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Can I set an auto reply on my personal Facebook Messenger?

Can I set an auto reply on my personal Facebook Messenger?

Yes, it is possible to set up an auto-reply on personal Facebook Messenger to respond to messages automatically when you are unable to respond right away. Facebook Messenger’s auto-reply feature allows you to customize auto-reply messages for different contexts like when you are driving, sleeping, or on vacation. Here is a detailed guide on how to set up and use auto-replies on personal Facebook Messenger.

Benefits of Using Auto-Reply on Facebook Messenger

Setting an auto-reply on Facebook Messenger has several benefits:

  • Lets your friends and family know you may be unavailable to respond right away
  • Avoids keeping message senders waiting for a response during busy times
  • Allows you to customize unique auto-replies for different contexts like driving, sleeping, meetings, etc.
  • Automatically informs message senders when you will be available to respond
  • Helps you manage conversations by responding even when you can’t immediately reply
  • Allows you to customize separate auto-replies for groups and individuals

With auto-reply enabled, you don’t have to worry about keeping people waiting when you are occupied with something else. The customized auto-response conveys your unavailability politely and sets expectations for when you will get back to them.

How to Set Up Auto Reply on Personal Facebook Messenger

Setting up an auto-reply on personal Facebook Messenger only takes a few simple steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your phone
  2. Tap on your profile icon at the top left
  3. Select ‘Active Status’
  4. Tap on ‘Turn On Auto Reply’
  5. Toggle the switch for auto-reply to the ‘On’ position
  6. Tap on ‘Default Reply’ to customize the auto-reply message
  7. Type your auto-reply message, like “I’m currently unavailable to reply as I’m driving”
  8. You can also add a custom reply by tapping on ‘Add Custom Reply’
  9. Choose the context like ‘Driving’, ‘Sleeping’, ‘At the movies’ etc.
  10. Type the custom auto reply message for that context
  11. Your auto-reply is now set up and will be sent automatically when activated

With just these few simple steps, you can set up effective auto-replies for different situations when you are unavailable to respond to messages right away.

How to Turn On Auto Reply on Facebook Messenger

Once you have set up the auto-reply messages, turning on auto-reply is very easy:

  1. Open Facebook Messenger
  2. Tap on your profile icon
  3. Select ‘Active Status’
  4. Tap the switch next to ‘Auto Reply’ to turn it On
  5. Choose the relevant custom reply from the list based on your current context
  6. The chosen auto-reply message will now be sent automatically when you receive new messages

That’s it! Auto-reply is now activated and incoming messages will receive the customized response.

How to Turn Off Auto Reply on Facebook Messenger

When you no longer want to send auto-replies to new messages, you can easily turn it off:

  1. Open Facebook Messenger
  2. Tap on your profile icon
  3. Select ‘Active Status’
  4. Tap the switch next to ‘Auto Reply’ to turn it to the Off position

This will immediately disable the auto-reply and you will have to respond manually to new messages again.

Customizing Your Auto Replies on Facebook Messenger

You can customize your auto-reply messages to be specific for your needs:

  • Default auto-reply – This will be used when no other custom reply is selected
  • Driving auto-reply – Lets senders know you are driving and will reply later
  • Sleeping auto-reply – Informs senders you are sleeping and provides a time you will reply
  • Meeting auto-reply – Lets senders know you are in a meeting and when it will end
  • Vacation auto-reply – Use for extended unavailability like a vacation by providing a return date
  • Movie auto-reply – For when you are at the movies and will reply after
  • Custom Message – Create any other customized reason for being unavailable right now

Custom auto-replies for specific contexts help set accurate expectations on when you will be available again to have a conversation.

Individual vs Group Auto-Replies on Facebook Messenger

The auto-reply you set on Messenger will be sent to all incoming messages from both groups and individuals. However, you can customize separate replies for groups if needed:

  1. After creating the customized auto-replies, tap ‘Individual and Groups’ from the Active Status screen
  2. Tap ‘Groups’ to create a unique auto-reply just for your groups
  3. When activated, groups will receive the group auto-reply, others will get the individual reply

Having separate group and individual auto-replies allows you to tailor your unavailability response as per the situation.

Auto Reply Best Practices on Facebook Messenger

To use auto-reply effectively on personal Facebook Messenger, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Set an auto-reply duration limit like 24 hours to avoid sending too many automated responses
  • Keep the auto-reply message polite, friendly and concise
  • Specify when exactly you will be available to respond again
  • Customize replies for specific contexts to manage expectations better
  • Turn off auto-reply as soon as you become available to respond manually
  • Personalize the auto-reply for groups and individuals if required
  • Ensure your auto-reply tone matches your conversational voice and style

Using auto-reply thoughtfully ensures you remain responsive on Messenger without being available 24/7.

Troubleshooting Facebook Messenger Auto Reply

If you face any issues setting up and using auto-reply on Facebook Messenger, try the following troubleshooting tips:

Issue Fix
Auto-reply not sending
  • Check if auto-reply is turned on in Active Status
  • Toggle the auto-reply switch Off and On again
  • Force close and relaunch the Messenger app
Incorrect default reply being sent
  • Go to Active Status and select the correct custom auto-reply
  • Edit the default auto-reply message as needed
Already responded but auto-reply still being sent
  • Check if auto-reply is still On and turn Off
  • Custom replies may override manual responses
Auto-reply sending too many times
  • Set auto-reply duration limit to 24 hours
  • Turn Off auto-reply as soon as possible

Checking these basic issues can help fix any auto-reply problems faced on personal Facebook Messenger.


Setting up an auto-reply on your personal Facebook Messenger is easy and convenient to stay responsive when you are occupied or unavailable. With customizable replies for specific contexts, you can manage expectations and conversations efficiently. Follow the best practices, like limiting duration and keeping your tone friendly, to use auto-replies effectively. Troubleshoot promptly if you face any issues with auto-reply setup or sending. Used thoughtfully, auto-reply is a useful communication feature on Facebook Messenger.