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Can I run Facebook Ads to Amazon?

Can I run Facebook Ads to Amazon?

Many online sellers use Facebook ads to drive traffic to their Amazon listings. While Amazon prohibits direct links to product pages in Facebook ads, there are workarounds that allow you to run effective campaigns while staying within Amazon’s advertising policies.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about running Facebook ads to Amazon, including:

  • The benefits of running Facebook ads to Amazon
  • Amazon’s advertising policies and restrictions
  • How to set up compliant Facebook ads to Amazon
  • Optimizing your ads for better performance
  • Scaling your campaigns for more sales

Whether you’re just starting out with Amazon FBA or are looking to take your business to the next level, Facebook ads can be a powerful tool when done right. Let’s dive in!

The Benefits of Running Facebook Ads to Amazon

Facebook ads offer many advantages for driving targeted traffic to your Amazon listings:

Huge Audience

With nearly 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides access to a massive audience. You can target very specific demographics and interests to find customers likely to purchase your products.


Facebook ads are very affordable, especially when optimized for conversions. The average cost-per-click (CPC) is $1 or less, delivering targeted traffic at a fraction of the cost of Google Ads.

Retargeting Capabilities

Pixel tracking and custom audiences allow you to create targeted retargeting campaigns. For example, you can show ads to people who recently visited your website or added items to their Amazon cart.


Facebook’s AI closely monitors your ads and makes constant optimization suggestions. Automated rules can pause poorly performing ads to prevent wasting spend.

Detailed Analytics

Facebook provides in-depth analytics on ad performance, including demographics, device types, placements, conversions, and more. This data helps refine your targeting and creative.

In summary, the massive reach, advanced targeting, and automation capabilities make Facebook a very appealing platform for Amazon sellers looking to scale their business.

Amazon’s Advertising Policies

While Facebook provides many advantages, you must follow Amazon’s policies to avoid account suspension. Here are the key rules to know:

No Direct Links to Amazon

Amazon prohibits direct links to any page, including product detail pages, search results, and category pages. Your ads cannot drive traffic directly to Amazon.

No Use of Amazon Trademarks

Do not use any Amazon trademarks, like the Amazon logo or Prime badge, without prior written permission. This helps Amazon protect its brand.

No Price or Promotion Mentions

Amazon bans any price or promotion mentions in off-Amazon ads, including Facebook. This includes words like “sale,” “deal,” or any pricing info.

No Keyword Bidding on Amazon Terms

You cannot bid on Amazon’s registered trademarks as keywords. This includes words like “Amazon” and “Prime”. Use more generic terms like “online shopping”.

Transparency Requirements

Amazon requires your ads to be clearly identifiable as your content, not Amazon’s. Your brand name should be prominent and Amazon’s minimal.

Make sure to thoroughly review Amazon’s advertising policies so that your Facebook campaigns remain compliant. Violating these guidelines can lead to suspended campaigns or blocked accounts.

Setting Up Compliant Facebook Ads to Amazon

While you can’t directly link to Amazon or use branded terms, it is possible to run effective Facebook ads driving sales. Here are some tips:

Use an External Landing Page

Send traffic to your own website or landing page that provides value, builds your brand, and gently redirects visitors to relevant Amazon listings.

Highlight Your Brand Prominently

Make sure ad creative focuses on your brand name, logo, and messaging. Amazon’s brand should not be prominently featured.

Use Generic Keywords

Target interests, demographics, and generic keywords like “gifts for mom” or “fitness trackers under $100”. Avoid Amazon’s trademarks.

Create a Custom Audience

Use the Amazon pixel to build a custom audience of past customers. Retarget them with ads for new product releases.

Comply with Image Requirements

Only use images directly from the brand or your own lifestyle photos. Do not use Amazon product images.

Avoid Price Claims

Do not make pricing claims like “50% off”. Use phrases like “discounted price” or “bargain deal” instead.

With the right landing page strategy and compliant ad creative, you can drive massive traffic and sales from Facebook to Amazon.

Optimizing Your Facebook Ads

Once your campaigns are running, optimization is crucial for improving performance and ROI. Follow these best practices:

A/B Test Ad Creative

Regularly test different imagery, copy, layouts, and call-to-action buttons to find what resonates best with your audience.

Experiment with Targeting

Try narrowing your ad set audiences by interests, behaviors, demographics, and device types. Find your ideal buyers.

Analyze Conversions

Study your ad performance data to understand which campaigns and audiences deliver the most conversions and sales. Allocate spend accordingly.

Monitor Cost Metrics

Keep an eye on your average CPC, CPM, and conversion costs. Make changes to improve ROI over time.

Use Negative Keywords

Add negative keywords like “Amazon Prime” and brand names of competitors to avoid wasted spend.

Retarget Engaged Visitors

Create custom audiences to re-engage people who previously visited your website, added to cart, etc. They are hot leads!

Make Changes Gradually

When optimizing campaigns, make small incremental changes rather than dramatic overhauls. This allows you to accurately measure impact.

Consistently monitoring performance data and testing adjustments allows you to refine your Facebook strategy and get the most out of your ad budget.

Scaling Your Amazon/Facebook Campaigns

Once your campaigns are dialed in, it’s time to scale up for faster growth. Here are some proven methods:

Increase Your Budgets

If your ads are profitable, allocate more budget to expand reach and get in front of more potential customers.

Diversify Ad Sets

Create new ad sets focused on different products, interests, or audiences to cast a wider net.

Automate and Outsource

Use rules and automation to streamline management. Hire an agency to handle large-scale campaigns.

Test New Audiences

Frequently add new custom audiences and interest targets to penetrate fresh segments.

Run Retargeting Ads

Keep hammering your existing warm audiences with new offers to maximize lifetime value.

Monitor For Fatigue

Watch for signs of ad fatigue as you scale budgets. Optimize creative, targeting, and budgets accordingly.

Add New Ad Platforms

Diversify into additional channels like Instagram, Messenger, Pinterest, YouTube etc. Don’t rely solely on Facebook.

Track Detailed Metrics

Dig deeper into performance data as you scale spend. Look for optimization opportunities and waste.

With the right preparation and strategy, Facebook ads can drive tremendous growth for your Amazon FBA business. The key is starting small, optimizing rigorously, and scaling carefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about running Facebook ads to Amazon:

Can I run Facebook ads directly linking to Amazon product listings?

No, Amazon prohibits direct links to any page on, including product detail pages. Your ads must link to an external website you own.

What happens if Amazon catches me linking directly to product pages?

Amazon may suspend your Associate account and any linked advertising accounts. Repeated violations could result in permanent suspension.

How do I track sales from my Facebook ads?

Use UTM tracking parameters on your landing page links. Alternatively, use the Amazon Attribution pixel to see attributed conversions.

What types of creative can I use in Facebook ads for Amazon products?

You can use your own lifestyle imagery, branding, and generic product photos. Do not use official Amazon product images.

Can I use the word “Amazon” in my Facebook ad copy?

No, you should avoid using Amazon’s trademarked terms, including their name and logos, without permission.

Is it ok to use coupon codes in my Facebook ads?

Avoid terms like “coupon code” or “discount code” as these imply a temporary promotion, prohibited by Amazon.

Can I edit the destination URL for my Facebook ads?

Yes, you can use Facebook’s website custom audience pixel helper to cloak links to your landing page.

What’s better for Amazon ads – automatic or manual placement?

Generally automatic placement performs better, letting Facebook optimize for conversions. But test both.

Should I send my Facebook traffic to Amazon directly or my own website first?

Send them to your own landing page to build your brand and email list before routing them to Amazon.


Facebook’s massive reach provides enormous potential to drive targeted traffic and sales for your Amazon business. But you must follow Amazon’s guidelines and avoid directly promoting Amazon listings.

With compliant landing pages, transparent ad creative, and relentless optimization, you can run profitable Facebook ad campaigns while keeping your Amazon accounts safe. Just be sure to start small, track data diligently, and scale up slowly.

Now you have all the tips, strategies, and best practices to successfully drive growth on Amazon through Facebook ads. Just remember – stay compliant, stay agile with optimization, and keep scaling carefully. With this approach, the sky is the limit on your ecommerce growth and profits!