ads from loading on Facebook, including video ads. Just keep in mind ad blockers typically won’t work if accessing Facebook via its mobile app.

Adjust Ad Settings

You can adjust your Facebook ad preferences to see fewer video ads. Here’s how:

1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”.

2. In the left column, click on “Ads”.

3. Under “Ad Settings”, click “Ad Topics”.

4. Turn off any topics you don’t want to see ads about, like “Video Entertainment”, by toggling them to off.

This will reduce the number of video ads targeting your interests, though it won’t eliminate them completely.

Avoid Video Sections

Another tactic is to avoid parts of Facebook where video ads are most prevalent. For example, ads are very common on the Watch tab or in between videos from pages you follow. Staying away from these areas can limit your video ad exposure.

So in summary, while you can’t completely remove video ads on Facebook, using the right tools and adjusting your behavior can significantly decrease how often you have to watch them.

Why Doesn’t Facebook Let You Disable Video Ads?

Facebook is a free platform that generates revenue primarily through advertising. Video ads specifically tend to be high value for brands because they capture user attention effectively.

Here are some key reasons why Facebook is unlikely to ever introduce an option to universally disable video ads:

Advertising Revenue

Video ads enable Facebook to generate billions in revenue annually. In Q3 2021 alone, Facebook ad revenue was over $28 billion. Allowing users to opt out of a major ad format would significantly hurt Facebook’s profits.

Ad Targeting

Video ads allow advertisers to reach specific user segments based on interests and demographics. Eliminating video ads would take away a powerful targeting tool for brands.

Promoting Video Content

Facebook wants users to engage with more video from creators, publishers and brands on their platform. Video ads support this goal by making video content more discoverable.

Competitive Advantage

Other social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok all feature video ads. Allowing users to turn off video ads would put Facebook at a disadvantage compared to competitors.

So in short, video ads are far too important to Facebook’s business model for the company to ever remove them as an option across the board. Of course, users still have some control like limiting interests that can be targeted and using ad blockers. But universally disabling video ads is not in Facebook’s interests.

What Types of Video Ads Does Facebook Show?

Facebook displays a variety of different video ad formats, giving advertisers multiple options to reach users. Some of the most common Facebook video ad types include:

In-Stream Video Ads

These are video ads that play right within your News Feed or video content. In-stream ads last up to 15 seconds and automatically play as you scroll through videos.

Stories Ads

Advertisers can now buy Stories ads that appear between user Stories. This full-screen vertical video format was originally introduced on Instagram.

Instant Experience Ads

These interactive mobile ads combine video trailers and other dynamic content to promote apps and games. Users can tap to view longer previews or install the app.

Video Carousels

Video carousels allow advertisers to showcase up to 10 images or video clips together in one ad unit. They can include calls-to-action to drive conversions.

Live Video

Facebook Live enables advertisers to broadcast real-time video and interact with viewers. Brands can sponsor live videos from influencers or promote their own.

360° Video

For a more immersive experience, 360° video ads let users explore content from all angles by dragging their cursor or device. These work with VR headsets too.

So in summary, Facebook offers lots of video ad options with different placements, formats and degrees of interactivity to engage users and promote brands.

Where Do Video Ads Appear on Facebook?

Now that we’ve looked at the various video ad types Facebook offers, let’s examine where you’re likely to encounter video ads as you use Facebook:

News Feed

The most common place Facebook shows video ads is within your News Feed. These in-stream video ads play automatically as you scroll through posts.

Facebook Watch

The Watch tab isfilled exclusively with video content, both user-generated and from publishers. Expect plenty of video ads here.

Facebook Stories

When viewing friends’ stories, video ads will appear between each person’s story you view.


Advertisers can promote listings and products in Marketplace through video ads. They appear above listings.


Ads may also show up within your Messenger inbox or in between Stories that friends share.

Right Column

The right column where suggested posts appear commonly features video ad units. They may play as you scroll by.

So while the News Feed tends to have most video ads, they can appear in some form nearly anywhere you navigate on Facebook.

How Often Do Video Ads Appear on Facebook?

The frequency with which you encounter video ads on Facebook will vary based on factors like:

– How actively you use Facebook
– What types of content you view
– How advertisers are targeting you

However, most Facebook users see multiple video ads each day.

According to Facebook, the platform serves over 8 billion video ads daily. For context, Facebook has around 2.8 billion daily active users.

So on average, users see approximately 3 video ads for every minute spent on Facebook.

The frequency can be even higher if you:

– Frequently watch Facebook videos
– Use Facebook for long sessions
– Have interests that align with many advertiser targets
– Have clicked or engaged with video ads previously

Conversely, you may see less than the daily average if:

– You rarely watch Facebook videos
– Your time on Facebook is brief
– You employ ad blocking measures

Facebook’s tremendous video ad reach and advanced targeting ensures most users will encounter them regularly as they use the platform.

How Can You Give Feedback on Video Ads?

While you cannot completely disable video ads on Facebook, you can provide feedback on any ads you find irrelevant, offensive or inappropriate. Here are two ways to give feedback:

Click the three dots icon

When a video ad appears, look for the three dots icon in the top right corner. Click this, then select “Hide Ad”:

You’ll be presented with options for why you are hiding the ad, such as “Irrelevant” or “Inappropriate”. Select the appropriate option.

Go to Ad Preferences

For feedback on multiple ads you’ve seen, go to your Ad Preferences:

1. Click the arrow in the top right and select “Settings”.

2. Under “Preferences”, choose “Ads”.

3. Select “Your Information”, then “Your ad preferences”.

4. Click “Ads you’ve interacted with”.

Here you can leave feedback on any ads Facebook has shown you and choose to hide specific ones. Leaving feedback helps improve the relevance of ads you see.

Providing this input tells Facebook which ads you don’t want to see, while still allowing them to show you video ads likely to be of interest. So if you see a problematic video ad, make sure to report it using the steps above.

Tips for Reducing Video Ads

While there’s no way to completely remove video ads from Facebook, the tips below can help minimize how often you have to watch them:

– Install an ad blocker like uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus when browsing Facebook on a computer.

– Adjust your ad topic preferences under Ad Settings to exclude irrelevant interests.

– Avoid sections like Watch, Stories and Marketplace where video ads are prevalent.

– Limit your time watching Facebook videos from pages and publishers.

– Scroll quickly past autoplaying in-stream video ads in your News Feed.

– Disable video autoplay in your Facebook settings so previews don’t play automatically.

– Access Facebook less frequently and for shorter sessions to reduce exposure.

– Hide or provide feedback on ads you don’t want to see again.

– Make your Facebook profile more private so advertisers have less data to target you.

Applying some of these tips can successfully minimize the number of interruptive and irrelevant video ads you experience on Facebook. Though eliminating them completely remains impossible for now.


Facebook relies heavily on video ads to generate revenue and likely will for the foreseeable future. There are no settings to universally turn off video ads on the platform.

However, users aren’t completely powerless. You can employ ad blockers, limit video viewing, provide feedback on ads and make other changes to reduce your video ad exposure. While not perfect solutions, these steps can help you avoid at least some annoying and inappropriate video ads.

So in summary:

– Facebook does not allow disabling video ads entirely
– Steps like ad blockers and privacy settings can reduce video ad frequency
– Providing feedback helps improve relevance of ads shown to you
– But you should expect video ads will remain part of the Facebook experience

Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of how to minimize video ads if you find them disruptive. And remember to report any truly offensive or inappropriate ads you may encounter as you use Facebook.