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Can I recover my Facebook account if it was hacked?

Can I recover my Facebook account if it was hacked?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful and frustrating experience. Your personal information, photos, conversations, and connections are all stored on Facebook, so a hacker gaining access to your account gives them a lot of control and insight into your digital life. The good news is that there are steps you can take to recover your hacked Facebook account and secure it for the future. Here we’ll walk through how to know if your Facebook account has been hacked, how to regain access to your account, how to confirm it’s secure moving forward, and steps to take to avoid being hacked again.

How to Know if Your Facebook Account is Hacked

There are a few clear signs that indicate your Facebook account has been compromised:

You’re locked out of your account

If you try to log in to Facebook but find that your password suddenly doesn’t work, and you aren’t able to reset it using your email or phone number on file, chances are a hacker has changed your password and locked you out. This is one of the most obvious signs they’ve taken over.

Suspicious posts or messages have been sent

Posts, comments, messages, or conversations that you didn’t send have appeared from your account. A hacker may be using your account to send spam or malware links to your friends.

Email notifications about changes you didn’t make

If you get emails saying your Facebook email, password, or two-factor authentication settings have been changed, but you didn’t initiate these changes, your account security has been compromised.

Friends tell you they’ve received strange messages

If people in your Facebook network start asking about bizarre messages or posts you apparently sent them, that’s a clear red flag your account is hacked.

You notice new friend requests or added friends

A hacked Facebook account may start sending out random friend requests or adding new friends you don’t know. This is a tactic hackers use to gain access to more accounts and spread malicious links.

Your profile information has been edited

Log in to your account and check your profile and settings. If your profile photo, cover photo, bio, or other personal info has been changed without your doing, hackers have gotten in and taken over.

Steps to Regain Access to Your Hacked Facebook Account

If you believe your Facebook account has been hacked, take the following steps right away to regain access:

Step 1: Report the hacked account to Facebook

The first step is to let Facebook know your account has been compromised. This alerts them to suspicious activity, and they can help you start the recovery process. Here’s how to report a hacked account:

– Go to Facebook and click “Forgot Password” to get to the account recovery options.

– Click “No longer have access to these?” beneath the password reset options.

– Facebook will ask you to fill out info to confirm your identity. Provide as many details as possible, like your full name, email, phone number, birthday, and usernames of the hacked account.

– On the “Find Your Account” page, click “My account was hacked.” Fill out the form with details about how you discovered the hack, what the hacker may have accessed, and the dates these changes occurred.

– Facebook will email you with steps to regain access to your account. Follow the instructions they provide. This may involve resetting your password using your email on file or providing additional proof of identity.

Step 2: Check for suspicious apps

Once you’re able to log back into your Facebook account, check for any suspicious or unknown apps under Settings > Apps and Websites. Click the “Remove” button on any unusual apps. These may be malware the hacker installed to maintain access.

Step 3: Review privacy settings

Hackers may have edited your profile to public or gained access to personal info in your activity log. Under Settings > Privacy, make sure your privacy and tag settings reflect your preferences. Tighten up sharing permissions wherever needed.

Step 4: Reset your password

Even if you’ve regained access to your account, the hacker may still have your old password. Complete an account password reset for peace of mind. Make sure your new password is strong and unique.

Step 5: Turn on two-factor authentication

For extra protection, enable two-factor authentication under Settings > Security and Login. This requires you to enter a random security code from your phone each time you log in from a new device. Even if a hacker gets your password, they can’t access your account.

Step 6: Check connected apps and remove anything unfamiliar

Apps connected to your Facebook account could be compromised by hackers. Under Settings > Apps and Websites, look through your “Active” and “Expired” connected apps. Remove anything unfamiliar. Revoke access permissions entirely if needed.

Step 7: Scan your computer for malware

Malware or keylogging software could have allowed a hacker to steal your Facebook login info in the first place. Scan your computer using antivirus software to check for anything suspicious. Also change passwords for any other online accounts that used the same password as your Facebook account.

Confirm Your Facebook Account is Secure

Once you’ve completed the steps to recover your hacked Facebook account, here are some things you can do to confirm it’s safe and secure moving forward:

Log out of all active sessions

Under Settings > Security and Login, click “See More” beneath “Where You’re Logged In.” Log out of all sessions except the one you’re currently using. This signs any hackers out of your account on other devices.

Review recent activity

Scroll through your Facebook activity log, which shows recent posts, searches, reactions, and locations. Make sure there’s nothing suspicious. Also click on “Active Sessions” to see login dates and locations. Log out of anything unfamiliar.

Check messages requests and filtered messages

Hackers may have tried messaging people from your account. Look in your message requests and filtered message folders for anything suspicious. Delete anything not sent by you.

Look for unauthorized emails

Log in to the email account connected to your Facebook account. Check for any password reset emails or other Facebook alerts that weren’t sent by you.

See what info Facebook shows about you

Use the “View As” tool under Settings > View As to preview what your profile looks like to the public and to friends. Make sure no private info is visible. You can also do a personalized data download to see what Facebook has stored.

Ask friends to report suspicious messages

Have your Facebook friends flag any unusual messages sent from your account recently so Facebook can remove them from their inboxes.

Avoid Getting Hacked Again

Here are key tips to keep your Facebook account safe from future hacks:

Create a strong password

Use a complex, unique password that would be difficult to guess. Include upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Don’t use the same password anywhere else.

Enable two-factor authentication

Having two-factor authentication is one of the best defenses. It requires both your password and a temporary code from your phone to log in. Enable it in Settings > Security and Login.

Be wary of shady links

Don’t click suspicious links in emails, messages, or posts claiming to be from Facebook. They could be phishing attempts designed to steal your login info.

Remove unused apps and games

Don’t let old, forgotten Facebook apps stick around. Uninstall anything you’re not actively using in Settings > Apps and Websites.

Check settings regularly

Give your Facebook account a routine check-up. Make sure your login details, privacy settings, connected apps, and active sessions all look normal.

Be careful on public WiFi

Avoid accessing Facebook on public, unsecured WiFi. A hacker could intercept your login info on the same network. Use mobile data instead.

Use extra login protections

Set up login alerts or login approvals in Settings > Security and Login. Facebook will notify you about logins from unrecognized devices. You can also require personal info or codes to approve new logins.

Don’t share passwords or verification codes

A common Facebook hacking tactic is to pretend to be from “Facebook support” and request your password or login approval code. Never share these with anyone.

Recover Quickly to Minimize the Damage

If you do suffer a Facebook account hack, move quickly to start the recovery process. The sooner you can regain access and undo the hacker’s changes, the less opportunity they’ll have to take over your account, access private information, or compromise your network of Facebook friends. Just be sure to take preventative steps after recovering your account to avoid falling victim to another hack. With good password practices and heightened security settings, you can keep your account safe.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be a deeply unsettling experience. But fortunately Facebook provides ways to report and recover a compromised account if you act quickly. Follow the steps to regain access, undo any damage, and secure your account for the future. Enable two-factor authentication, use strong passwords, and be vigilant about checking your settings. With proper precautions, you can avoid most hacking attempts and keep full control over your Facebook profile and connections.