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Can I still view FB stories after 48 hours?

Can I still view FB stories after 48 hours?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. However, there are a few ways you may be able to view Facebook stories past the 24 hour expiration date:

Watching Stories Anonymously

If you watch someone’s story anonymously, without them being able to see that you viewed it, you can continue watching their stories even after 24 hours. This works because the story does not register as “seen” and so it does not expire for you. To view stories anonymously, either:

  • Go to the person’s profile and tap on their story from the profile (do not go to your main stories feed)
  • View the story using the web browser version of Facebook (their mobile app does not allow anonymous viewing)

As long as you view all of the person’s stories anonymously, you can continue to view them past the 24 hour mark. However, if they post a new story, you will not be able to view the old ones anymore.

Using the Facebook Archive

Facebook allows you to download an archive of your account information, including your posts, photos, videos, and messages. Stories that you have posted will be included in your Facebook archives.

To use the archive to save stories:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information in the Facebook app
  2. Click on “Download your Information” and select JSON as the format
  3. Once the archive is ready in a few days/hours, download it and look in the stories folder
  4. Your stories will be saved as MP4 files that you can now keep permanently

One thing to note is that this only works for stories YOU yourself have posted. You cannot download archives of other people’s stories that you have viewed.

Using Third Party Apps

There are some third party apps that claim to allow saving other people’s Facebook stories. Here are some examples:

  • Story Saver for Facebook – Android app that saves videos without the sender knowing
  • StorySavebox – Website that allows entering a profile link to download stories
  • Story Reposter – Saves videos to camera roll on iOS devices

However, be aware that these third party apps violate Facebook’s terms of service. Facebook does not allow downloading other user’s stories without their consent. So use these apps at your own risk.

Screen Recording

You can screen record stories as you view them to save them permanently. For example on iPhone you can:

  1. Open the story you want to save
  2. Swipe up from bottom of screen to open Control Center
  3. Tap the Screen Recording icon which looks like a circle inside a circle
  4. Record the story and stop when done
  5. The screen recording will be saved to your Photos app

Similar screen recording capabilities are available on Android devices as well. Just be aware that screen recording someone’s story without their consent may be unethical.


If someone you follow reposts another user’s story, that repost will disappear from your feed after 24 hours. However, you can then go re-watch the original story by visiting the profile of the original creator.

For example, if Bob reposts Alice’s story and you watch it, when Bob’s repost disappears you can go directly to Alice’s profile to watch the original again.

The only catch is that you had to have first seen the story as a repost in your main stories feed within the last 48 hours.

Using Airplane Mode to Pause Expiration

Here is one last sneaky trick to try – using Airplane Mode to pause the story expiration timer:

  1. Start watching the story you want to save
  2. As soon as it opens, quickly turn on Airplane Mode on your phone
  3. Let the story play through to the end with Airplane Mode on
  4. The idea is that the expiration timer will not start because Airplane Mode prevents connectivity
  5. Once you’ve viewed the full story turn Airplane Mode off
  6. You should now be able to re-watch the full story since the timer never started!

This airplane mode trick works best for stories with shorter expiration times, like Instagram’s 24 hour limit. It may or may not work for longer ones like Facebook’s 48 hours.


In summary, here are some options to try viewing Facebook stories past 48 hours:

  • Watch anonymously
  • Download your personal archive
  • Use third party apps (at your own risk)
  • Screen record as you view
  • Find reposts
  • Use Airplane Mode to pause timer

But besides these tricks, Facebook does intend stories to be temporary, ephemeral content. So don’t expect to be able to view really old stories forever. The 48 hour limit is longer than most other platforms, but still fairly short in the grand scheme.

If you want to save stories permanently, downloading your own archive is probably the safest and most ethical option.

When Exactly Do Facebook Stories Expire?

To understand how to view expired stories, it helps to know exactly when the 48 hour time window ends. Here are some key points on Facebook story expiration timing:

  • Stories expire 48 hours after they are posted
  • The timer starts from the moment you tap the share button, not when viewers see it
  • You can see how long until expiration by the progress bar at the top
  • The deadline time is displayed in the bottom left corner
  • Stories will expire at 12 AM on the 48 hour mark (based on original poster’s timezone)

So if you post a story on Monday at 1 PM EST, it will expire on Wednesday at 1 AM EST. Viewers in other timezones will also lose access to the story then.

Keep this timing in mind when trying to view expired stories – if you can determine exactly when it was first posted, you’ll know if you are within the 48 hour window or not.

Do Expired Facebook Stories Get Deleted?

When a Facebook story expires after 48 hours, it is not completely deleted. The story is removed from public view, but still exists in Facebook’s systems.

Some key points on what happens to expired stories:

  • Stories no longer appear on your profile or feed
  • Other users can no longer view the expired story
  • The content still remains on Facebook’s servers
  • You can retrieve expired stories from a Facebook archive

So expired stories are essentially hidden, not deleted. The content becomes inaccessible to others, but can still be retrieved by you if you download your information.

Facebook likely keeps expired stories on record in order to:

  • Allow you to download your personal archive
  • Improve recommendations based on your past shares
  • Train AI systems on content patterns

But for all practical purposes, an expired story might as well be deleted as far as other viewers are concerned. Unless you re-share it as a new story, others have no way to see it.

Why Do Facebook Stories Expire?

Facebook stories expire after 48 hours for a few key reasons:

  • Encourage More Sharing: The temporary nature leads users to share more casual, everyday moments.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Viewers feel compelled to check stories right away before they disappear.
  • Align with Temporary Nature: Ephemeral content aligns with how users naturally communicate throughout the day.
  • Protect Privacy: Automatically deleting stories limits unwanted content circulating forever.

The short expiration puts stories in between permanent posts and ephemeral messages. This middle ground time span makes stories a unique way to share everyday moments more candidly while still giving viewers a couple days to see it.

Facebook product manager Tom Alison explained it as giving “people more options to share visually on Facebook…to capture the moments of your day — not just the best moments.”

The temporary quality aims to capture authentic, fleeting moments — the funny, mundane, or spontaneous things that fill your daily life. Things you want to share in the moment without worrying about it living online forever.

Pros of Expiring Stories

Facebook stories disappearing after 48 hours has some benefits:

  • More Authentic Sharing: People share more true-to-life moments without overthinking.
  • Less Social Pressure: You don’t have to obsess over accumulation of permanent content.
  • Increased Engagement: Viewers feel compelled to check stories very regularly.
  • Improved Privacy: Content automatically disappears from public view.

The temporary format provides an alternative to the pressure and curation often associated with permanent social media posts. The ephemerality can lead to more authentic, unfiltered sharing.

At the same time, increased urgency also improves engagement. So the expire feature succeeds in Facebook’s business interests as well.

Cons of Expiring Stories

The 48 hour limit also comes with some drawbacks:

  • FOMO: You can miss stories if not checking consistently.
  • Difficult to Save: Stories you want to keep get deleted.
  • Temporary Context: Can lose collective meaning of related stories over time.
  • Planned Content: Overly polished stories defeat the authenticity aspect.

The constant need to monitor stories or miss out can become a compulsive habit. And unless you take active steps to save, content you care about still disappears.

Some also criticize that “story fatigue” sets in after the format’s novelty wears off. The more curated, glamorous side of stories then defeats the intended casualness.

Other Social Media Story Expiration Times

For comparison, here’s a quick look at when stories expire across different platforms:

Platform Story Expiration Time
Facebook 48 hours
Instagram 24 hours
WhatsApp 24 hours
Snapchat 24 hours
Twitter Fleets 24 hours

You can see stories on most platforms stick to the 24 hour format. Facebook is the exception in giving a longer 48 hour window.

But all aim to keep content temporary and mimic the spontaneity of visual communication.

Why Facebook Increased Story Expiration to 48 Hours

When Facebook first launched stories in 2017 they disappeared after 24 hours, just like on Instagram and Snapchat.

But in 2019 Facebook expanded the limit to 48 hours. Some key reasons behind this increase include:

  • Allow more time for more views
  • Let stories last across a full weekend
  • Decrease pressure to view stories immediately
  • Standard 24 hours was too short for Facebook’s scope

Facebook product manager Tom Alison explained that “We saw people winding down their day by sharing photos and videos of their day to Stories.” But the 24 hour cutoff “wasn’t long enough to allow community members to respond.”

The extra 24 hours aims to strike a better balance for Facebook’s many diverse users. It provides more flexibility while still maintaining the ephemeral nature that makes stories unique.

Pros of 48 Hours vs. 24 Hours

Some benefits of the longer 48 hour format include:

  • Allow more people time to view stories
  • Let stories last across a full weekend
  • Reduce urgency to check stories immediately
  • Enable more conversation and reactions to stories

The extra day takes some pressure off needing to watch stories right away. If you miss a newly posted story, you still have another full day to catch it.

Facebook product manager Connor Hayes said “we saw people wanted more time to interact with their friends’ stories.” 48 hours enables more back and forth conversation related to stories people post.

Cons of 48 Hours vs. 24 Hours

However, some downsides to the longer format include:

  • Loses urgency and temporary feeling
  • More content builds up to sort through
  • Harder to remember context with longer gap
  • Feels less spontaneous and intimate

With 24 hours, stories clearly reflect fleeting moments. 48 hours dilutes this effect – content starts feeling less temporary.

It also becomes harder to recall the exact context of a story after a 2 day gap. The longer window disrupts the intimate, of-the-moment vibe that stories aim to create.


Although Facebook stories disappear after 48 hours, you have a few options to try viewing expired stories, such as:

  • Watching anonymously
  • Downloading your archive
  • Using third party apps
  • Screen recording stories
  • Finding reposts
  • Using Airplane Mode to pause the timer

But at the end of the day, the ephemeral nature of stories is intentional. While Facebook did extend the limit from 24 to 48 hours, the temporary quality remains central to the format’s identity.

Stories aim to enable candid sharing of spontaneous moments that reflect daily life. The automatic expiration keeps the focus on authenticity and immediate fun rather than accumulation of permanent content.

So while you can use tricks to rediscover expired stories, embrace the fleetingness as part of what makes this creative outlet special!