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Can I report my Facebook hacked?

Can I report my Facebook hacked?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful and frustrating experience. Your private information may have been accessed, your profile may have been misused to send spam or offensive messages, and you may have found yourself locked out of your own account. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to report your Facebook hacked and work to regain control of your account.

How to Know if Your Facebook Account Has Been Hacked

Here are some signs that your Facebook account may have been compromised:

  • You are suddenly logged out of your account and cannot log back in, even with the correct password.
  • Your profile picture, cover photo, or bio have been changed without your doing.
  • You are seeing posts or messages sent from your account that you did not send.
  • Your friends report getting spam or strange messages from your account.
  • New friends have been added to your account without your knowledge.

If you notice any of these issues, it’s likely your account has been hacked and immediate action is required to secure it.

How to Report Your Facebook Account Hacked

If you believe your account has been compromised, here are the steps to take:

  1. Log out of your account on all devices if you’re able to access it. This can prevent further misuse.
  2. Use a separate device to access Facebook and report your account hacked. Do not log back into your compromised account.
  3. Click “Find Support or Report Profile” at the bottom of Facebook’s homepage. Choose the “My Account Was Hacked” option.
  4. Follow the prompts to report your account hacked and submit your details. Be sure to provide as much information as possible.
  5. Facebook will investigate and work to restore your account access. This process could take a few days to a few weeks.
  6. Check back regularly on the status of your hacked account report. Provide any additional information Facebook requests.

You can also report specific issues like unauthorized posts or messages via Facebook’s Help Center. Documenting unauthorized activity can help in their investigation.

How Facebook Investigates Hacked Account Reports

When you report your Facebook account as hacked, their security team takes the following steps to investigate:

  • Review the account for suspicious activity patterns like sudden changes to profile details, posts from unusual locations, or messages sent at odd hours.
  • Check where and when the account has been logged into recently, comparing to your usual patterns.
  • Analyze actions taken from the account to see if they match your normal behavior.
  • Request more information from you if needed, like locations you’ve logged in from, verification codes, or copies of ID.
  • Evaluate if the account shows signs of being compromised by an unauthorized third party.
  • Determine if the account appears to still be in control of the original owner.

Facebook’s security systems are constantly developing to better detect and stop hacking activity. Their goal is to restore rightful account access as quickly as possible.

What to Do While Waiting for Account Access

While you wait for Facebook to complete the hacked account investigation, here are some things you can do:

  • Let any friends or followers know your account was hacked and to disregard messages from it.
  • Change the passwords on any accounts that use the same or similar passwords as your Facebook account.
  • Watch out for suspicious emails, texts or calls related to the hack.
  • Check your Facebook profile frequently for status updates on the investigation.
  • Beef up security on your devices to protect all accounts.
  • If financial or banking accounts may have been compromised, let those providers know immediately.

Being proactive about security can help minimize the impacts of the hack. Share updates to let your network know the account was compromised.

Steps to Take Once Your Account is Restored

Once Facebook restores access to your account after investigating your hacked report, here are the steps to take next:

  • Log in and assess any damage done to your account during the hack.
  • Remove any unknown friends or followers added without your approval.
  • Delete any unauthorized posts, messages, or profile changes made during the breach.
  • Reset your password again and turn on two-factor authentication for enhanced security.
  • Review all recent account activity under Security Settings for suspicious access.
  • Recover any connected accounts like Instagram or Oculus that may have been affected.
  • Let contacts know your account is under your control again.

Taking quick action to undo hacking damage can help you regain control. Enable extra security settings to improve protection going forward.

How to Turn On Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra step to logging into your Facebook account. After entering your password, you’ll provide a secondary one-time code that comes from your mobile device or authentication app. Adding this extra layer of security makes it much harder for hackers to access your account.

Follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right of Facebook and go to Settings.
  2. Choose Security and Login from the menu on the left.
  3. Select Set Up Two-Factor Authentication and follow the prompts to get started.
  4. You’ll need to download an authentication app or allow Facebook access to your mobile device.
  5. On future logins you’ll need to provide both your password and a fresh security code.

Take the time to set up two-factor and your Facebook account will be far more secure from future hacking attempts.

Preventing Your Facebook from Being Hacked Again

Once your account has been compromised, it’s essential to take preventative steps so it doesn’t happen again. Here are key ways to enhance security:

  • Create a strong password – Use a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid common words or phrases.
  • Don’t reuse passwords – Each account should have its own unique password not used elsewhere.
  • Enable two-factor authentication – Add an extra login step for enhanced protection.
  • Be cautious of shady links/files – Don’t click on anything suspicious that could download malware.
  • Review privacy settings – Limit what information is visible to the public.
  • Monitor account activity – Regularly check actions taken for anything suspicious.

Making your Facebook security stronger in key areas will help safeguard your account. Always err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting your account.

Can You Tell Who Hacked Your Facebook Account?

Figuring out who hacked your Facebook account can be difficult, but there are ways to piece together clues:

  • Check the Locations feature to see where your account has been accessed from recently.
  • Look for messages or posts with language patterns unique to someone you know.
  • Review any contact information added to your account during the hack.
  • See if content was deleted that would have been of interest to a particular person.
  • Consider who would have motive to access your private information or misuse your profile.

While Facebook keeps hacker identities private, they may provide details to law enforcement if illegal activity was involved. You can also consider filing a police report if you have indications of who hacked your profile.

What Happens if You Can’t Get Your Hacked Facebook Account Back?

If Facebook is unable to restore access to your hacked account, here are some next steps to take:

  • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau detailing Facebook’s inability to recover your account.
  • Consult with a lawyer to see if any legal action can be taken against the hacker.
  • Request a copy of all your data from the account under applicable data privacy laws.
  • Check if any financial accounts were compromised and freeze credit if necessary.
  • Create a new Facebook account and proactively add friends to reconnect.
  • Boost security on any identically named accounts on other platforms.

Losing access permanently to your hacked Facebook account is frustrating. Being proactive about damage control and reconnecting with your network on a new profile can help move forward.

Can You Go to Jail for Hacking Someone’s Facebook?

Hacking someone else’s Facebook account is a criminal offense that may result in prosecution. Potential penalties include:

  • Up to 1 year in prison for basic unauthorized access under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
  • Up to 10 years in prison for further offenses like theft of information or damage to the account.
  • Additional fines determined at sentencing, typically $100,000-$250,000 or more.
  • Civil damages awarded to the victim like compensation for identity theft losses.

Facebook works closely with law enforcement to investigate hacking crimes. They will report illegal activity to the police and assist in providing evidence for charges and prosecution. Hacking Facebook is not taken lightly within the justice system.

Notable Facebook Hacking Criminal Cases

Here are some noteworthy examples of hackers being criminally convicted for compromising Facebook accounts:

  • In 2011, a man was sentenced to 3 years in prison for hacking women’s Facebook accounts and stealing risqué photos.
  • In 2015, two men received 2.5 year prison sentences for hacking Facebook pages and spamming them for profit.
  • In 2018, a group of hackers were indicted on charges of account takeover fraud targeting Facebook users.
  • In 2021, a man got 2 years in prison for a hack and ransom scheme involving Instagram and Facebook accounts.

These cases demonstrate the strict penalties handed down for Facebook hacking crimes. Individuals who illegally access accounts face substantial jail time if caught and convicted.

How to Report Illegal Facebook Hacking

If you know a hacker has compromised your Facebook account or others’ profiles illegally, here are ways to report it:

  • Report to Facebook through the Help Center so they can investigate and share data.
  • File an Identity Theft complaint with the Federal Trade Commission if accounts were misused.
  • Contact your local law enforcement agency to report the hacking crimes.
  • Report child predator activity directly to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
  • Consult an attorney to explore possible civil litigation against the hacker.

Providing details to authorities increases the likelihood the hacking perpetrator will be identified and prosecuted. Facebook takes law enforcement requests related to hacking and other cybercrimes very seriously.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful violation of privacy. If you believe your account has been compromised, report it to Facebook right away and take steps to protect yourself while it is locked down. Use strong security settings once your access is restored to prevent repeat hacking. If you uncover illegal activity related to your account breach, work with law enforcement to ensure the perpetrator faces accountability for their crimes.