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Can I separate my Facebook page and my Facebook account?

Can I separate my Facebook page and my Facebook account?

Yes, it is possible to separate your Facebook page from your personal Facebook account. When you create a Facebook page, it exists independently from your personal profile and you can manage the two separately. There are a few key differences between a Facebook page and a personal profile:

Facebook Page

  • Used to represent businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, etc.
  • Publicly visible to everyone by default
  • Likes and followers instead of friends
  • Additional features for promoting content and analytics

Personal Profile

  • Used to represent an individual
  • Privacy settings can make it visible only to friends
  • Friends instead of likes and followers
  • More focused on personal content sharing

So in summary, a Facebook page is centered around publicly representing a brand or entity, while a profile is for personal social networking.

Creating a Separate Page

To create a Facebook page that is separate from your personal account:

  1. Go to and click “Create Page” in the left menu
  2. Choose a category that best fits your page such as “brand or product” or “artist, band or public figure”
  3. Fill out the requested info like name and category
  4. Click the “Create Page” button

This will set up a new page that is completely separate from your personal timeline. It will have its own distinct URL and admin tools.

Importantly, you do not need to use your personal profile to manage a Facebook page. You can add other administrators to help manage the page without giving them access to your personal account.

Managing a Page Separately

Once you’ve created a page, you can manage and update it completely independently from your personal profile. Here are some tips:

Switching Between Accounts

– Use the down arrow at the top right to switch between your profile and pages you manage. This allows you to post content and interact as either your profile or page.

Admin Tools

– The page has separate settings, analytics, advertising tools, and messaging inbox from your profile. You can control the look, posts, ads and more for the page itself.

Posting as a Page

– When you want to post as your page, switch to the page then create the post or comment. By default it will show as posted “by [Page Name]” instead of your personal name.

Likes and Followers

– Pages have separate likes and followers from your own friend list. Your personal friends don’t automatically follow your page.


– Page activity does not show up on your personal timeline. You control the privacy settings for the page itself.

So in summary, utilizing the provided tools makes it easy to separate the management and presence of your page from your personal Facebook account.

Should I Merge My Profile and Page?

In most cases, it’s better to keep your personal profile and public page separated. Here are some reasons why:

  • Maintains professionalism by keeping personal and business presences separate.
  • Allows you to maintain privacy on your profile and be public on your page.
  • Lets you personalize settings, apps and advertising distinctly.
  • Avoids confusing your brand’s audience with personal updates.
  • Prevents overload by focusing each presence on its purpose.

However, there are some cases where you may want to associate your profile with your public page:

  • If you want to post personal updates to your page followers.
  • To make it easier to switch between accounts.
  • If your personal profile already has a large following.
  • If you don’t need to maintain privacy boundaries.

To associate your profile with a page you admin:

  1. Go to your page’s admin settings.
  2. Under Page Visibility, click “Add Personal Profile to Page.”
  3. Select your personal profile and click “Add.”

This will then allow you to post to the page as yourself. But in most cases, keeping your profile and page separate provides the most flexibility.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices as you manage your Facebook personal profile and pages:

For Your Profile

  • Use for personal updates, photos, and connections.
  • Customize privacy settings as desired.
  • Don’t over-promote page content.
  • Tag page in relevant personal posts.

For Your Page

  • Focus posts on your brand, products, services.
  • Engage and respond as your brand.
  • Utilize available tools like ads and analytics.
  • Tag your profile sparingly if associated.

For Both

  • Use authentic voices suited to each presence.
  • Cross-promote occasionally with updates.
  • Manage notifications to avoid overwhelm.

Keeping these best practices in mind will help you get the most out of your Facebook profile and pages!

Risks of Not Separating

While separating your personal profile and page has many advantages, there are some risks if you don’t bifurcate these presences:

  • Your personal content and information could become public if set as your page info.
  • You may accidentally post personal updates to your page followers.
  • Comments and conversations could become mixed together.
  • Your page analytics will incorporate personal usage.
  • It may be harder to distinguish your brand’s voice.
  • You lose the option to maintain privacy boundaries.

So keeping things separated mitigates these risks and allows you to cultivate each presence purposefully. But if you do choose to associate your profile with your page, be cautious about these factors.


In summary:

  • Facebook profiles and pages are designed to be separate entities.
  • Pages represent brands/entities while profiles are for individuals.
  • You can create and manage a page independently from your profile.
  • It’s usually best to keep your profile and page separate.
  • But you can associate them if you want to post as yourself on your page.
  • Maintain privacy and professionalism by keeping personal and brand presences bifurcated.

Having distinct presences gives you the most control over your personal social networking and public brand-building on Facebook. Carefully consider the benefits and risks as you decide how to manage your profile and pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about separating Facebook profiles and pages:

Can I have multiple Facebook pages?

Yes, you can create and manage multiple Facebook pages for different brands, businesses, organizations, or purposes from a single profile. There is no limit to the number of pages you can administer.

Can I convert my profile into a page?

No, you cannot directly convert your personal profile into a page. You will need to create a new page and build up its followers separately. However, you can give your existing profile admin access to your new page.

What happens if I delete my personal profile?

Deleting your personal profile does not affect any pages you’ve created. They will remain active and can be managed by any other admin users you’ve assigned. The page is completely separate.

Can I have a business partner manage my page if they don’t have a profile?

Yes, you can add administrators to your Facebook page even if they don’t have their own personal profile. Having a profile is not required to help manage a page you administer.

How do I allow customers to contact my page privately?

To allow private messaging, go to your page’s settings and enable the “Message” button. This lets people privately message your page much like they would message a profile. Customers can ask questions without posting publicly.

Table comparing key differences between Facebook Profiles and Pages
Factor Personal Profile Facebook Page
Purpose For individual social networking For brands, businesses, organizations
Privacy Can restrict visibility using settings Publicly visible by default
Followers Friends list Likes and Followers
Posting Personal updates Brand, product, or entity updates
Admins Just the profile owner Multiple admins allowed
Analytics Minimal insights Facebook Page analytics

Instructions for Separating Your Profile and Page

Follow these steps to keep your Facebook profile and pages separate:

  1. Create your page from rather than your profile.
  2. Assign other admins for your page from the Admin Settings.
  3. Use the top right dropdown to switch between profiles and pages.
  4. Post, comment and interact as your page by switching to it.
  5. Adjust privacy and posting settings specific to each presence.
  6. Avoid promoting page content too frequently on your profile.
  7. Monitor notifications from each account’s inbox separately.
  8. Utilize Facebook’s tools for organizations on your page.
  9. Tag between accounts occasionally to cross-promote.
  10. Build your page’s followers and engagement organically.

Keeping these best practices in mind will allow you to bifurcate these presences successfully on the platform.

How to Associate Your Profile with a Page

If you do wish to associate your profile with a page, here are the steps:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”.
  2. Select “Page Visibility” in the left menu.
  3. Click “Add Personal Profile as Admin” below your profile picture.
  4. Choose the page you want to add your profile to.
  5. Click “Add” to confirm the association.
  6. You can now post to your page as your personal profile.

This will link your profile to the page, allowing you to post personal updates to your page if desired.

Expert Social Media Tips

As a social media expert, here are my top tips for leveraging Facebook effectively:

For Profiles

  • Share personal news and life updates with friends and family.
  • Post pictures and videos to share your experiences.
  • Engage with close connections by commenting and reacting.
  • Utilize lists to customize who sees certain content.
  • Check privacy settings to control visibility.

For Pages

  • Share industry news, company updates, special offers.
  • Post engaging content like videos, images, infographics.
  • Respond promptly to visitor comments and messages.
  • Analyze page insights to improve engagement.
  • Create ads to promote products or content.

For Both

  • Craft shareable content people want to react to.
  • Post consistently but avoid over-posting.
  • Use hashtags and tagging for discovery.
  • Adapt an authentic and approachable voice.
  • Provide value and entertain your audience.

Let me know if you have any other Facebook questions!


To wrap up:

  • Facebook allows full separation of profiles and pages.
  • Pages publicly represent brands/causes while profiles are private identities.
  • Manage each presence independently for optimal control.
  • Or associate your profile with a page to post personal updates.
  • Keeping personal and brand presences distinct provides the most flexibility.
  • Leverage Facebook’s tools tailored to organizations on pages.

Consider your goals and needs as you decide whether to connect your profile and page or bifurcate these accounts. This allows you to get the most out of Facebook both socially and professionally!