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Can I post to multiple Facebook groups at once?

Can I post to multiple Facebook groups at once?

Posting to multiple Facebook groups at once can be a great way to get your content in front of more people. However, there are some limitations and things to keep in mind when posting to multiple groups.

The Short Answer

Yes, it is possible to post to multiple Facebook groups at the same time through Facebook’s native scheduling tools or using third-party apps and browser extensions. However, you need to be careful not to spam groups or post irrelevant content. Moderators may delete posts or ban you from groups if you don’t follow the rules.

Posting to Multiple Groups Through Facebook

The native way to post to multiple Facebook groups at once is by using Facebook’s scheduling tools:

  1. Write your post and select the groups you want to post it to.
  2. Click “Schedule” and set a time and date to post.
  3. The post will be shared to all selected groups at the scheduled time.

Here are some tips for using Facebook’s scheduling tool:

  • You can select up to 50 groups to post to at once.
  • Make sure your content is relevant and valuable for each group.
  • Space out your posts – don’t flood groups with content.
  • Monitor comments and engagement and adjust your strategy.

Using Third-Party Apps and Browser Extensions

There are also third-party apps and browser extensions that allow you to post to multiple Facebook groups at once:


Hootsuite is a popular social media management platform. The Hootsuite Facebook integration allows you to:

  • Add multiple Facebook pages and groups.
  • Create posts and schedule them to publish to selected groups.
  • Analyze engagement and refine your posting strategy.


Buffer is another top social media scheduling tool. Features include:

  • Connecting Facebook pages and groups.
  • Scheduling content to be posted to multiple groups.
  • Viewing analytics to improve your results.

Facebook Group Scheduler Chrome Extension

This Chrome browser extension allows you to:

  • Select groups directly as you browse Facebook.
  • Create posts and schedule them to publish to the selected groups.

Tips for Posting to Multiple Facebook Groups

Here are some top tips to keep in mind:

  1. Add value. Make sure your posts are relevant, useful and engaging for each group’s audience.
  2. Follow the rules. Review each group’s policies and abide by them. Avoid spammy behavior.
  3. Don’t overdo it. Post consistently but avoid flooding groups with too much content too often.
  4. Mix it up. Share different types of content – links, images, videos, polls, events etc.
  5. Monitor and refine. Check back on your posts and see what gets engagement. Tweak your approach accordingly.

Pros of Posting to Multiple Groups

Here are some of the benefits of posting to multiple Facebook groups:

  • Reach a larger targeted audience interested in your niche/content.
  • Increase engagement – more people will see and interact with your content.
  • Build credibility and awareness by establishing your presence in niche communities.
  • Exposure for your personal brand, business, products etc.

Cons of Posting to Multiple Groups

Some potential downsides include:

  • Time consuming to find and engage with groups.
  • Risk of banning if you spam or break rules.
  • Negative reactions if people dislike your posts.
  • Diminishing returns if you overpost or share irrelevant content.

Facebook Group Posting Limits

There are some limits Facebook has in place for posting to groups:

  • You can only post to a maximum of 50 groups at once.
  • Personal profiles can post to max 30 groups per day.
  • Business pages have higher limits based on page size and history.

If you exceed the limits, any scheduled posts will fail and you may face restrictions.

Posting Etiquette for Facebook Groups

To maximize results and avoid issues when posting in groups, keep these etiquette guidelines in mind:

  • Read the rules before participating in any group.
  • Engage in discussions – don’t just drop links.
  • Don’t spam the same post across groups.
  • Personalize content for each group when possible.
  • Post consistently but avoid flooding the group.
  • Add a descriptive, engaging caption for your posts.
  • Use relevant hashtags so people can find your posts.
  • Thank people for liking, commenting and sharing!

Best Practices for Facebook Group Admins

If you also admin any Facebook groups, here are some best practices regarding member posts:

  • Set clear, detailed rules on promotions/posting frequency.
  • Designate admins to monitor new posts and comments.
  • Ban members who repeatedly spam or break rules.
  • Watch for abusive comments and delete/ban as needed.
  • Thank members who post great content and engage.

Having guidelines and moderating the group prevents abuse and keeps your community useful for members.


Posting to multiple Facebook groups can be an effective strategy to get more reach and engagement. However, you need to do it carefully and deliberately. Provide value, follow group rules, post consistently without overdoing it, and monitor what resonates.

Leverage Facebook’s native scheduling tools or use third-party apps to easily post to multiple groups at once. Just be aware of limits in place and always focus on building relationships within group communities.

With the right thoughtful approach, posting to multiple Facebook groups can benefit both you and the group members. Take the time to do it properly and you’ll expand your audience and establish yourself as an authority.