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Can I search FB account by email?

Can I search FB account by email?

Searching for a Facebook account by email address is a common request, especially for those looking to reconnect with old friends or find people they have lost touch with. While Facebook does not provide a direct way to search for users by email, there are a few methods that can help you find someone’s Facebook profile through their email address.

Trying to Search on Facebook

When you first attempt to search for someone’s Facebook profile by email, you may try searching directly on Facebook. On the Facebook search bar, you can type in the person’s email address. However, this will not pull up their profile. Facebook’s search function is designed to find profiles, Pages, groups, events and other content directly on the Facebook platform. It does not search off of Facebook for email addresses and other information not directly associated with a Facebook account.

Why Facebook Search Doesn’t Work by Email

There are a couple reasons why searching by email does not work on Facebook:

  • Privacy – Facebook prioritizes protecting privacy of user information. Email addresses are considered personal information that users may not want to make public.
  • Search functionality – The Facebook search algorithm is designed to search within Facebook, not external data points like email addresses.
  • Data limitations – Facebook profiles do not include email addresses, so there is no email data for Facebook to search through.

Facebook keeps email addresses private as a security measure. Even if you have a record of the email address, Facebook has no way to connect it to a profile in their search. So a direct search for an email address won’t bring up any results on Facebook itself.

Searching with Email Address in Facebook Search Bar

When you type an email address into the main Facebook search bar, here is what happens:

  1. The Facebook search algorithm looks for mentions of that email address within Facebook profiles, posts, comments and other content.
  2. If the email address is not found by the search algorithm, it will not return any results.
  3. No direct connection is made between the email address and person’s Facebook profile.

Unless the email address has been openly posted by the person somewhere on their Facebook profile or shared in a status, comment or message, searching it directly through the Facebook platform will not lead back to that person’s account. Facebook’s privacy settings prevent email addresses from being searchable information connected to profiles.

Using Facebook Search to Find Friends’ Profiles

Facebook’s search capabilities are designed for finding content within the platform, not external identifying information. Some of the possible search options include:

  • Names
  • Usernames
  • Pages
  • Groups
  • Events
  • Posts
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Places

Any information directly connected to a Facebook profile or contained within Facebook’s platform can be searchable. But external data points like email addresses, phone numbers, addresses or other IDs are not linked to Facebook profiles for privacy protection.

So while you can search for friends by typing in their names or usernames, a direct search by email address will not work to find their Facebook account.

Using an Email Address to Find Someone on Facebook

While you cannot directly search Facebook for a profile by email address, there are some methods you can use to try and locate the person’s account using only their email:

1. Search for Mentions of the Email Address

As mentioned previously, you can type the email address directly into the Facebook search bar to see if it brings up any results. If the person has openly posted their email or shared it anywhere on Facebook, these mentions may show up in the search results.

However, this method is hit or miss since email addresses are typically kept private.

2. Use Facebook Search Suggestions

When you begin typing the person’s name into the Facebook search bar, search suggestions may pop up. These may help lead you to their profile if you are unsure of the exact spelling or if they are using different names.

3. Try Different Name Spellings and Variations

Search for the person trying different versions of their first and last name. Nicknames, maiden names, middle names or name abbreviations may help you locate them if you are searching with limited information.

4. Search by Location, School, Workplace, etc.

If you know locations associated with the person like where they live, went to school or work, search those terms along with their name. This can sometimes help narrow results and find their profile if they have location information listed.

For example, search “John Smith Los Angeles” if you know they live in LA.

5. Look Up Mutual Friends

If you have friends in common, look at their Friends lists and profile photos. You may be able to spot the person you’re looking for if they are connected to someone you know.

6. Use Facebook’s Password Recovery

If you have access to the email address the person used to sign up for Facebook, you can try using Facebook’s password recovery option. This will send a password reset link to their email address which may reveal the associated Facebook account.

However, this method will only work if:

  • The email address is current/active
  • It is still associated with their Facebook account

And it may seem intrusive to reset someone’s password without their knowledge or consent.

7. Use a Public Records Search Service

There are public records search services that may be able to link someone’s name and location with active email addresses and social media profiles they are associated with.

However, these sites often require paid memberships and subscriptions to access their records. The information may be limited or outdated as well.

Is it Possible to be Completely Anonymous on Facebook?

For those wondering if it’s possible to be completely anonymous and untraceable on Facebook, the answer is mostly no. Here’s why:

  • Facebook requires users to register with their real first and last names per the Terms of Service.
  • Accounts with fake names often get reported and removed by Facebook.
  • Pages on Facebook also require an admin who uses their real personal profile.
  • Facebook moderators regularly look for and delete duplicate and anonymous accounts.
  • IP addresses, devices used, connected contacts and other data can give away identity.
  • Full anonymity and privacy is nearly impossible to achieve on any social media platform.

Facebook aims to create an environment of trust where people use their real identities. Completely anonymous accounts are against their policies. Certain information like email addresses and birthdates also may be provided to other users who already have some connection to you on Facebook.

However, there are some steps you can take to increase privacy:

  • Use maximum security settings for your profile.
  • Limit sharing of personal information.
  • Customize your audience reach for posts.
  • Remove old posts and activity.
  • Use a nickname in lieu of your full name.

But in most cases, some amount of identifying information remains visible to friends of friends at minimum. Faking an identity entirely or being truly untraceable is very challenging if not impossible on Facebook due to their security standards.

Third-Party Tools to Search Facebook by Email

While searching directly on Facebook won’t allow you to find someone’s profile through an email address alone, some third-party tools claim to offer this ability:

Social Searcher

Social Searcher is a free tool that states you can search for people on Facebook, Twitter and other networks by inputting an email address. However, it appears to simply search those platforms for mentions of the email address, similar to searching on Facebook itself.

Truthfinder and Instant Checkmate

These sites state they can find Facebook profiles connected to an email through public records. However, they require paid memberships to access the search features. User reviews are mixed on whether they produce accurate match results.

Email Lookup Tools

Tools like Voila Norbert and Anymail Finder claim to search the web and public records to find profiles associated with an email. But again, users report mixed results.

In most cases, these tools rely on email addresses that have been publicly posted somewhere on the web – not from private profile information on Facebook. So they may have limited effectiveness in connecting emails to Facebook accounts.


Skweez is a browser extension that states it can find social media profiles connected to an email address as you surf the web. However, this would likely involve some scraping of data points from pages you visit rather than accessing private profile data.


PIpl searches through web page content, public records, social networks, contact data and other sources to map connections between names, usernames, addresses, and other identifying information. It can sometimes surface links between emails and social media accounts.

Overall, while third-party tools may sometimes surface leads through bits of public information online, there is no reliable tool that can directly search private Facebook profile data using only an email address. Most of these tools rely on emails that have been posted publicly on some website or platform, often with limited success rates.

Can You Find an Email Address from a Facebook Profile?

Just as you can’t search Facebook for a profile using an email address, it is also not possible to perform the reverse search. Here are some key reasons why:

  • Email addresses are not visible on Facebook profiles
  • Email information is kept private by Facebook
  • Profiles do not display contacts or account information
  • Facebook offers no search tools for emails connected to profiles

Unless the user has directly posted their email somewhere publicly, there is no way to find or view the email address associated with a Facebook profile. Even friends may not have access to a user’s email through their profile.

Facebook considers email addresses and contact information to be private personal data. This information is kept hidden for privacy protection. There are no search tools provided within Facebook to try and backtrack to emails from profiles.

When Email Addresses May Be Visible

In some cases, parts of a user’s email address associated with their Facebook account may be visible:

  • On their public profile if they have posted it
  • In Groups if they have interacted in discussions
  • Through messages/chat if they’ve shared it
  • On Marketplace listings they have created

But there is still no way to definitively match an email address with a specific Facebook profile through searching. Users have full control over whether their email is visible publicly or shared at all. Facebook does not reveal emails connected to accounts except to the owners of those accounts.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

There are a few legal and ethical concerns to consider when attempting to search for someone’s Facebook profile using only an email address or other limited information:

Privacy Violations

Trying to access private profile information without consent could constitute a privacy violation. Things like email addresses, birth dates, locations and relationship details are considered personal data.


If you are attempting to pursue or contact someone who does not wish to connect, searching for their profile information could potentially cross into harassment territory.

Facebook Terms of Service

You must abide by Facebook’s TOS when using their platform. These rules prohibit sharing false information or misrepresenting your identity, scraping data from Facebook, and engaging in harassing or illegal behavior.

Limited Use Cases

There are very few legitimate use cases where accessing someone’s private Facebook profile by email could be considered appropriate without prior consent. Most situations constitute a violation of privacy or boundaries.

Data Privacy Best Practices

When handling any private profile or contact data, it’s important to follow good data privacy practices:

  • Do not share or distribute email addresses or other personal information without consent.
  • Use ethical data collection methods and tools.
  • Collect only relevant, necessary data for authorized purposes.
  • Anonymize data sets by removing personally identifiable information.
  • Securely transmit and store data to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Honor opt-out requests and consent preferences.

No one method can guarantee connecting an email to a Facebook profile. However, familiar names, networks and locations may help narrow the search. Overall, direct email search capabilities are limited by Facebook’s privacy protections.


Facebook purposefully makes it impossible to definitively link email addresses to user profiles. Their privacy settings prevent email search capabilities to protect personal information and prevent harassment. While some hints may be gathered through public details and record searches, there are no reliable methods to directly search Facebook for a profile by email address alone. Any attempt would likely violate Facebook’s policies and could constitute an ethical breach or privacy violation if done without permission. However, common names, locations and connections may help narrow a manual search, along with some trial and error.