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Can I send a message to a locked Facebook account?

Can I send a message to a locked Facebook account?

If someone has locked their Facebook account, it can be frustrating if you are trying to get in touch with them. A locked account prevents anyone else from viewing the profile or contacting the user through Facebook. However, there are a few different ways you may still be able to send a message to a locked Facebook account.

What does it mean when a Facebook account is locked?

A locked Facebook account means the user has temporarily deactivated their account. When an account is locked, the profile and photos are hidden and no one can search for the account or see any of the content. Messages also cannot be sent to a locked account through Facebook Messenger.

There are a few reasons someone may lock their Facebook account:

  • Taking a social media break – Some people occasionally lock their accounts to take time away from social media and avoid distractions.
  • Privacy concerns – Locking an account quickly restricts access which helps protect privacy.
  • Security issues – If there are concerns about unauthorized logins or hacking, locking the account secures it.

In most cases, a locked Facebook account is only temporary. The user can still log in and unlock it at any time. But while it is locked, very little can be accessed.

Can I message a locked Facebook account?

Unfortunately, you cannot directly message a locked Facebook account. Since no one can access a locked profile, sending an instant message through Facebook Messenger is not possible.

Facebook does not notify users about any messages received while their account was locked. So even if the account is unlocked later, they will not get any messages you tried to send them on Facebook while it was locked.

Ways to contact someone with a locked Facebook account

While Facebook messaging is not an option, there are some other ways to get in touch with someone who has locked their account:

Send an email

If you have their email address, sending an email is the most direct way to contact someone with a locked Facebook. Be sure to explain why you are contacting them this way in case they do not recognize the email address you are sending from.

Use another social media account

See if you are connected with the person on any other social networks. You may be able to send them a message on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or TikTok if they have an open account on one of those platforms.

Send a text or call

If you have their phone number, a text message or phone call is another way to reach them. Keep in mind their texts or calls could be going to voicemail if they are trying to take a break from technology.

Reach out through a mutual connection

If there is someone else you both know on Facebook or in real-life, you could ask that mutual connection to pass along your message next time they are in contact with the person.

Wait for them to unlock their account

If it is not urgent, you could simply wait until the person unlocks their Facebook account again. They likely locked it temporarily with the intention of accessing it again in the future.

Send a message through Facebook support

Facebook does allow you to send a message to someone through their support center. However, this will only work if you know the email address or phone number associated with their Facebook account.

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Click “Contact Us” and select “Something Else”
  3. Choose the topic “My Account Was Disabled”
  4. Select “I can’t access my account”
  5. Enter the email or phone number for their account
  6. Write your message you want sent to them

Facebook support will try to deliver your message to their email or phone number on file. But keep in mind there is no guarantee they will receive it.

Should I keep messaging a locked Facebook account?

If someone has locked their Facebook account, it is best not to keep attempting to message them repeatedly on the platform. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • They will not receive any messages sent to them on Facebook during the time their account is locked.
  • Continued messaging could come across as aggressive or invasive of their privacy.
  • If they wanted to be in contact, they would have left their account open.
  • They may unlock their account again after taking a short break.

One or two attempts through another communication channel like email is appropriate. But repeated messages through multiple methods may only push them further away.

Everyone needs a social media break sometimes. It is best to respect if someone has temporarily locked their Facebook for some space. Stay positive and hope the account will be unlocked again soon.

What to do if someone has blocked you on Facebook

If someone has specifically blocked you on Facebook, that is a clearer sign they do not want contact. You will not be able to message them at all if you are blocked.

Some things to keep in mind if you have been blocked:

  • Do not try to contact them through other Facebook accounts or profiles.
  • Accept their request for no contact and do not pursue them on other platforms.
  • Reflect on what may have prompted them to block you and learn from it.
  • Wait to see if they reconsider unblocking you in the future.

Getting blocked on Facebook happens. While it can feel frustrating in the moment, continue being your best self and respect their boundaries.

Limits of messaging locked Facebook accounts

Trying to message someone who has locked their Facebook account can be challenging. Here are some key limitations to keep in mind:

No Facebook messaging You cannot directly message them within Facebook at all.
No guarantee they will get messages Even through other channels, they may not see your messages right away.
They may not respond Do not expect a response. They have locked their account for a reason.
Appearing invasive Repeated messages through multiple methods can feel invasive of their privacy.
No notifications if unlocked They will not be notified about any past messages sent while locked.

The best approach is to be understanding, send one thoughtful message through another method, and patiently wait for them to unlock their account. Bombarding someone with messages when they have locked their Facebook account achieves the opposite of the intended effect.

Can I tell if someone has blocked me specifically?

With a locked Facebook account, you cannot directly tell the difference between someone locking their profile versus blocking you specifically. However, here are some signs that may indicate you have been blocked:

  • Your messages to them on Facebook Messenger immediately show as undelivered
  • You cannot find their Facebook profile through search or mutual friends
  • Old messages between you suddenly disappear
  • You stop seeing their posts and activities in your feed

If you are suspicious you have been blocked, it is best not to pursue it further. Take it as a sign to move on and reconsider the relationship.


Messaging someone who has locked their Facebook account can be a challenge. While you cannot directly send them an instant message on Facebook, there are other creative methods you can try like email, texts, or mutual connections.

However, it is important to not be overly aggressive with contacting them on other platforms. If they have locked their Facebook, it is a sign they need some space, so bombarding them with messages everywhere else achieves the opposite effect.

The healthiest approach is just sending a thoughtful single message through another method, then patiently waiting for them to unlock their Facebook again. If they have specifically blocked you, it is best to respect their privacy and boundaries.

With some understanding and creativity, you can still hopefully get your message across to someone who has locked their account. Just be mindful of their needs during their break from social media.