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Can I request a verified badge for my profile?

Can I request a verified badge for my profile?

Getting verified on a social media platform can be a great way to build credibility and trust with your audience. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others offer verified badges to accounts that meet certain criteria and go through their verification process. But you can’t simply request a verified badge on command – there are specific requirements and steps you need to take if you want to get that coveted blue checkmark.

What is a verified badge?

A verified badge (usually some variation of a blue checkmark icon) is a way for social platforms to mark accounts that are authentic, notable, and active. It helps users determine if an account is legitimate and trustworthy. Verification requirements differ by platform but usually involve proving you’re a real person representing a real brand, business, organization, or entity with an authentic presence on that platform. Government officials, celebrities, major brands, media outlets, and influencers are examples of accounts often verified.

Why get verified?

There are a few key benefits to getting verified on social channels:

  • Increased credibility and authority – A verified status signals you’re an authentic and reputable source, which builds trust with your audience.
  • Brand differentiation – The verified mark makes your account stand out from competitors and impersonators trying to confuse your audience.
  • Higher visibility – Some platforms give verified accounts preferential treatment in searches, recommendations, and algorithmic ranking.
  • Expanded features – You may gain access to certain features reserved only for verified accounts.

So in summary, getting that blue checkmark can be valuable in strengthening your brand, presence, and reach on social platforms.

Requirements for getting verified

To get verified, platforms want to see evidence you meet their criteria. Each one is slightly different, but some common requirements include:


You must provide proof you are the real person, brand, business, or entity you claim to be. This may involve submitting legal documents, business licenses, government IDs, websites, and corporate information.


Your account must represent something with an established presence “off” the social platform. This means you’re notable in the public sphere in some way, through things like mainstream news coverage, Google search results, an existing website, etc.


Accounts must show regular, authentic activity. Inactive, bot, or spam accounts are not eligible. Platforms want to see you actively updating and engaging with your audience.


You must be the sole owner of the account representing your brand. Accounts shared by multiple people or businesses generally do not qualify.

Complete profile

Your profile must be public and include accurate bio/description, profile and header photos, website links, and other relevant information. Keeping your profile robust and complete shows you’re invested in using the platform properly.


Your account and content must abide by the platform’s rules and terms of service. Accounts that promote hate, illegal activity, or policy violations will not get verified.

How to request verification

Every platform has its own application process to request verification, but there are some general steps to follow:

Meet the requirements

Read through the specific verification policies and confirm you meet all eligibility requirements for the platform. Do not apply until your account is fully compliant.

Fill out the verification form

Submit the platform’s verification request form or use the in-app verification request feature. Supply all information and documentation required.

Provide supplemental evidence

In addition to the form, you may need to email supplemental evidence like business registration documents, press clippings, etc.

Be patient

It can take weeks or even months for platforms to review applications and make a decision. Don’t constantly pester them for updates.

Comply with requests

If notified your application needs clarification or additional info, promptly comply to increase chances of approval.

Appeal denials

If your request gets denied, carefully review the reason and appeal if you believe it was mistaken or you now meet the criteria.

Twitter verification

Here are some specifics around getting verified on one popular platform, Twitter:

Twitter requirements

  • Authentic, notable, and active account
  • Public profile with confirmed email address
  • Birth date and phone number added to account
  • Profile photo, header photo, bio, and website
  • No recent name changes or account behavior violations

How to apply

From your Twitter account:

  1. Go to account settings
  2. Navigate to “Account information” section
  3. Click “Request Verification”
  4. Enter details about who/what your account represents
  5. Upload supplemental documentation if needed
  6. Submit request and await review

Twitter notes it can take a few weeks for them to process requests, and submitting an application does not guarantee approval. Accounts must continue meeting their standards to maintain verification status.

Helpful tips

  • Have a complete, robust profile
  • Ensure account security features like two-factor authentication are enabled
  • Avoid promotional content and spammy engagement tactics
  • Post consistently great, engaging content
  • Build a strong, authentic following on and off Twitter

Meeting Twitter’s notability requirements is key to qualifying for verification. Gaining legitimate press mentions, website traffic, and name recognition will help demonstrate your account’s authenticity and public presence.

Instagram verification

Instagram also offers verified badges. Here’s an overview of their process:

Instagram requirements

  • Authentic account for public figure, celebrity, or global brand
  • Unique account representing one person or brand
  • Public profile and posts
  • Complete bio info and profile photo
  • Ongoing adherence to Instagram’s terms

How to get verified

  1. Go to your profile and tap menu (three lines)
  2. Tap “Settings”
  3. Tap “Request Verification”
  4. Enter your full name and submit details to confirm eligibility
  5. If approved, you’ll see a verification notification

Instagram emphasizes that meeting eligibility does not guarantee verification approval. Patience is key during their review process.

Tips for Instagram

  • Maintain an authentic, active account
  • Only request verification once you know you’re eligible
  • Have a strong social media presence beyond just Instagram
  • Post high-quality, engaging content daily
  • Be selective about engagement tactics and hashtags

Like Twitter, Instagram wants to verify real influencers and brands with legitimate name recognition and followings in the broader public. Simply having lots of followers from inorganic sources likely won’t pass their criteria.

Facebook verification

Facebook verification operates similarly:

Facebook requirements

  • Real brand, business, organization, or public personality
  • Authentic account registered with your legal name
  • Consistent posting and engagement patterns
  • No history of name changes or rule violations

How to request verification

  1. Click “Settings” then “General”
  2. Click “Request Verification”
  3. Enter details on who you represent
  4. Upload documents to confirm eligibility
  5. Await Facebook’s review decision

Facebook notes verification protects integrity across its platforms like Messenger and Instagram. If verified on Facebook, you may also get verified status on associated accounts.

Facebook tips

  • Maintain privacy and security settings
  • Add a profile photo and complete bio info
  • Post content daily and engage consistently
  • Avoid questionable promotional tactics that appear “spammy”
  • Grow your audience organically by providing value

As with other platforms, Facebook wants to see genuine notoriety and reputation for approving verification requests.

YouTube verification

YouTube looks for the following when verifying channels:

YouTube requirements

  • Authentic channel with complete public profile info
  • 10,000+ subscribers
  • Consistent uploading schedule
  • No Community Guidelines violations
  • Proof of off-YouTube notability

YouTube verification process

  1. Confirm your channel meets all eligibility requirements
  2. Go to and agree to the Terms of Service
  3. Enter your channel details to submit for review
  4. YouTube confirms through email if approved

Note that channels must apply through the YouTube Studio dashboard – you cannot request verification directly from the YouTube app.

Best practices for YouTube

  • Have an accurate channel description
  • Maintain a consistent upload schedule
  • Promote your channel outside of YouTube
  • Avoid buying fake views or subscribers
  • Engage genuinely with your audience in comments

YouTube is looking for influencers, brands, artists, and creators who have gained significant popularity on YouTube itself as well as through external press, websites, and brand recognition.

Twitch verification

For Twitch verification, channels should ensure:

Twitch verification requirements

  • 500+ average concurrent viewers per stream
  • 25,000+ followers
  • Consistent streaming schedule 3+ times a week
  • Complete channel about section and profile picture
  • No Community Guidelines violations

How to request verification on Twitch

  1. Make sure your channel meets all requirements
  2. Go to your Creator Dashboard > Settings
  3. Click “Request Verification”
  4. Check eligibility factors and submit form
  5. Wait for Twitch’s review decision

Twitch reminds streamers there’s no guarantee of approval. Verification aims to recognize established partners actively investing in their Twitch presence.

Twitch best practices

  • Network organically with other streamers
  • Set a reliable streaming schedule
  • Engage consistently with chat and followers
  • Promote your Twitch channel on other platforms
  • Avoid controversial or questionable content

Twitch wants to see you building a strong Twitch community with authentic growth before approving verification. Buying followers or bots won’t pass their standards.

TikTok verification

On TikTok, verification requirements include:

TikTok verification requirements

  • Authentic account with your real name
  • Public profile with photo, bio, etc.
  • 100,000+ followers
  • Original creator content
  • No policy or guideline violations

Getting verified on TikTok

  1. Tap “Me” tab in app
  2. Tap three-line menu then “Verify account”
  3. Submit details like official work, why you should be verified, etc.
  4. Wait for TikTok to review your request

Note there’s no guarantee of approval just by requesting verification. TikTok aims to confirm authenticity.

TikTok best practices

  • Add links to other social profiles in your bio
  • Post consistently engaging, high-quality videos
  • Use relevant hashtags and participate in trends
  • Collaborate with other popular creators
  • Promote your account organically – avoid buying followers

Gaining legitimate followers who interact with your content is key. TikTok wants to verify accounts that add value more than accounts focused on growth hacks.

Other platforms

Beyond the major sites covered above, many other platforms offer account verification including:

  • LinkedIn – For established public figures, businesses, organizations, and media companies. Requires documented offline identity, professional relevance, and complete public profile.
  • Pinterest – For brands, businesses, public figures, and creators. Requires website, published articles mentioning your work, other social media accounts, and consistent pinning activity.
  • Snapchat – For prominent individuals and brands. Requires substantial presence off Snapchat along with consistent Snapchat activity.
  • Reddit – For celebrities, established groups/communities, and notable public figures. Requires presence outside of Reddit.
  • Quora – For experts and public figures able to provide valuable content. Requires sharing quality content and engaging productively with the community.

The verification requirements for these sites follow similar themes of proving authenticity, establishing your reputation, and actively using the platform as intended.

Platform Sample verification requirements
Twitter Authentic, active account; public profile details added; meets notability requirements
Instagram Public figure, celeb, or brand; public posts and complete profile; strong presence off Instagram
Facebook Real organization or public personality; accurate bio info; history of consistent posting
YouTube 10,000+ subscribers; consistent uploads; external notoriety and press
Twitch 500+ average viewers; 25,000+ followers; streams 3+ times per week
TikTok 100,000+ followers; original content; real name and bio
Reddit Presence outside Reddit; moderators of established communities


Getting a verified badge on social platforms is not as simple as just requesting one and immediately receiving that coveted blue checkmark. There are strict requirements around authenticity, activity, reputation, and influence that must be met first. While the specifics vary by platform, the verification process generally examines whether your account is legitimately notable and adds value to the broader community. Organic growth based on consistently providing quality content is far more likely to get verified than artificial shortcuts like buying followers. If your account represents a real brand, business, or personality that actively contributes to a platform, you’ll have a solid case for verification – but there are no guarantees, as the decision still lies with each platform’s discretion. With persistence and consistently meeting their standards, verification may be possible in time.