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Can I retrieve deleted Facebook Chats?

Can I retrieve deleted Facebook Chats?

Many Facebook users have accidentally deleted important conversations on Facebook Messenger and wanted to recover them. Facebook does not have a built-in feature to retrieve deleted chats, but there are a few methods you can try to get back lost messages.

In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to recover deleted Facebook chats and the different techniques you can use to try restoring conversations that have been removed from Messenger.

Is It Possible To Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages?

The short answer is maybe. Since Facebook does not have a native unsend or retrieve deleted messages feature, recovering removed chats is challenging but not always impossible.

Here are the key factors that determine if you can get back deleted Facebook conversations:

  • How long ago the messages were deleted – The more recent the deletion, the higher your chance of recovery.
  • If the messages were deleted by you or the other person – Messages deleted by the other person are harder to restore.
  • Whether the conversation was an individual or group chat – Group chats are more difficult to recover than regular messages.
  • If you have previously backed up your Facebook data – Backups can contain deleted chats.

If the chat was deleted very recently, was an individual conversation, and you have a backup, you have a decent chance of retrieving the lost messages. But if the group chat was removed months ago by another user, it becomes very unlikely you can get it back.

Methods To Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages

Here are some techniques people have used to try restoring deleted Facebook conversations, with varying degrees of success:

Check Social Media Management Apps

If you previously connected your Facebook account to a social media management app like Buffer or Hootsuite, check the app to see if it still has the deleted chats in its feed. These tools often sync and store your conversations.

Look For Email Notifications

Depending on your settings, Facebook may have emailed you notifications about new messages with snippets of the chats. Check your email inbox and trash folders for any notification emails that may have parts of the deleted conversation.

Use Facebook Data Download

Requesting your Facebook data download will give you a zip file with your personal information and activity on Facebook. In some cases, it may contain deleted chats if they were removed very recently. Check the ‘Messages’ folder within the download.

Try Third-Party Data Recovery Apps

Apps like DiskDigger, iMyFone D-Back, or FonePaw iPhone Data Recovery claim they can restore deleted Facebook messages on Android and iOS devices. However, results are mixed and it depends on the app and situation.

Recover From Backups

If you have a saved backup of your phone or Facebook data from around the time before the chats were deleted, you may be able to retrieve the messages from the backup. This includes iCloud backups, Google Drive backups, or downloaded Facebook information.

Check the Other Person’s Account

This only applies for one-on-one chats. If the other person still has access to the conversation on their end, ask them to send you screenshots or forward the messages back to you.

Why Are Deleted Facebook Messages Hard To Get Back?

There are a few core reasons why restoring deleted Facebook conversations is challenging:

Facebook’s Architecture

The way Facebook systems are designed and built does not easily facilitate data recovery. Their infrastructure is optimized for performance at scale rather than for retaining deleted data.


Facebook Messenger uses end-to-end encryption for chats, which secures conversations but also makes retrieval difficult after deletion. The keys to decrypt conversations are lost when chats are removed.

Privacy Focus

In line with Facebook’s increased privacy focus in recent years, they likely prioritize fully deleting user information over retaining data. This makes undeletion harder by design.

No Financial Incentive

Facebook currently has over 2 billion users. They have not found a compelling financial reason to invest resources into building an unsend or deleted chat restore feature. Low demand.

Tips To Prevent Losing Facebook Messages

Since retrieving deleted Facebook conversations can be tricky, your best bet is to avoid losing chats in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Be careful when deleting chats. Double check which conversation you are deleting.
  • Backup your Facebook data regularly just in case.
  • Use a social media management tool that will store copies of your messages.
  • Turn on Facebook email notifications as an added backup.
  • Screenshot or copy-paste important messages outside Messenger for safekeeping.
  • If you end up deleting an important chat, act fast and try recovery methods quickly.

Can Facebook Do More To Help?

Given how hard it is for users to retrieve deleted Facebook messages themselves, should Facebook implement better data recovery features directly in their apps?

There are valid arguments on both sides of this debate:

Reasons Facebook Should Help Users Restore Deleted Chats

  • People accidentally deleting conversations is a common problem – better tools could prevent data loss.
  • An unsend or undo delete feature would improve the user experience.
  • Helping recover lost memories and important information is the right thing to do for users.
  • It aligns with Facebook’s recent privacy-focused direction to give users more control.

Reasons Facebook May Not Help With Message Recovery

  • Significant engineering work would be required to enable undeletion due to their infrastructure.
  • Could be abused by bad actors in some scenarios.
  • Not enough demand from mainstream users to justify the costs.
  • User data would need to be kept for longer before permanent deletion.

There are merits to both perspectives. Ultimately, Facebook needs to decide if helping users restore deleted data is worth the trade-offs involved.


While Facebook currently does not have a built-in restore deleted messages feature, it is sometimes possible to retrieve recently deleted chats through backups and third-party software. However, success is not guaranteed. Your best option is being careful when deleting conversations and regularly backing up your Facebook data.

Although undeleting Facebook messages is difficult, some users feel the company could do more to help. Facebook would need to make substantial infrastructure changes to enable easy chat restoration. It comes down to whether the costs would be worth it for them compared to other priorities.

In summary:

  • Recovering deleted Facebook chats is challenging but sometimes possible if recent.
  • Methods like backups and phone data recovery apps occasionally work.
  • Avoid losing chats by backing up often and deleting carefully.
  • Facebook would face trade-offs if they built an official undelete feature.

With proper precautions, you can minimize the risk of losing important Facebook conversations. But an extra recovery tool from Facebook itself could be helpful if you ever find yourself needing to retrieve deleted Messenger messages.