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Can I share my Facebook profile link?

Can I share my Facebook profile link?

Sharing your Facebook profile link allows others to view your public profile and content. However, there are some important considerations when sharing your profile link.

Is it safe to share my Facebook profile link?

In general, sharing your Facebook profile link is safe as long as your privacy settings are set appropriately. When you share your profile link, you are allowing access to all the information you have set to “Public” in your privacy settings.

To control what people see when you share your profile link, go to your Facebook Settings > Privacy and review each section. For example, you can set your posts, photos, friends list, and more to “Friends Only” or a custom group if you don’t want them fully public.

Keep your profile link private

If you want to exercise caution, there are a few options:

  • Don’t include your full name in your profile URL. Use a nickname instead.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit viewing of posts, photos, friends list, etc.
  • Consider not adding your workplace if you want to keep work and personal connections separate.
  • Be wary of sharing your profile link broadly online where you don’t know who may access it.

Make your profile fully public

If you are comfortable with anyone being able to see the information you post publicly, you can:

  • Use your full name in your profile URL
  • Set all your privacy settings to “Public”
  • Add as much information as you want visible to all
  • Share your profile link freely online and with anyone

Who can see my profile if I share the link?

When you share your Facebook profile link, it allows access based on your privacy settings:

  • Public information – Anyone will be able to see your public posts, photos, videos and other content.
  • Friends/Close friends – Only your friends or close friends will see content you have limited.
  • Custom groups – If you created a custom group like “Family”, “Acquaintances”, etc. they will see according to that.
  • Only Me – No one will see any content you have set to “Only Me”.

How to check your privacy settings

To view and adjust your privacy settings:

  1. Click the down arrow in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”.
  3. Click “Privacy Shortcuts”.
  4. Review each section like posts, friends, etc. Adjust any settings as desired.

Should I share my profile link on other websites?

It’s generally fine to share your Facebook profile link on other websites or forums as long as you are comfortable with strangers being able to see your public information.

When sharing publicly is okay

  • Professional networking sites like LinkedIn.
  • Your personal website or blog.
  • Public directories or listings.
  • Any public forum or profile that requests social media links.

When to exercise caution

  • Dating or social connection sites like Tinder – Can open you up to being contacted by strangers.
  • Gaming profiles like Steam or Xbox Live – Keep gaming personas separate.
  • Sensitive discussion forums like parenting or health sites – Maintain privacy.

Should I include my profile link on my resume?

Including your Facebook profile link on your resume is generally not recommended for most professional roles. However, there are some cases where it may be appropriate if used strategically.

When to avoid including it

  • Applying for most corporate or professional roles – Keep personal and professional separate.
  • If you have any questionable content – Don’t risk exposing.
  • Applying to conservative or traditional companies.
  • If you don’t actively manage your profile content and privacy.

When it may be appropriate

  • Applying for social media, marketing, or creative roles – Demonstrates your personal brand.
  • If you carefully curate your profile to convey professionalism.
  • When applying at progressive or startup companies.
  • If specifically requested to share social media profiles.

Tips for including

  • Only share if your profile truly adds value and relevant insight.
  • Tailor privacy settings to only show professional content.
  • Remove any questionable photos, comments, etc.
  • Showcase personality but avoid controversial topics.

Should I include my Facebook profile link in professional emails?

It’s generally not recommended to include your personal Facebook profile link in professional work emails when communicating with colleagues, clients, or business contacts.

More appropriate options

  • Your LinkedIn profile link – Keeping the professional focus.
  • A link to your company bio or work portfolio.
  • A professional headshot or avatar image.
  • Simply your name and contact information.

Reasons to avoid

  • Unnecessary personal exposure to professional contacts.
  • Higher risk of inappropriate content being seen.
  • May seem unprofessional or out of place.
  • Clients may prefer more formal business information.


In some cases, it may be appropriate to share your Facebook link in certain business contexts:

  • Social media marketing roles.
  • Creative industries like design, photography, etc.
  • Startups or tech companies with a casual culture.
  • If specifically requested by the recipient.

Should I share my profile link on business cards?

It’s generally not recommended to put your personal Facebook profile link on professional business cards that will be shared widely. However, you may include it if there is a specific business purpose.

More appropriate options

  • Your LinkedIn URL.
  • A link to your company website.
  • An email address or phone number.
  • Links to other official business profiles.

Reasons to avoid

  • Mixes personal and professional identities unnecessarily.
  • Higher risk of inappropriate exposure if distributing widely.
  • May be irrelevant to the professional context.
  • Recipients may not want personal social media access.

When it may make sense

  • As a secondary link along with LinkedIn, company site, etc.
  • For creative professions to showcase work and style.
  • For social media-focused businesses.
  • If specifically requested by the recipient.

Should I include my Facebook link on social media profiles?

It’s perfectly fine and recommended to include a link to your Facebook profile from other social media profiles like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc. However, still keep privacy considerations in mind depending on the platform.

Platform considerations

  • Twitter – Adjust Twitter privacy settings. Keep Tweets public.
  • Instagram – Set account to public or private as desired.
  • LinkedIn – Only share if comfortable with professional exposure.
  • YouTube – Channel links are public, be mindful of content.
  • TikTok – Review privacy settings, many users have public profiles.

Tips for linking profiles

  • Cross-linking builds your brand and followers across networks.
  • Drive traffic between platforms.
  • Show your expertise and personality.
  • But still limit personal content sharing as needed.
  • Optimize and tailor profile content for each platform’s audience.

Should I share my profile link in messaging apps?

It’s very common to share your Facebook profile link in messaging apps when connecting with new contacts or friends. However, you may want to take some precautions.

With people you know

  • Fine to share with close friends and family.
  • Use caution when messaging casual acquaintances, they may not need full profile access.

With strangers

  • Avoid sharing your profile link in public forums or with strangers.
  • Get to know them first before providing private social access.
  • Watch for suspicious profiles who add you and ask for links.

Messaging app considerations

  • WhatsApp – Popular for personal contacts but still be selective.
  • Facebook Messenger – Use for sharing profile links but review stranger requests.
  • Snapchat – Links are commonly shared but avoid those unknown to you.
  • iMessage – Fine for contacts who already have your number.

Should I include my profile link in dating app profiles?

Sharing your Facebook profile link in your dating app profile allows matches to learn more about you. However, it also presents privacy risks. Use caution when including it.

Potential benefits

  • Shows you have nothing to hide and are serious about dating.
  • Matches can learn more about your interests and personality.
  • Gives matches an additional way to contact you if you disconnect on the app.

Risks and precautions

  • Enables strangers to access your personal information and content.
  • Stalkers or bad matches may harass you on Facebook.
  • Carefully review your privacy settings before linking profiles.
  • Use your discretion when messaging matches – Don’t blindly accept all requests.

Tips for sharing safely

  • Use a secondary Facebook profile just for dating links.
  • Limit personal info like workplace, location, family names, etc on the profile.
  • Adjust privacy settings to “Friends Only” for sensitive content.
  • Un-link after establishing contact on the dating app itself.

Should I share my profile link on social connection apps?

Sharing a link to your Facebook profile on networking or social connection apps like LinkedIn, Bumble BFF, Meetup, etc. can be beneficial but still merits some privacy considerations.

Potential benefits

  • Shows you have an established social media presence.
  • Allows connections to learn more about you.
  • Additional way to contact you outside the app.
  • Conveys openness if you carefully manage profile content.


  • Review profile content and settings – Remove anything too personal.
  • Be selective when accepting friend requests.
  • Un-link your profile after making connections.
  • Use your discretion when interacting outside the app.

Tips for sharing safely

  • Have a secondary Facebook profile just for linking.
  • Limit personal details – address, family info, etc.
  • Set privacy settings on sensitive content.
  • Remove after making connections or if requested.

Should I include my profile link on my live streaming profiles?

It’s fairly common and expected to share your Facebook profile link on live streaming profiles for platforms like Twitch, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, etc. However, still limit personal information to protect your privacy.

Potential benefits

  • Cross-promote your streams and build a fanbase.
  • Allow fans to connect with you and learn more about your interests.
  • Share streams and gaming content through Facebook.
  • Fans can contact and support you directly.

Precautions to take

  • Avoid sharing personal address, family details, etc.
  • Review profile content and remove anything too risque.
  • Enable 2FA and be cautious of security risks.
  • Set privacy settings appropriately on sensitive info.

Tips for sharing safely

  • Have a separate gaming/streaming Facebook profile.
  • Don’t use full real name, location, etc.
  • Set filters to control tagging abilities and limiting message requests.
  • Remove link if issues arise like harassment or unwanted contact.


Sharing your Facebook profile link can be beneficial in many cases, but you should always be mindful of privacy, security, and your personal preferences. Review your profile content and privacy settings first. Be selective when publicly posting or privately messaging your link to establish contact safely. With the proper precautions, sharing your Facebook profile can allow you to build connections and reach a wider audience.