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Can I reactivate a Cancelled event on Facebook?

Can I reactivate a Cancelled event on Facebook?

Facebook events allow users to create and manage events, invite guests, and promote the event to reach more people. When you create an event on Facebook, you have the option to publish the event or save it as a draft. If you choose to publish the event straight away, it will be visible to the public and anyone you’ve invited. However, if you save it as a draft, you can come back and publish it later.

Sometimes event organizers may choose to cancel a published event if plans change or if they decide not to go ahead with the event for whatever reason. When you cancel an event, it is removed from Facebook and is no longer visible to guests. Any posts you’ve made about the event will also be deleted.

If you need to reinstate a cancelled event, Facebook does give you the option to reactivate it. Reactivating an event will make it live and visible again with all the original event details intact. Here’s what to know about reactivating cancelled events on Facebook:

Can I reactivate a cancelled Facebook event?

Yes, it is possible to reactivate a Facebook event that you previously cancelled. The cancelled event will remain in your list of events for up to 2 years after cancellation. During this time, you have the option to reactivate the event.

To reactivate an event:

1. Go to your Facebook Events page from your profile. This can be accessed by clicking Events in the left menu.

2. In the left column, click Past Events.

3. Locate the cancelled event you want to reactivate and click on it.

4. In the top right corner, click Reactivate.

5. Confirm that you want to reactivate the event.

Once you reactivate an event, it will again be live and visible to all guests. The event details, posts, and discussion threads will be restored as they were before you cancelled the event.

You can repeat these steps to reactivate an event as many times as you want within the 2 year window after cancellation. However, once the 2 years are up, the event is permanently deleted and can no longer be retrieved.

What happens when I reactivate a cancelled event?

When you reactivate a cancelled Facebook event, here is what happens:

– The event will be published and visible in Facebook search results and to your invited guests.

– Any posts you made about the event before cancellation will be restored.

– The discussion wall where guests can post comments will be reactivated. Previous posts are restored.

– Invited guests will receive a notification that the event has been reactivated.

– The event will regain any promotional efforts you had set up like boosted posts. These will need to be rescheduled.

– Details like event name, date/time, location, and description will remain the same. You can edit them if needed.

– RSVP statuses will be reset with all previous guests moved back to “Invited” status. Guests will have to confirm again if they can attend.

So in summary, reactivating an event essentially undoes the cancellation and brings the event page back to life as it was. This can be helpful if you cancelled an event prematurely or have decided to reschedule it afterall.

Is there a limit to how many times I can reactivate an event?

There is no specific limit to how many times you can reactivate the same Facebook event. As long as it falls within 2 years from the initial cancellation date, you can reactivate an event as many times as needed.

However, while there is no set limit, Facebook may flag abusive reactivations if done excessively. For example, if you cancel and reactivate the same event 10 times over a short period, it could appear suspicious to Facebook and lead to your access being restricted.

The safest approach is to only reactivate an event if genuinely needed – such as if new plans are finalized after an initial cancellation due to uncertainty. Reactivating just once or twice is fine. But best to avoid excessive reactivations for the same event, even if technically you can do so.

Can I edit the event details upon reactivating?

Yes, when reactivating a cancelled event you can edit the event details if required. Editing details like the event name, date/time, venue, or description may be necessary if your plans have changed since initially creating the event.

The steps to edit an event’s details are:

1. Reactivate the cancelled event first.

2. Once the event is live again, go to the event page.

3. Click “Edit Event” in the bottom left.

4. On the Edit Event page, make changes to details like:

– Event name
– Date and time
– Location
– Description
– Featured image
– Ticket links or details
– Co-hosts

5. Preview and confirm your changes.

6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

So if any key details need updating compared to the original cancelled event, you can edit them during the reactivation process. Everything else will remain unchanged.

Can I see who viewed my reactivated event?

Unlike Facebook pages, you cannot see insights on who has viewed your Facebook event. So there is no way to know who has seen your reactivated event after making it live again.

Facebook does not provide analytics on event views. You can only see how many guest confirmed as Going or Interested.

However, when you reactivate an event, it will again appear in search results and your invited guests will be notified. So you can assume anyone who could see the event when it was first created can now see it again after reactivation.

But there are no specific metrics available for views or reach of a reactivated Facebook event. The only insights provided are on attendee RSVPs, posts, and tickets sold if applicable.

Can I extend the reactivation time limit beyond 2 years?

Unfortunately no, the 2 year window after cancellation is fixed by Facebook. There is no way to extend the reactivation period for a cancelled event beyond 2 years.

Once 2 years have passed since initially cancelling an event, it is permanently deleted from Facebook. The platform does this to limit old unused events from cluttering up people’s accounts.

So if you might need to reinstate an event in the future, make sure to reactivate it within 24 months of cancellation. After that Facebook will not allow reactivation, and the event cannot be retrieved.

The only option if the 2 years have lapsed would be to create a brand new event with the same details. However, you would not be able to restore any of the previous posts, guests, and engagement.

What’s the benefit of reactivating vs. creating new event?

If your cancelled event exceeds the 2 year reactivation limit, your only choice is to create an entirely new event page on Facebook.

However, while creating a new event is better than nothing, reactivating the original event if possible has some key benefits:

– Previous engagement and event posts are retained
– Original guest list is intact
– Less work replicating all the event details
– Recurring events maintain their history
– Better for search engine optimization (SEO)

Reactivating an event essentially picks up where you left off before cancelling. Everything is still set up and ready to continue promoting. With a new event you have to start from scratch rebuilding the page and promotion.

So if the option is available, reactivating a cancelled event is typically preferable over having to create a new duplicate version of the event.

When is creating a new event better than reactivating?

In some cases, creating a brand new event listing on Facebook rather than reactivating an old cancelled one does make more sense:

– If the event details like date, time, location have significantly changed
– If it’s very old event from years ago that few people will remember or care about
– If the original event had low engagement that you want to reset
– If the event series has completely new organizers

Having an event with outdated details and information can confuse people. In cases like this, a new clean start may work better than trying to reinstate and modify a stale event.

So consider the context, but often reactivating the original event if possible is the best option over having to create a brand new duplicate.

Can I delete an event permanently so it can’t be reactivated?

Yes, when cancelling an event you have the option to delete it permanently so it cannot be reactivated in the future.

By default, cancelling an event simply removes it from public view but keeps it saved in your Facebook events list. This allows it to be reactivated within 2 years if needed.

However, you can choose to permanently delete the event when cancelling so that it cannot be restored down the road.

To permanently delete an event at time of cancellation:

1. From the event page, click “Cancel Event”

2. In the cancellation confirmation pop-up, click “Delete Event Permanently”

3. Confirm again that you want to permanently delete the event

Once permanently deleted, the event is gone for good and cannot be reactivated even if within the 2 year window. Unlike typical cancellation, permanent deletion removes the event entirely from your Facebook events list.

So if you are absolutely certain an event will not be reactivated in the future, this option can help fully clear it out from your Facebook presence. Just note that deletion is irreversible if you later change your mind.


Reactivating cancelled events on Facebook can be a handy feature if your plans end up changing after an initial cancellation. As long as it’s within 2 years of cancellation, you can make the event live again and pick up right where you left off. Just be mindful not to reactivate excessively, and edit any outdated details upon reactivation. Know that you also have the option to permanently delete the event when cancelling if you want to ensure it can never be reinstated.

Pros of Reactivating an Event Cons of Reactivating an Event
  • Retains previous posts and engagement
  • Restores original guest list
  • Saves work recreating the event
  • Maintains event history for recurring events
  • Better for search engine optimization
  • Details may need updating if circumstances changed
  • Guests may have forgotten about the event
  • Could appear disorganized if done multiple times
  • Limited to 2 year reactivation window

Reactivating cancelled events is a useful Facebook feature, but also has some limitations and risks if overused. Consider both the pros and cons before choosing to reinstate an old cancelled event versus creating a new one.