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Can I remove someone’s reaction from my Facebook post?

Can I remove someone’s reaction from my Facebook post?

Yes, it is possible to remove someone else’s reaction from your Facebook post. When someone reacts to your post by clicking on the Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry reactions, it is displayed publicly below your post. If you don’t want a particular person’s reaction to be shown, you can delete it.

Why would you want to remove someone’s reaction?

There are a few reasons why someone may want to remove another person’s reaction from their post:

  • You had an argument with the person reacting and don’t want to be associated with them anymore.
  • The reaction was inappropriate or malicious.
  • You broke up with the person reacting and don’t want reminders on your page.
  • The person reacting is spamming your posts with reactions.
  • You want to curate the reactions to showcase only positive engagement.

Whatever the reason, you have the ability to delete reactions you don’t want displayed on your post.

How to remove a reaction on desktop

Removing a reaction from your Facebook post using a desktop browser is easy:

  1. Go to your Facebook post that contains the reaction you want to remove.
  2. Hover over the reaction you want to delete and click on the ‘X’ that appears.
  3. Click on ‘Remove’ to confirm.

The reaction will be immediately deleted from your post. The person who left the reaction will not be notified that you removed it.

How to remove a reaction on mobile

The process is similar on mobile:

  1. Go to your Facebook post that contains the reaction you want to remove.
  2. Press and hold on the reaction you want to delete.
  3. Tap on the trash can icon.
  4. Tap on ‘Remove’ to confirm.

The reaction will be immediately removed from your post. As with desktop, the person reacting won’t know you deleted their reaction.

Things to keep in mind

Here are some things to be aware of when removing someone’s reaction:

  • You can only remove reactions from your own posts, not posts on other people’s timelines.
  • Removing the reaction only deletes the visual indicator, not any potential notifications related to it.
  • Reactions can only be removed individually. You can’t mass delete all reactions.
  • The number of reactions on your post will decrease by one once you delete it.
  • You can delete reactions from posts no matter how old they are.

So in summary, removing reactions is easy to do by hovering/long pressing and selecting delete. It’s a good option if there’s a particular reaction you don’t want associated with your post.

How to disable reactions on your future posts

If you don’t want people reacting to your posts at all, you can disable reactions for future posts:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Select ‘Posts’ in the left column.
  3. Look for the ‘Default Post Audience and Visibility’ setting.
  4. Click on ‘Edit’ and change it to ‘Friends Except Acquaintances’.

This will prevent the general public from being able to react to or comment on your future posts. Only your friends list will have access.

You can also turn commenting off altogether on your posts by toggling ‘Allow Commenting by Friends’ to the off position.

How to remove tag notifications from a post

In addition to reactions, you may also want to remove tag notifications from your post. When someone tags a friend in a comment on your post, it can send a notification to that person.

To remove tag notifications:

  1. Click on the comments section of your post.
  2. Hover over the comment containing the tag you want to disable.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow.
  4. Select ‘Disable Tags’.

This will prevent any future notifications being sent from that tag. However, it doesn’t remove any notifications that have already been sent.

You also have the option to delete the comment with the tag altogether by selecting ‘Delete Comment’.

Can you see who removed your reaction?

If you notice your reaction disappeared from someone’s post, you may wonder who removed it. Unfortunately there is no way to see who specifically deleted your reaction. Facebook does not notify users when their reactions are removed.

The only indication that a reaction was deleted is that it disappears from the post. You won’t get any named notification about it.

Should you notify someone that you removed their reaction?

Since Facebook doesn’t directly tell someone when a reaction is removed, it can be courteous to give the person a heads up yourself. However, this depends on your relationship with them.

Here are some examples where notifying them may be appropriate:

  • You removed an ex’s reactions after breaking up and want closure.
  • A friend’s reactions were accidentally spammy so you removed them.
  • You removed a family member’s reaction after a disagreement.

In these cases, sending a quick message explaining why you removed their reaction could help smooth things over.

However, for reactions from strangers, distant acquaintances, or toxic people, a notification may not be necessary. Use your best judgment based on the specific context.

Mistakes to avoid when removing reactions

When utilizing the ability to remove reactions on Facebook, keep these mistakes in mind:

  • Removing close connections’ reactions too often: This could hurt feelings or damage the relationship.
  • Deleting reactions in retaliation: This could escalate disagreements.
  • Removing reactions without explaining: This might confuse people who expected to see their reaction still there.
  • Deleting all negative reactions: Trying to censor any critical feedback looks disingenuous.

In general, exercise restraint and thoughtful consideration when deleting reactions. Use it sparingly for removing spammy or harassing content.

Pros of removing reactions

Despite some risks, here are positives that can come from removing reactions:

  • You control the tone and messaging on your own page.
  • It can eliminate negativity from your posts.
  • You have more power over your privacy and image.
  • Curating reactions can improve impressions for visitors.
  • It’s a last resort if blocking/unfriending isn’t viable or sufficient.

So in moderation, removing unwanted reactions can be beneficial.

Cons of removing reactions

However, there are some downsides to consider as well:

  • It could damage relationships with friends if overdone.
  • People may react negatively if they notice their reactions disappearing.
  • Too much curation makes your posts less authentic.
  • It prevents constructive criticism and discourse.
  • There is little transparency since removals are invisible.

So use sparingly and sensitively. Deleting should be the exception, not the rule.

How removing reactions compares to other moderation options

Removing reactions is just one tool for managing your Facebook posts. Here’s how it compares to some other moderation options:

Action Notification Levels of Control Damage to Relationships
Remove reactions No Individual Minimal
Delete comments Yes Individual Moderate
Ban user from page Yes Per-person Severe
Disable all reactions No Broad Potentially high

As you can see, removing individual reactions is the most surgical, targeted approach. But stronger moderation can be used in cases of harassment or spam.


Deleting reactions on your Facebook posts is a simple process – just hover and click the x. It allows you to curate responses and manage how your posts are presented.

However, use good judgment when removing reactions to avoid upsetting friends. And recognize that excessive deleting can damage trust and authenticity. Overall, moderately removing the most egregious reactions can help shape the tone on your profile.