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Can I monetize my Facebook page from phone?

Can I monetize my Facebook page from phone?

Yes, it is possible to monetize a Facebook page from your phone. There are a few key ways to make money from a Facebook page that can all be done on a mobile device:

  • Sell products or services directly through shoppable posts
  • Run paid ads on your page
  • Enable fan subscriptions
  • Promote affiliate links
  • Use a donation button
  • Offer paid digital downloads

The main requirement is that your page needs to build up a decent sized audience first, usually at least 10,000 engaged followers. The larger your audience, the more earning potential your page will have. But it’s good to know that monetization options are available right from your phone once you meet the threshold.

Sell Products or Services Directly

One of the easiest ways to monetize a Facebook page is by selling products or services directly to your audience. This can be done completely through shoppable posts on both desktop and mobile.

When you create a post, there is an option to “Add a Product” from the post editor menu. This allows you to showcase and link to products from your website or online store.

Your followers can then browse and purchase featured products without ever having to leave Facebook. The post contains shoppable tags and a “View Shop” button that leads to your online store.

This makes the buying process super quick and seamless for customers. As the page owner, you can manage all of your shoppable posts and sales right from your Facebook Business Suite on mobile.

Ideal for:

  • Physical products like apparel, arts & crafts, accessories
  • Digital products like ebooks, courses, memberships
  • Services like coaching, consulting, freelancing

Shoppable posts turn your Facebook page into a virtual storefront. This allows you to easily sell products while adding value and engaging your audience.

Run Paid Facebook Ads

Once you build up a sizable audience on your page, you can make money by running paid Facebook ads. This involves having advertisers pay you to show their ads to your page followers.

The Facebook ads manager is fully accessible on both iPhone and Android. You can set up ad campaigns, manage active ads, monitor performance, make optimizations, and withdraw earnings.

Facebook allows page owners to make money from ads in a few different ways:

In-Stream Ads

These are native posts in your page’s feed that contain an advertiser’s content. You get paid when someone engages with the ad.

Click-to-Message Ads

These ads include a Messenger button that opens a thread with the advertiser when clicked. You earn money based on cost per click.

Instant Experience Ads

These interactive full-screen mobile ads allow users to browse products or services within Facebook. You earn commissions on confirmed leads or purchases.

The key is working with brands that resonate with your audience and align with your page niche. This allows you to monetize your reach while providing your followers with relevant offers.

Enable Fan Subscriptions

Facebook now allows some creators to enable fan subscriptions on their pages. This is a great way to earn predictable monthly income.

Fans can pay a monthly fee to get exclusive access to your content. As the page owner, you set the monthly price point. Examples of subscriber-only perks include:

  • Exclusive videos
  • Live streams
  • Downloadable files
  • Coupons
  • Merch discounts
  • Member Q&As

Fan subscriptions are managed directly from your Facebook page’s Monetization Hub on mobile. You can enroll in the program, set your monthly price, offer perks, and track earnings.

This is perfect for creators and influencers who want to provide premium value to their biggest supporters while earning recurring revenue.

Promote Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is another popular way for influencers and bloggers to monetize their pages. This allows you to earn commission for promoting products from other brands.

The process is simple:

  1. Sign up for affiliate programs with brands relevant to your niche.
  2. Share affiliate links to featured products in your posts and storefront.
  3. Earn commission when someone makes a purchase through your link.

Many affiliate networks like Shareasale, Rakuten Marketing, CJ Affiliate, and Impact even offer mobile apps. This allows you to manage your campaigns from anywhere.

When promoting affiliate links, be sure to follow Facebook’s rules. Disclose your financial connection, don’t hard-sell, and focus on providing authentic recommendations.

Add a Donation Button

Adding a donation button is an easy way to generate revenue from your most engaged followers. This gives fans a way to voluntarily tip or contribute to your page.

Facebook donation buttons can be added right from your page settings on mobile. You can choose to raise money for a personal cause, charity, or business.

To set up donations:

  1. Go to your Page Settings
  2. Click Monetization in the left menu
  3. Click Add Donations Button
  4. Select a Category and fill in your registration details

Once approved, the button will appear next to your page’s Call to Action button. You can check earnings and export donation reports from your Monetization Hub.

Offer Paid Digital Downloads

Sell digital products like ebooks, courses, videos, images, and more. These can be delivered to customers automatically using Facebook’s paid online events feature.

To use Facebook paid online events:

  1. Create your digital product
  2. Set up payment collection through Facebook or integrate your own provider
  3. Schedule online events to release your product
  4. Promote the events and collect sales

Fans pay to register for the event, and automatically receive the digital download upon purchase. This allows you to easily create and sell virtual products right from your page and Facebook Business Suite app.

Best Practices for Monetizing a Facebook Page from Mobile

Here are some top tips to maximize your Facebook page earnings from your phone:

  • Produce high-quality, valuable content consistently to grow your audience
  • Use detailed targeting to make your ads and affiliate links relevant for your niche
  • Test different monetization strategies and doubling down on what works
  • Promote your shop, subscription program, and events across your page and other channels
  • Provide real value and excellent service to increase conversions and retention
  • Stay on top of Facebook algorithm changes that impact monetization
  • Analyze earnings, engagement, and growth metrics to identify profitable opportunities

The Pros of Monetizing a Facebook Page from Mobile

Here are some of the biggest advantages of managing page monetization from your phone:

  • Convenience: Easily access your page and monetization tools on-the-go.
  • Speed: Monitor and respond to notifications and trends in real-time.
  • Accountability: Having earnings and tracking at your fingertips helps focus your efforts.
  • Optimization: Make adjustments and improvements faster based on live data.
  • Simplicity: Managing campaigns, shops, ads, and events is streamlined from one place.

The Cons of Monetizing a Facebook Page from Mobile

However, there are also a few limitations to be aware of:

  • More challenging to create detailed ads or upload high-res images.
  • Harder to keep track of bigger picture analytics and data.
  • Limits ability to leverage certain third-party tools.
  • Can be distracting if you receive notifications outside of work hours.
  • More difficult to collaborate with other team members.

While the mobile experience is robust, it may not provide all the functionality a desktop would for larger scale monetization efforts.


Monetizing a Facebook page from your mobile device is entirely possible across multiple formats like ads, affiliate links, fan subscriptions, donations, shoppable posts, and digital events.

The key is building an engaged audience aligned to your niche, testing different options, and providing lasting value. Start where it makes sense based on your goals and audience, rather than trying to monetize too aggressively before you have traction.

While the mobile experience makes management simple and convenient, you may eventually need to leverage a desktop if your earning strategies become more advanced. But overall, Facebook’s tools allow you to execute all the basics of turning your influence and content into profit right from your phone once your page is eligible.