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Can I post music on Facebook without copyright?

Can I post music on Facebook without copyright?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms for sharing photos, videos, and other media. Many people use Facebook to post music videos or audio clips of songs they enjoy. However, there are copyright restrictions on sharing certain music-related content on Facebook.

What is copyright?

Copyright is a form of legal protection granted to creators of original works, including musical compositions, sound recordings, films, and more. The copyright holder has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and create derivative works from their original creation for a limited time.

When you want to share a copyrighted work publicly, such as by posting it on Facebook, you need permission from the copyright holder. Otherwise, your use of the copyrighted content would be considered copyright infringement.

Can I post music videos on Facebook?

In general, you cannot post full music videos on Facebook unless you have permission from the copyright holder or the video is an official release. Many music videos contain both a sound recording and an audiovisual work which are protected by copyright.

Facebook’s Terms of Service state that users cannot post content they do not have the right to use. If you post a music video without permission, the copyright holder can issue a takedown notice to have the video removed from Facebook.


There are some exceptions where you may be able to post music videos on Facebook without infringement:

  • Official music videos released on an artist’s official Facebook page or uploaded to Facebook Watch.
  • Cover song videos you created yourself.
  • Videos with incidental music in the background.
  • Videos using music under a Creative Commons license.

However, the safest option is to get explicit permission from the copyright holder before posting a full music video containing copyrighted music.

Can I post song clips or lyrics?

Posting short song clips or lyrics on Facebook is tricky from a copyright perspective. Some general guidelines apply:

  • Clips longer than 10-15 seconds may require permission from copyright holders.
  • Posting full song lyrics may require permission.
  • Quoting a single line or very short excerpt of lyrics is more likely to be considered fair use.

Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, teaching, or research. However, fair use is decided on a case-by-case basis.

Tips for sharing music clips/lyrics

  • Only post very short clips.
  • Credit the artist.
  • Provide context, commentary, or criticism to strengthen fair use claims.
  • Do not post lyrics to entire songs without permission.

Can I use songs in Facebook videos I create?

If you want to include copyrighted music in videos you create and post on Facebook, you typically need to obtain proper licenses from rights holders.

For example, if you use a popular song as the soundtrack for a video memoir you created and posted publicly on Facebook, you would need permission from the recording artist, songwriters, record label, and potentially other rights holders.

However, there are cases where you may be able to argue fair use when incorporating music into videos, such as:

  • Using short song clips for parody or commentary.
  • Incidental capture of background music in videos filmed in public.
  • Recording yourself singing or playing a cover version of a song.

Check if the video platform you are using, such as Facebook Watch, offers any built-in music licensing options. Also consider using royalty-free or Creative Commons-licensed music.

What happens if I post copyrighted music on Facebook without permission?

If you do not have the rights to post certain music content on Facebook, here are some potential consequences:

  • Copyright takedown notice – The copyright holder can report your post and have it removed.
  • Account restrictions – Repeated copyright violations can lead to temporary or permanent loss of your Facebook account privileges.
  • Lawsuit – The rights holder could sue you for copyright infringement to seek monetary damages.
  • Criminal charges – In some cases, intentionally infringing copyright at a commercial scale can result in criminal penalties.

That said, rights holders tend to focus on large-scale infringers. If you occasionally post short music clips or lyrics for personal use, the risk of legal consequences is relatively low. But repeated unauthorized use of copyrighted music on Facebook is inadvisable.

How can I legally use music on Facebook?

Here are some best practices for legally posting music content on Facebook:

  • Get explicit permission from the rights holder.
  • Only post short clips for commentary/criticism purposes.
  • Use music released under Creative Commons licenses.
  • Use royalty-free music from sites like YouTube Audio Library.
  • Create original recordings of yourself singing or playing music.
  • Link to official music videos, but don’t re-upload them.

Also check the terms for any particular Facebook features you want to use, such as Stories or Reels, which may have specific music guidelines.

Can I live stream music performances on Facebook?

Live streaming musical performances brings on additional copyright considerations:

  • You need public performance rights to broadcast live music to your Facebook audience.
  • The platform’s sync license may cover your live stream if you use certain built-in music options.
  • Streaming original music you wrote likely only requires a performance license.
  • Cover songs normally require individual sync licenses unless you are doing an exempt performance.

In general, live streaming someone else’s copyrighted music without the proper licenses violates copyright law. Obtain the necessary permissions from rights holders before doing a live music stream on Facebook.

How can I legally add music to Facebook Stories?

Facebook Stories introduce limitations when it comes to using copyrighted music. Unlike regular Facebook posts, the ephemeral nature of Stories makes it difficult to remove them if infringing content gets published.

To legally add music to your Facebook Stories, follow these guidelines:

  • Use music from Facebook’s licensed library – this gives you the rights to synchronize the songs with your Stories.
  • Stick to short clips of songs to strengthen fair use claims.
  • Add original music you created yourself.
  • Use royalty-free music or songs under Creative Commons licenses.

Avoid posting full-length songs from popular artists in your Facebook Stories without securing the appropriate sync licenses. The short shelf life of Stories does not exempt you from copyright law.

Can I use background music in Facebook videos?

Using background music in your Facebook videos can make them more entertaining and engaging. However, copyright considerations apply:

  • Make sure the video platform you use provides licensed music options specifically for use in videos.
  • Stick to short music clips to reduce infringement risks.
  • Royalty-free music works well for background use.
  • Give proper attribution to the musician/composer.
  • Don’t use music that distracts from or competes with the main content.

Unauthorized use of a full copyrighted song playing in the background of your Facebook video likely violates the rights holder’s copyrights. Seek necessary licenses or use permissible alternatives.

What happens if Facebook removes my post with copyrighted music?

If Facebook takes down your post because it contained unauthorized copyrighted music, here’s what to expect:

  • You will get a notification explaining why your post was removed.
  • The post will no longer be visible to other Facebook users.
  • You may get a copyright strike on your account.
  • Accumulate multiple strikes and your account could be temporarily or permanently disabled.

To restore your access, you will need to agree not to post infringing material again. Be cautious about re-posting the same music content that was already removed.

Avoiding takedowns

To avoid further copyright removals:

  • Only post music you have the rights to use.
  • Dispute the takedown if you believe your use qualifies as fair use.
  • Ask the copyright holder for permission to use the music.
  • Edit your posts to remove any unauthorized music.

Repeated copyright removals could lead Facebook to terminate your account access, so post music carefully and legally.


Sharing music on Facebook comes with copyright restrictions, but does not have to be avoided entirely. By understanding what requires music licensing, following fair use principles, using permitted materials, and obtaining rights when needed, you can legally post music content without infringing copyright.

The safest approach is to get explicit permission from rights holders. But where that is impractical or impossible, stay within fair use by only posting short clips, attributing the artist, and providing value beyond just the music itself. With some common sense and respect for music copyrights, your Facebook profile can still have a great soundtrack.