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Can I recover deleted text messages on Facebook?

Can I recover deleted text messages on Facebook?

Recovering deleted text messages on Facebook can be tricky, but it is possible in some cases. Facebook does not have an official way to retrieve deleted messages, but there are a few methods you can try to get back deleted texts.

Can you recover deleted Facebook messages?

Facebook does not have a built-in feature to recover deleted messages. Once a Facebook message is deleted, it is typically gone for good from Facebook’s servers. However, that does not mean the messages are unrecoverable in every case. Here are some ways you may be able to retrieve deleted Facebook messages:

  • On the sender’s account – If the person who sent the message still has it in their inbox, you can ask them to forward it back to you.
  • On the recipient’s account – If you deleted a message you received but the sender still has it, you can ask them to send it again.
  • On a linked device – If the messages were open on a linked device (like a phone or tablet), the messages may still be on that device.
  • With a backup – If you have a backup of your Facebook data, the deleted messages may be recovered from the backup.

So in summary, recovering deleted Facebook messages depends on if the message still exists in another location like the sender’s account, recipient’s account, a linked device, or backups. If the message has been deleted from all of these places, then there is likely no way to get it back.

How are Facebook messages stored?

When you send and receive Facebook messages, they are stored in the following places:

  • Facebook’s servers – All messages are stored on Facebook’s servers when sent and received.
  • Sender’s inbox – The sent messages remain in the sender’s inbox unless deleted.
  • Recipient’s inbox – The received messages remain in the recipient’s inbox unless deleted.
  • Linked devices – If you have the Facebook app on a phone or tablet, messages will also be stored on that device.
  • Backups – Messages will be included if you backup your Facebook data locally or to the cloud.

So when you delete a message as the sender or recipient, it is deleted from your inbox and Facebook’s servers. However, it will remain stored in the other locations like the sender or recipient’s inbox, linked devices, or backups.

How to recover deleted Facebook messages from a linked device

If you had the Facebook app and were signed into your account on a mobile device or tablet, the messages may still be accessible even if deleted from the Facebook website or app.

Here’s how to recover deleted Facebook messages from a linked device:

  1. On your phone or tablet, open the Facebook app and log into your account if you are not already logged in.
  2. Go into your Messages section and look for the conversation with the deleted message.
  3. The messages should still be visible here if they were not also deleted from the device.
  4. You can copy, screenshot, or forward the message to yourself to recover it.
  5. If the messages are not on your device anymore, then they cannot be recovered from here.

The key is that Facebook’s app caches messages on the local device, so it provides a second place the messages are stored. Just keep in mind that if you also deleted the messages from the app, then this method will not work.

Recovering deleted Facebook messages from a backup

If you have backed up your Facebook data locally on your computer or to a cloud backup service, you may be able to recover deleted messages from the backup.

Here are some tips for retrieving deleted Facebook messages from a backup:

  • Use a backup service like Google Takeout, iCloud, or Dropbox to download a copy of your Facebook data archive.
  • Search for a folder or files containing your Facebook messages in the backup.
  • Scan through your inbox and message folders to see if the deleted messages are still contained in the backup.
  • If found, you can copy, forward, or export the recovered messages as needed.
  • Make sure you are looking at a recent enough backup that would have included the now deleted messages.

Backups can be a great resource for recovering all kinds of deleted social media data. Just be sure you know where your Facebook messages were being backed up and that the backup contains the time period you need.

Asking the sender to resend the deleted Facebook message

If you deleted a message that was sent to you, but the sender still has the message in their inbox, you can ask them to simply send it to you again. This is the easiest way to recover deleted incoming Facebook messages.

Here are some tips on asking the sender for a copy of the deleted message:

  • Identify who sent you the Facebook message that you deleted.
  • Send them a new message explaining that you accidentally deleted their previous message.
  • Ask them politely if they can please send it to you again.
  • Most people will gladly resend a deleted message if you ask nicely.
  • Make sure to let them know you appreciate them taking the time to recover the message for you.

As long as the sender still has access to the original message, they can easily send it to you again. This only works for recovering deleted incoming messages and not ones you sent yourself.

Can you recover deleted Facebook messages after 30 days?

Facebook only retains deleted messages for up to 30 days in most cases. This means after 30 days, deleted Facebook messages are likely gone for good.

Here is some more detail on Facebook’s deleted message retention period:

  • When you delete a Facebook message, Facebook retains it for 30 days before permanent deletion.
  • This applies to messages deleted by either the sender or recipient.
  • After 30 days, the messages are purged from Facebook’s servers.
  • Neither the sender or recipient will be able to recover the messages from Facebook after this point.
  • The 30 day period gives you a window to recover messages through other means like linked devices or backups.

So in summary, if you notice a Facebook message was deleted more than 30 days ago, it is likely unrecoverable through Facebook itself. Your only options are retrieving it from the sender, recipient, linked devices, or backups.

How to request deleted messages from Facebook

Since Facebook does not directly provide a way to recover deleted messages through their platform, you cannot formally request access to deleted messages from Facebook itself.

However, here are some steps you can take to request deleted messages:

  1. Contact the sender and ask them to send the message again if they still have it in their inbox.
  2. Contact the recipient if it was a message you sent and ask them to forward it back to you if they still have it.
  3. Check any linked devices like phones or tablets to see if the message is still cached in the Facebook app.
  4. Restore from a backup that would contain the message.
  5. Use Facebook’s download your information tool to request an archive of your data. Deleted messages may still be in this archive if within 30 days.
  6. Submit an official request to Facebook. While they likely cannot provide deleted messages, you can try asking their support in case they can assist.

Essentially you need to explore every possible avenue, since Facebook itself will not be able to recover the messages directly in most cases.

Mistakes to avoid when trying to recover deleted Facebook messages

When trying to get back a deleted Facebook message, there are some mistakes that could make it impossible to recover the message.

Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

  • Not acting quickly – The longer you wait, the less chance you have to recover deleted messages from the sender, recipient, devices, or backups.
  • Not preserving the message – If you find the message still available on a device or app, make sure to copy, screenshot, export, or otherwise preserve it before losing access again.
  • Deleting on all locations – Be careful not to delete the message again from places it still exists like linked devices, which removes another chance for recovery.
  • Restoring devices – Restoring a phone or tablet to factory settings without backing up the messages will eliminate that source.
  • Assuming Facebook will recover – Do not rely on Facebook’s support to recover deleted messages, as they likely cannot restore them after 30 days.

Avoiding these critical mistakes will improve your chances of getting that deleted Facebook message back where possible.

Best practices for recovering deleted Facebook messages

To ensure you have the best shot at recovering deleted Facebook messages if ever needed, follow these best practices:

  • Back up your messages – Regularly back up your Facebook data to preserve important messages.
  • Download a copy – Download a copy of your Facebook information archive every few months.
  • Leave messages undeleted – Avoid deleting messages unless absolutely necessary.
  • Check linked devices – Check connected devices like phones before wiping them.
  • Act quickly – Try to recover deleted messages within 30 days if possible.
  • Confirm deletions – Always double confirm when permanently deleting anything.

Following these tips will help ensure you stay prepared in the event important Facebook messages need to be recovered.

Can you recover deleted Facebook messages without backups?

It is very difficult to recover deleted Facebook messages without backups or any secondary copies of the messages. However, there are a couple potential ways to retrieve deleted Facebook messages without backups:

  • Ask the sender to forward the message again if they still have it in their inbox.
  • Ask the recipient to send you the message if you originally sent it and they still have it.
  • Use data recovery software to scan your hard drive and restore any residual copies or traces of the deleted message files. However, success is not guaranteed.
  • Hire a computer forensics professional who may be able to find remnants of the deleted messages on your device’s storage drive. But this is an expensive option.

Other than those options, there are no good ways to recover permanently deleted Facebook messages without having some kind of backup or secondary copy of the messages. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly backup your Facebook data if you want the ability to restore deleted messages.

What happens when you delete Facebook messages?

Here is an overview of what happens when you delete Facebook messages:

  • The message is removed from your message inbox and any conversation threads it was part of.
  • A copy of the message will remain in the inbox of the other person(s) involved in the conversation.
  • The message remains in Facebook’s servers but is flagged as deleted by you.
  • After 30 days, Facebook’s servers permanently delete the message.
  • The message will also be deleted from any linked devices like smartphones or tablets.
  • Backups will retain copies of the deleted message until those backups are deleted or overwritten.

In summary:

  • The message is immediately deleted from your inbox and devices.
  • Facebook servers retain the message in a deleted state for 30 days before permanent deletion.
  • The message continues to exist in other message inboxes or backups until deleted.

So while the message is instantly removed from your perspective, traces of it remain recoverable via other methods until permanently purged from all locations after 30 days.

Can deleted Facebook messages be traced?

It is not possible to directly trace the content of deleted Facebook messages. However, you may be able to determine some information about deleted messages in the following ways:

  • Check your Facebook message inbox on linked devices – Deleted messages may still be visible here.
  • Look in your Facebook data download archive – Deleted messages within 30 days may appear here.
  • Check any local or cloud backups – The message content may be recoverable from backups.
  • View your message history – You can see who you exchanged messages with and when, even if the content is deleted.
  • Check the other person’s inbox – The message will be intact in their inbox if not also deleted.

While the actual content of deleted Facebook messages cannot be traced directly, there are ways to find metadata about the exchange and potentially recover the full message from other locations. But if the message is permanently deleted everywhere, there are no tracing options available.

What happens when a Facebook message is deleted by the sender?

Here is what happens when a Facebook message is deleted by the original sender:

  • The message is removed from the sender’s inbox and message history.
  • The message remains visible in the recipient’s inbox.
  • On Facebook’s servers, the message is marked as deleted but kept for 30 days before permanent deletion.
  • The message stays intact in the recipient’s inbox unless they also delete it.
  • After 30 days, the message cannot be recovered by the sender from Facebook.
  • The sender can only recover the deleted message from their own backups or if the recipient sends it back to them.

In summary, when a sender deletes their message, it completely disappears from their perspective but stays fully visible to the recipients. Only the sender loses access unless they can recover it from another source.

What happens when you delete messages on Messenger?

Deleting messages on Facebook Messenger works very similarly to deleting regular Facebook messages:

  • The message is removed from your inbox and conversation history in the Messenger app.
  • The message remains visible to all other participants in the Messenger conversation.
  • Facebook stores the deleted message on its servers in a recoverable state for 30 days.
  • After 30 days, the deleted Messenger message is permanently deleted by Facebook.
  • You can only recover the message from backups or if another Messenger user sends it back to you.

In essence, deleting a Messenger message only affects your view of the conversation. The message still exists for other users until they delete it themselves or enough time passes for permanent deletion by Facebook.

Recovering deleted Facebook messages sent to a group

If you delete a message you sent to a Facebook group, recovering it can be tricky:

  • The message will disappear from your view and inbox in the group.
  • But it will still be visible to all other group members who received it.
  • To recover the message, you will need to ask another group member to send it back to you privately.
  • No single group member will be able to delete the message from view of other members.
  • Trying to recover the message by rejoining the group won’t work, as your deleted message will not reappear.
  • You could also try downloading your Facebook data, as group messages you delete may be retained for up to 30 days.

So if you want to recover a deleted Facebook message sent to a group, your only real option is to ask an individual group member to send it back to you privately. Otherwise, the message will remain visible to the group but not yourself.


While Facebook does not provide a built-in way to recover deleted messages, there are some DIY methods that may work in some cases, like retrieving messages from the sender or recipient’s inboxes, connected devices, backups, or downloaded archives. But overall, there is no foolproof way to restore deleted Facebook messages, so regular backups and avoiding mass deletions are best practice to preserve important conversations.