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Can I restrict what a friend sees on Facebook?

Can I restrict what a friend sees on Facebook?

Facebook offers users several options for controlling what friends can see in their profile. Here are some quick answers about limiting friends’ access:

Make Your Profile Private

Making your Facebook profile private is the broadest way to restrict what friends can see. Friends won’t be able to see your posts at all unless you approve them as followers. To make your profile private:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the top right corner
  2. Select “Edit Privacy”
  3. Under “Who can see my stuff?” select “Friends” or “Only Me”

This will make all your posts private. Friends will have to send a follow request to see future posts.

Use Lists to Restrict Access

Facebook lists allow you to group friends together. You can create lists for family, coworkers, acquaintances, etc. Once you have lists, you can restrict access to posts by choosing to share with only specific lists.

To get started with lists:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Friends” in the left sidebar
  2. Click the “+ Create List” button
  3. Give your list a name and start adding friends

When making a new post, use the audience selector to choose which list(s) can view the post. Friends who are not in the selected lists will not be able to see that post.

Adjust Privacy Settings for Individual Posts

For each post you make, you can choose a specific audience. Friends you exclude from the audience won’t be able to see that post in their feed.

  1. When writing a new post, click the audience selector under the post box
  2. Adjust the privacy setting by choosing “Friends Except…” or one of your lists
  3. Type the names of friends you want to exclude

This allows you to limit access on a per-post basis without having to maintain lists.

Limit Photo Viewing

You may want to share some photos publicly while restricting access to certain albums. Here are some options for controlling photo privacy:

  • When uploading photos, use the audience selector to limit viewing
  • Create a list for restricted photos and choose it under audience
  • For albums, click the audience drop-down and restrict viewing
  • Adjust past album privacy settings under the Photos tab

Facebook allows granular control over photo privacy settings so you can choose exactly who sees each album.

Restrict Relationship Status Updates

Your relationship status, including being “in a relationship” with someone, is often considered sensitive information. You can tweak the privacy settings related to your relationship status:

  1. Go to your profile and click “About”
  2. Click the audience selector next to Relationship
  3. Choose “Friends Except…” to exclude specific friends

This will prevent certain friends from seeing changes when you update your relationship status.

Limit Birthday Visibility

Facebook automatically shows your birthday and age to friends. If you want to restrict who sees this:

  1. Go to your profile and click “About”
  2. Click the audience selector next to Birthday
  3. Choose “Only Me” to hide it completely

Now your birthday will only be visible to you and nobody else on Facebook.

Review Tagging Permissions

When friends tag you in posts and photos, those tags are visible to their audiences. You can limit which tags actually appear:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Timeline and Tagging”
  3. Adjust tag review controls and visibility

This allows you to exclude certain tags from appearing in your profile. You can also limit the audience of posts you’ve been tagged in.

Restrict Shared Information

Facebook’s “About” section shows various info like your work, education, places lived, contact info, family members, and more. You can control who gets to see each part:

  1. Go to your profile and click “About”
  2. Hover over each section and click the audience icon to adjust privacy
  3. Choose “Friends” or “Only Me” for sensitive info

These granular controls allow you to share what you want while hiding sensitive details from acquaintances.


Facebook provides detailed options for restricting what specific friends or groups can see. The best approach depends on your comfort level for sharing information.

A private profile gives you maximum control but limits your engagement. Targeted lists and post privacy are a nice middle ground. And you can always tighten up certain sensitive details like your relationship status and birthday.

The options above should give you flexibility in choosing exactly what friends can view in your profile and feed. Just be aware it takes some effort to actively manage privacy settings.

Option Privacy Level How to Use
Make Profile Private Very High Turn on privacy in profile settings
Use Friend Lists High Create lists and choose them in audience selector
Limit Post Audience Medium Choose specific friends to exclude per post
Restrict Photo Albums Medium Set audience when uploading and creating albums
Hide Relationship Status Medium Change audience in “About” section
Limit Birthday Visibility Medium Change audience in “About” section
Review Tags Low Adjust tag review settings
Limit Info Sharing Low Change each info section’s audience

In summary, Facebook provides robust and precise tools for controlling what friends can see in your profile and feed. You have many options based on your specific privacy needs.

The key is taking the time to actively manage settings like post audience, photo privacy, profiling sharing, and more. It takes effort, but gives you power to share comfortably.