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Can I purchase Facebook group?

Can I purchase Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to purchase a Facebook group from the current admin of the group. However, Facebook does not directly facilitate or endorse buying and selling groups on their platform. Any financial transaction would need to take place independently between the buyer and seller.

Why would someone want to buy a Facebook group?

There are several potential reasons someone may want to purchase a Facebook group:

  • To gain an existing audience – Buying a group with a large, active member base can be easier than building one from scratch.
  • To enter a niche – Purchasing a group in a specific niche (like parenting or gaming) can help the buyer quickly establish a presence and credibility in that space.
  • For business/marketing – Brands and businesses may want to buy groups to directly engage with their target demographic.
  • For revenue – Some established groups make money through advertising, affiliate links, etc. The buyer inherits these existing monetization channels.

What are some risks or downsides of buying a Facebook group?

While purchasing a group can seem appealing, there are also some potential risks and downsides to be aware of:

  • Loss of members – Current members may not stick around under new ownership, especially if there are significant changes.
  • No guarantees – There’s no way to fully guarantee the quality or legitimacy of a group’s purported size/engagement until after purchase.
  • Banned groups – Facebook may ban groups that have been bought and sold, as this goes against their policies. The buyer could lose access.
  • High cost – Popular, well-established groups can command prices of tens of thousands of dollars or more.
  • Difficulty recouping investment – If monetization channels are not maintained well, the buyer may fail to earn back what they paid.

How much does a Facebook group cost?

Facebook group prices can vary greatly depending on size, activity level, niche, and monetization potential. Some baseline ranges include:

  • Small groups <1,000 members – $100 – $500
  • Medium groups 1,000 – 10,000 members – $500 – $2,000
  • Large groups 10,000 – 100,000 members – $2,000 – $20,000+
  • Mega groups 100,000+ members – $20,000 – $100,000+

Niche specific groups in topics like health, business, or hobbies can also command higher premiums, even if member counts are lower. Pre-existing revenue streams also increase prices.

Is it against Facebook policy to buy and sell groups?

Yes, the buying and selling of Facebook groups is against Facebook’s Terms of Service. Specifically, it violates their rule against transferring accounts or buying likes and followers. Group transactions also go again their prohibition against financially benefiting from groups.

That said, these rules are not always strictly enforced, especially for smaller transactions. But there is some risk of Facebook intervening and shutting down a group if they become aware it has been bought or sold.

What steps are involved in buying a Facebook group?

Because Facebook does not directly support group transactions, the process requires coordination between the buyer and seller. Typical steps include:

  1. Buyer identifies group to purchase and contacts admin/seller
  2. Seller provides insights into the group to establish value
  3. Buyer and seller negotiate a price
  4. Buyer sends payment to seller independently (e.g. via PayPal)
  5. Seller transfers full admin rights and ownership to buyer
  6. Original admin leaves group to complete transfer

Best practices for buyers include having the seller prove their ownership, requiring an admin change immediately upon payment, and having the seller sign some form of sales agreement.

What are alternatives to buying an existing Facebook group?

Some options besides purchasing groups include:

  • Create your own group – Build an audience from scratch and retain full control. More work but risks no policy violations.
  • Buy ads – Run paid promotions to raise awareness of your own or another group.
  • Administer for free – Offer to become an admin of a group for free to help it grow. Earn trust to eventually take over.
  • Merge with groups – Partner with similar groups to merge audiences and share admin duties.

What should I do before buying a Facebook group?

If you decide purchasing an existing Facebook group is the right move, some tips before proceeding:

  • Vet the seller carefully – Verify they own the group and have the authority to transfer it.
  • Evaluate member engagement – Make sure the group has an active userbase that provides value.
  • Assess risks – Consider risks like banning and member attrition.
  • Negotiate a fair price – Don’t overpay relative to the group’s true worth.
  • Consult legal counsel – Consider having sales docs written up to protect all parties.
  • Have transition plan – Be ready to efficiently take over operations when sale is complete.


Buying and selling Facebook groups occurs regularly despite Facebook officially frowning on these transactions. There are logical reasons why both buyers and sellers engage in the market. However, the informal nature of the transactions means there are also substantial risks. Do thorough due diligence before buying a group and consider alternative promotional strategies as well. With the right approach, acquiring an existing Facebook group can provide instant access to an established audience.