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Can I share a Facebook live video to YouTube?

Can I share a Facebook live video to YouTube?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their Facebook followers. It has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to share real-time video content. YouTube, on the other hand, is the largest video hosting platform where people can upload pre-recorded videos.

A common question that arises is whether it’s possible to share a Facebook Live video to YouTube after the broadcast ends. The short answer is yes, you can download your Facebook Live videos and reupload them to YouTube. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when doing this.

Steps to Download a Facebook Live Video

To share your Facebook Live video on YouTube, you first need to download the video file from Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click on the “Videos” tab in the left menu.
  2. Find the Facebook Live video you want to download and click on the three dots next to it.
  3. Select “Download Video” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the video quality you want to download – SD, HD, or MP4.
  5. The video file will start downloading to your computer. The default file format is MP4.

Once the Facebook Live video is downloaded to your computer, you can then upload it to YouTube.

Uploading the Video to YouTube

To upload your Facebook Live video to YouTube:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio and click on “Upload Video.”
  2. Select the Facebook Live video file from your computer that you want to upload.
  3. Fill out the video title, description, tags, thumbnail, and any other required info.
  4. Set the visibility settings – public, unlisted, or private.
  5. Click “Upload.”

The video will start processing and will be live on YouTube once it is 100% processed. The time it takes to process depends on the length and quality of the video.

Considerations When Uploading to YouTube

Here are some important things to note when sharing Facebook Live videos on YouTube:

  • YouTube has a copyright detection system. If your Facebook Live contains copyrighted music or content, it may get flagged or blocked on YouTube.
  • The maximum video length for YouTube is 12 hours. Facebook has no limits on Live video lengths.
  • YouTube allows uploads in resolutions up to 8K. Facebook Live maxes out at 720p HD quality.
  • YouTube offers more video customization options like subtitles, chapters, cards, etc.
  • YouTube videos can be edited after uploading. Facebook Live videos cannot be edited once broadcast.

So if you want to reuse your Facebook Live videos on other platforms, just remember to keep them free of copyright materials. Also, the video quality may be lower than a video recorded specifically for YouTube.

Pros of Sharing to YouTube

Here are some benefits of reusing Facebook Live videos on YouTube:

  • Increased reach: You can reach a new audience beyond just your Facebook followers.
  • Drives traffic: YouTube has over 2 billion monthly users, so you can potentially drive more traffic to your website and social channels.
  • Access to YouTube analytics: You can use YouTube’s robust analytics to see traffic sources, demographics, watch time, etc.
  • Higher quality uploads: YouTube accepts HD uploads for a better viewing experience.
  • Revenue generation: YouTube videos can be monetized to earn ad revenue.

Uploading your Facebook Live videos to YouTube is an easy way to repurpose content and maximize your reach across multiple platforms.

Cons of Sharing to YouTube

However, there are also some downsides:

  • No real-time engagement: The main benefit of Facebook Live is real-time interaction. This is lost when uploading a recorded video to YouTube.
  • Additional work: Editing and optimizing videos for YouTube takes extra effort.
  • Cannibalized viewership: Some viewers may watch the video on YouTube instead of Facebook, cutting into your Facebook engagement metrics.
  • Copyright risks: YouTube’s strict copyright bots may detect copyrighted material in your video.
  • Negative comments: YouTube comments can sometimes become a place for negativity and trolling.

The cons need to be weighed against the pros to determine if sharing to YouTube makes sense based on your goals and target audience.


Yes, you can download your Facebook Live videos and reupload them to YouTube if you want to share the content with a wider audience. The process is relatively straightforward – download from Facebook, upload and optimize for YouTube.

The main advantages are being able to tap into YouTube’s massive user base and gain access to its powerful analytics. The disadvantages include potential loss of real-time engagement and additional effort needed to customize videos.

Overall, reusing Facebook Live videos on YouTube can be a smart distribution strategy for maximizing your reach. Just be mindful of the differences between the platforms and ensure the content aligns with YouTube’s policies to avoid issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download a Facebook live video after it ends?

Yes, you can download a Facebook live video for up to 7 days after the broadcast ends. Simply go to your Facebook Videos page, find the live video and click the three dots next to it. Select “Download Video” and choose the quality. The video file will download to your computer.

Does Facebook Live video quality change when uploaded to YouTube?

Facebook Live videos max out at 720p HD resolution. When you upload the video to YouTube, the quality remains the same. However, YouTube compresses videos during processing which can slightly reduce quality. YouTube accepts uploads in up to 8K resolution for improved quality.

Can I live stream on YouTube instead of Facebook?

Yes, YouTube offers the option to live stream directly to your YouTube channel. This avoids the need to download and reupload. However, you may still want to cross-post your YouTube live streams to Facebook for increased reach.

What are the ideal video settings when uploading to YouTube?

For the best quality, upload your Facebook Live videos to YouTube in 1080p or 720p resolution if available. Use a 16:9 aspect ratio. Optimize video titles, descriptions and tags for YouTube SEO. Add cards, end screens and enable monetization if desired.

Do I need to edit my Facebook video before uploading to YouTube?

Editing is not required, but recommended. You can trim unnecessary beginning or ending content. Add graphics, intro/outro, or subtitles tailored for YouTube. Ensure audio levels are balanced. Remove any copyrighted content to prevent YouTube copyright issues.

Sharing a Facebook Live Video to YouTube – Step-by-Step

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to share a Facebook Live video to YouTube:

  1. Download the Facebook Live video – Go to your Facebook Videos page, find the live video, click the three dots and select “Download”. Choose the HD quality if available.
  2. Customize the video (optional) – Use video editing software to trim, add graphics, stabilize footage, boost audio, etc. This helps optimize for YouTube.
  3. Create a YouTube account – If you don’t have one already, create a YouTube account and customize your YouTube channel.
  4. Upload to YouTube Studio – Go to YouTube Studio, click Upload Video and select your Facebook Live download file.
  5. Fill out video details – Enter a title, description, tags, playlist addition, etc to optimize the video for discovery.
  6. Set visibility – Choose public, unlisted, or private viewing settings.
  7. Monitor the upload – YouTube will process and convert the video. Quality and duration affects the processing time.
  8. Customize and enhance – Add closed captions, end screens, cards and enable monetization if desired.
  9. Promote your video – Share the YouTube video on your other social media channels to maximize viewership.
  10. Analyze performance – Use YouTube Analytics to see real-time stats on views, watch time, demographics and more.

Following this process will allow you to successfully repurpose your Facebook Live video content on YouTube for expanded reach and engagement.

Tools to Help Download and Repurpose Videos

Here are some handy tools that can help streamline the process of downloading and repurposing Facebook Live videos on YouTube:


A free online tool that lets you enter the URL of any Facebook video and download an MP4 file. No account needed. Downloads public and private videos.

2. 4K Video Downloader

A desktop app for Windows and Mac that downloads videos from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Has options to download entire playlists, channels and optimize videos.

3. Clipchamp

A useful free online video editor for basic trimming, cutting, merging and converting Facebook and YouTube videos before reuploading.

4. TubeBuddy

A browser extension that integrates with YouTube Studio to help with optimization, A/B testing titles and descriptions, keyword research and more.

5. vidIQ

A YouTube browser extension that shows keyword research data, competitor tracking and optimization tips for titles, tags and thumbnails.

Leveraging tools like these can streamline the technical parts of downloading, editing and reuploading videos between platforms.

Copyright and Legal Considerations

While it may be easy to share Facebook Live videos on YouTube, there are some copyright and legal issues to consider:

Copyrighted Material Use

Avoid background music, TV/movie clips, logos etc. that are copyrighted. YouTube’s Content ID will flag these. Get permission when possible.

Personality Rights

If your video features people, ensure you have their consent to share on other platforms like YouTube.


Do not make false claims about individuals, businesses or products that could be defamatory.


Disclose paid promotions, affiliate links and sponsored content. Follow FTC endorsement guidelines.

Privacy Rights

Respect privacy of others. Blur out things like license plates, street signs, phone numbers, etc if needed.

Consult an attorney if you have questions about copyright law or usage rights when reposting content.

Example Facebook Live to YouTube Workflow for Businesses

Here is an example workflow for a business repurposing Facebook Live videos on YouTube:

During the Facebook Live Broadcast

  • Enable the option to save video after the livestream.
  • Use branded assets – logos, graphics, animations.
  • Engage viewers and boost comments.
  • Promote the upcoming YouTube video for cross-promotion.

After the Facebook Live Stream

  • Download the full video from Facebook.
  • Edit and enhance the video for YouTube – optimize title, add intro/outro, include voiceover or subtitles, add graphics and special effects.
  • Upload the polished video to YouTube.
  • Customize with cards, end screens, and enable monetization options.

YouTube Optimization and Promotion

  • Research keywords and write title/description optimized for YouTube SEO.
  • Add relevant tags and Playlist additions.
  • Share YouTube video on Facebook and other channels to drive traffic.
  • Analyze YouTube Analytics for performance insights.
  • Promote top videos in end screens or YouTube ads for maximum views.

This structured process can help businesses repurpose their Facebook Live content more effectively on YouTube.

Tips for Resharing Videos Between Platforms

Here are some best practices when reposting your videos across multiple platforms like Facebook and YouTube:

  • Customize the title and description for each platform. Use platform-specific tags.
  • Transcode videos to the optimal resolution. Facebook = 720p, YouTube = 1080p or 4K.
  • Trim videos to align with platform time limits. YouTube allows longer videos than Facebook.
  • Add interactive elements tailored for each platform like YouTube end screens or Facebook tags.
  • Promote new videos across all your platforms to maximize distribution.
  • Monitor analytics on each platform separately to see engagement.
  • Join Creator or Partner programs for monetization opportunities.
  • Upload videos natively rather than just sharing links when possible.

Thinking holistically about customizing your video content and strategy for each major platform will allow you to maximize the distribution and engagement.

Should You Upload Facebook Lives to YouTube:

Pros of Uploading:

  • Reach a broader audience on YouTube
  • YouTube has over 2 billion monthly logged-in users
  • Opportunity to convert Facebook Live viewers into YouTube subscribers
  • Generate ad revenue via YouTube Partner Program
  • Access YouTube Analytics for data and insights

Cons of Uploading:

  • Additional time and effort to edit and customize videos
  • YouTube copyright restrictions may block some Facebook videos from uploading
  • Youtube algorithm favors certain types of content more than Facebook
  • YouTube comments section can breed negativity and trolling
  • Videos may cannibalize Facebook viewership and engagement


Uploading Facebook Live videos to YouTube can be beneficial in extending your reach, tapping into new audiences and generating revenue opportunities. However, it requires additional effort and may not be worth it for all types of content or creators.

Consider your target audience, resources and goals. Enhance and customize videos to align with each platform’s algorithm and community guidelines. Promote videos strategically across both platforms for maximum impact. Analyze performance data to optimize your video sharing strategy between Facebook and YouTube over time.

Leverage the strengths of both platforms to grow your overall audience and improve content distribution. With the right strategy, sharing Facebook Live videos on YouTube can become a valuable component of your video marketing mix.