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Can I still convert my Facebook profile to a page?

Can I still convert my Facebook profile to a page?

Facebook launched the ability to convert personal profiles into pages back in 2009, allowing users to switch their accounts over to have access to more professional tools and features. However, in 2018 Facebook removed the option to convert profiles into pages, so profiles created after this can no longer be switched over.

Why did Facebook remove the profile-to-page conversion option?

There were a few key reasons why Facebook decided to remove the option to convert personal profiles into pages:

  • To separate personal and professional presences – Facebook wanted to create a clearer distinction between personal profiles and business/organization pages. Allowing profiles to convert to pages blurred the lines between these two types of accounts.
  • To simplify the experience – Having separate profiles and pages eliminates confusion for users about which tools and features they have access to. The experience is clearer when profiles and pages are completely distinct.
  • To encourage proper set-up from the start – By removing the conversion option, Facebook pushed users to think about whether they need a personal profile or a page for their professional/organization presence from the beginning.

Overall, the change helped streamline Facebook’s offering and create more of a one-to-one match between account type and purpose.

What are the differences between Facebook profiles and pages?

There are some key differences between Facebook personal profiles and pages:

Facebook Profiles Facebook Pages
Used for personal social networking Used for businesses, brands, organizations
5,000 friend limit Unlimited likes/followers
Can’t run ads Can run ads
Analytics limited to page likes and profile views Access to Facebook Insights for in-depth metrics
Basic privacy settings More advanced privacy, publishing and admin options

As you can see, pages have more professional features tailored to organizations and businesses, while profiles are focused entirely on personal social networking.

What happens if I still try to convert my profile?

If you try to convert a Facebook profile into a page now, you’ll see an error message explaining that this feature has been removed. Unfortunately there are no workarounds – the option is permanently disabled.

If your profile was already converted to a page before 2018, that page still exists. However, any new profiles created after the conversion option was removed cannot be switched over.

What should I do if I need a page but already have a personal profile?

If you already have a personal Facebook profile but now need a page for a business or organization, the best approach is to sign up for a separate page account:

  1. Go to and choose the category that best fits your needs.
  2. Provide the requested information about your business/organization.
  3. Use a different email address than your personal profile when creating the page.
  4. Avoid sending friend requests from your new page to your personal connections.
  5. Build up your page’s followers organically through promotions, ads, and great content.

Maintaining a clear separation between your personal profile and your organization’s page is important for an optimal experience on Facebook.

Can I merge my existing profile with a new page?

Since profiles and pages are completely separate entities, there is no way to merge your profile content or connections into a new page. Your new page will start fresh without any of your existing personal profile information.

Some key things to know:

  • Your profile friends and page followers remain separate – you have to build up followers from scratch on your new page.
  • You can’t import your profile photos or posts over to your page.
  • Any apps or integrations connected to your profile don’t carry over.
  • You’ll have distinct notification settings and admin roles for each account.

Facebook does not allow merging personal and organization accounts in any capacity. Setting up and managing each one separately is the only option.

Can I delete my old personal profile after creating a page?

There is no requirement to delete your personal profile after setting up a separate page account. Many people manage both a personal profile and a page account simultaneously.

However, if you don’t want to continue actively using your existing profile, you have a few options:

  • Deactivate the account – This temporarily hides your profile until you log back in.
  • Permanently delete the account – This completely removes your profile and its data.
  • Memorialize the account – This freezes the profile in remembrance after a user passes away.

Unless there are specific reasons you don’t want to maintain both accounts, most people find it useful to keep their personal profile active even if they primarily use their page for professional purposes.

What’s the best practice for separating personal and professional use?

Here are some best practices for keeping your Facebook personal and professional use separate:

  • Don’t send friend requests from your page to your personal connections.
  • Keep page posts focused on relevant industry topics, company news, etc.
  • Use your personal profile to share personal updates, photos, etc.
  • Customize each account’s privacy and notification settings accordingly.
  • Use distinct profile/cover images and biographical info for each account.
  • Don’t overlap friends/followers between the two accounts.
  • Log out and log in to the appropriate account for your needs.

Maintaining this separation helps ensure you have the right audience and features for your personal socializing versus your professional presence.


While Facebook no longer allows converting profiles into pages, creating and managing separate accounts is the best practice for personal and professional use. Take the time to set up an optimized page for your business or organization’s needs rather than trying to adapt your existing personal profile.

With over 5.6 billion daily users, Facebook remains a valuable platform for brands to reach customers. Having a properly configured page account ensures you can tap into Facebook’s tools to connect with your audience and achieve your business goals.