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Can I run Facebook ads without verification?

Can I run Facebook ads without verification?

Running Facebook ads without verification is possible, but there are some limitations. Facebook requires advertisers to complete an ad account verification process in order to run most types of ads. However, there are some ad options available without verification.

What is Facebook ad account verification?

Facebook’s ad account verification process requires advertisers to confirm their identity and location. This involves submitting legal documents, business information, and a photo ID.

Verification helps ensure advertisers comply with Facebook’s policies and local laws. It also aims to improve ad quality and prevent fraud.

Here are some key facts about Facebook ad verification:

  • Verification is required for most ad types, including boosted posts and ads that target specific demographics.
  • Pages must be verified in order to run ads about politics, elections, and social issues.
  • Verification applies to ad accounts, not individual Facebook pages or profiles. You need to verify for each ad account you use.
  • The verification process can take up to several weeks once submitted.
  • Advertisers must re-verify their accounts every few years to remain active.

Without verification, advertisers are limited to more basic ads with broader targeting.

Can I run Facebook ads without any verification?

Yes, it is possible to run some Facebook ads without completing any verification steps.

Here are the types of ads you can run without verification:

Page Likes ads

Page Like ads help you get more people to like your Facebook Page. With these ads, you promote your Page and get charged when someone likes it.

Page Like ads have limited targeting options. You can target people by location, age, gender, interests, and a few other categories. But you cannot target more detailed options like specific demographics or custom audiences.

Clicks to Website ads

Clicks to Website ads drive traffic to your website from Facebook without needing verification.

These ads are optimized to get post engagements, like clicks, at the lowest cost per result. The only targeting options are location, age, gender, interests, and behavior.

Offer claims

You can create ads promoting sales, discounts, or other offers without verification. However, these ads cannot include a coupon code or link directly to the offer page.

Instead, Offer Claim ads take users to a website or Facebook Page. From there, they can access the deal.

Boosted posts

Boosting posts lets you turn existing Page posts into ads. You can boost posts without verification.

However, boosted posts have limited targeting options compared to full ads. You can only target people who already like your Page and their friends.

Are there any other Facebook ad options without verification?

Beyond the main ad formats above, there are a few other ways to advertise on Facebook without verification:

  • Suggested Page posts – Highlight posts so more of your Page’s followers see them in their News Feed.
  • Lead generation forms – Create ads with lead gen forms so people can submit contact details.
  • Messenger home display ads – Place static ads in the Messenger home screen.
  • Marketplace home ads – Advertise your Facebook Marketplace listings.

However, all of these options have limited targeting capabilities compared to verified ad accounts.

What are the disadvantages of running Facebook ads without verification?

While you can run some Facebook ads without verification, there are downsides to consider:

  • Very limited ad targeting options make it hard to reach your ideal audience.
  • Ads may get less exposure because they are lower priority for Facebook’s ad delivery algorithms.
  • No access to Facebook’s powerful Pixel, Custom Audiences, or Lookalike Audiences.
  • Higher cost per result because you cannot optimize ads as effectively.
  • Ads could get shut down if they don’t comply with Facebook’s unverified ad policies.

Essentially, a lack of verification restricts your ability to run optimized, targeted campaigns on Facebook.

Should I verify my Facebook ad account?

In most cases, verifying your ad account is recommended for businesses wanting to advertise effectively on Facebook. Here are some key benefits of getting verified for Facebook ads:

  • Access to all ad formats, placements, and advanced targeting options.
  • Create custom audiences from your customer data to target ads.
  • Use Lookalike Audiences to find new potential customers.
  • Maximize ad relevance with detailed demographics, interests, and behavior targeting.
  • Lower cost per result through optimization and high-converting placements.
  • More ad visibility and priority for verified ad accounts.

Verification also reduces the risk of your ads being shut down and gives you greater security for running large ad budgets. The extra capabilities make it much easier to scale your advertising results.

That said, the verification process can take some time. So it may not make sense if you just want to run very small, short-term campaigns.

How do I verify my Facebook ad account?

Verifying your Facebook ad account involves submitting the required business documentation:

  1. Go to the Business Manager in Ads Manager and request verification.
  2. Choose the country your business is located in.
  3. Select the legal entity type for your business.
  4. Enter your business registration details.
  5. Upload confirmation documents like business registration, tax records, or articles of incorporation.
  6. Add your business address, website, and contact details.
  7. Submit a photo ID that matches the verification details.

Facebook will review your application and contact you if any changes are required. The verification process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

To speed up verification, ensure all your documents and details are valid and match. Using complete, accurate information from the start helps avoid delays.

Some common mistakes that hold up verification include:

  • Submitted documents are expired or contain incorrect dates.
  • The contact name does not match the ID documentation.
  • The business address is incomplete or invalid.
  • ID photo does not meet Facebook’s requirements.

Avoiding these errors in your initial application can help make the verification process much quicker.

Can I run Facebook ads without a business?

If you don’t have a registered business, Facebook does allow some advertisers to go through an individual verification process. This involves submitting your personal ID and contact information.

However, there are strict policies around individual advertiser accounts:

  • You must be posting ads for personal use, not advertising for an unverified business.
  • Ads cannot promote employment, housing, credit, or financial services opportunities.
  • Ads must comply with all other Facebook advertising policies.

Individual accounts have lower ad spending limits as well. So verification still provides more flexibility and customization for serious advertisers.

Some options like verifying as an individual or agency could suit you if you’re running small ad campaigns yourself. But having a registered business makes verification simpler in most cases.

Can I appeal if my verification is rejected?

If your ad account verification is rejected by Facebook, you can file an appeal:

  1. Go to the Business Manager and click the link to appeal the rejected verification.
  2. Select the reason your verification was rejected.
  3. Clarify how you meet the eligibility criteria for verification.
  4. Upload or confirm your verification documents are valid.
  5. Submit your appeal for Facebook to reconsider.

Make your case clearly for why you meet the verification requirements. Fix any issues Facebook identified and re-submit accurate documents.

Providing extra details can often help if your verification was initially rejected. Reasons like outdated records or unclear business names are fixable. But appeals will likely be denied if you cannot prove you meet the core verification criteria.

Can I advertise without a Facebook account?

You need a Facebook account and Page to advertise on Facebook. There is no option to run Facebook ads completely anonymously or without an account.

To set up Facebook advertising, you need:

  • A personal Facebook profile.
  • A Facebook Page for your business.
  • A Facebook ad account connected to the Page.

The Page admin controls advertising for that Page’s ad account. All ads and payment accounts must be traceable to real authorized advertisers.

What happens if I run Facebook ads without verification?

If you manage to run Facebook ads without proper verification, your ads could be taken down.

Unverified ads often get shut down for:

  • Violating Facebook’s ad policies.
  • Using prohibited targeting options.
  • Promoting banned products or services.
  • Engaging in other prohibited advertising practices.

Facebook’s algorithms look for signs of unverified ads. If discovered, these ads are paused or disabled.

Having your ads shut down wastes your ad spend. It can also lead to your ad account or Page being banned from advertising.

Submitting fake documents or misleading information during verification can also get your Facebook accounts permanently blocked.


While possible to run some simple Facebook ads without verification, it is not recommended in most cases. Verification unlocks the full advertising options for targeted, optimized campaigns. It also reduces your risk of issues or bans when running ads.

For any professional or high-volume Facebook advertising, completing the verification process is advised. The extra capabilities and security make it worth the effort. But unverified ads can still work for basic brand awareness or lead generation in the short run.