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Can I retrieve a deleted Facebook Live video?

Can I retrieve a deleted Facebook Live video?

It can be disappointing when a Facebook Live video you recorded gets deleted, especially if it was an important event or memory you wanted to save. The good news is that in many cases, it is possible to retrieve a deleted Facebook Live video. Here are some tips on how to get your video back.

Why Would a Facebook Live Video Get Deleted?

There are a few common reasons why a Facebook Live video may be deleted:

  • You deleted the video yourself accidentally or on purpose.
  • Facebook removed the video because it violated their Community Standards or Terms of Service.
  • There was a technical glitch that caused the video file to get corrupted or lost.

If you deleted the video yourself, it was likely moved to the Trash folder where deleted content goes. You may be able to restore it from there if you act quickly enough. Videos removed by Facebook for violations are less likely to be recoverable.

Check Your Activity Log

The first place to check for your deleted Facebook Live video is your Activity Log. This is where all your Facebook activity is stored, even content you have since deleted:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the arrow in the top right.
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. You’ll see a history of your posts, reactions, profile changes, and more. Filter by “Videos” to see only your video content.
  4. Scan the list for your missing Live video. If it’s there, click on it and select “Restore” to repost it.

If your video no longer appears in your Activity Log, it likely means it has been permanently deleted either by you or by Facebook.

Check Your Trash Folder

The Trash folder operates like a Recycle Bin for your deleted Facebook content. Deleted posts, photos, videos, and more get stored there for a limited time before being permanently erased. To access it:

  1. Go to your profile page and click in the top right corner.
  2. Choose “Settings & Privacy” then select “Settings”.
  3. Go to “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.
  4. Select “Trash” – you’ll see a list of your recently deleted items.
  5. If your Live video is there, click “Restore” to repost it.

Content in the Trash folder stays there for 30 days typically before being removed forever. So check there fast if you notice a video gone.

Use a File Recovery App

If you recorded the Facebook Live video using your smartphone, there is a chance you can recover it using a file recovery app even if it’s been deleted from Facebook. Here’s how:

  1. Download a reputable recovery app like iMyFone D-Back (iOS) or DiskDigger (Android) to your device.
  2. Scan your phone’s storage with the app to find recoverable video files.
  3. Hopefully your Facebook Live video appears in the list. Select it to restore it.
  4. Re-upload the recovered video file to Facebook.

This process works best if not much time has passed since the video was originally deleted. The sooner you scan with a recovery app, the better chance you have of getting your footage back.

Retrieve from a Facebook Viewer

If other people viewed your Facebook Live video while it was originally posted, they may have a copy of it saved on their devices or profiles. Some options for retrieving it from a viewer include:

  • Post on your page asking if anyone saved or recorded the video and is willing to share it.
  • Check viewer profiles to see if they shared any part of the video or re-uploaded it.
  • Use screen recording software to capture and save the video if you find it on someone’s profile.
  • Ask the viewer to download the video from their device and email or messaging it to you.

This method can work well for recovering limited portions of a video. But it likely won’t result in getting the full original video file back.

Contact Facebook Support

If all else fails, you can try reaching out to Facebook’s customer support for help recovering your video. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Select the option for the issue you need help with – likely “Videos”.
  3. Choose the article “How do I download my videos on Facebook?”
  4. Scroll down and click “Still need help?” then “Get in touch with us”.
  5. Explain your situation and that you need help retrieving a deleted video.

Keep in mind Facebook support response times can be slow. And they may not be able to restore content already permanently deleted. But it’s worth a shot as a last resort.

Prevent Deleted Videos in the Future

To avoid going through this recovery headache again in the future, make sure to:

  • Save a copy of your Live videos soon after the broadcast ends.
  • Enable auto-saving for your Facebook videos in settings.
  • Use a third party app to download and back up your Facebook videos.
  • Be careful about what content you post to avoid removals.
  • Delete videos yourself only when you’re certain you won’t want them later.

Taking some preventative measures will be much easier than trying to restore deleted videos after the fact.


Retrieving deleted Facebook Live videos can often be successful if you act quickly using the right methods. Check your Facebook logs and trash, use file recovery software, or reach out to viewers who may have parts of the video saved. And be more cautious going forward to prevent accidental video loss. With a little effort, you can probably get that cherished video content back.