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Can I make money with 10k followers on Facebook?

Can I make money with 10k followers on Facebook?

Having a Facebook page with 10,000 followers can provide various money-making opportunities. While 10k followers alone may not make you rich, it can serve as a starting point to build an audience and monetize it in different ways. Here are some of the main options for making money with 10k Facebook followers.

Sponsored Posts

One of the most direct ways to make money from Facebook followers is through sponsored posts. This involves having a brand pay you to create content that promotes their products or services. The rate for sponsored posts varies greatly, but as a benchmark, influencers with 10k followers typically charge around $100 per post. Some factors that impact your earnings potential include:

  • Your niche – Some niches have higher earning rates (e.g. fashion/beauty)
  • Your engagement rate – Brands want to see that your followers actively engage with your content
  • Your professionalism – Having an established brand and producing high quality content can increase fees

Overall, with 10k engaged followers, you could reasonably charge $50-$200 per sponsored post. Securing just 2-3 deals per month would generate $100-$600 in earnings.

Affiliate Marketing

Another option is affiliate marketing, where you promote products and get a commission on each sale you generate. For example, Amazon Associates lets you earn 4-10% commission on products you recommend. Here are some tips for earning with affiliate programs:

  • Choose affiliate products that genuinely interest your audience and align with your brand
  • Create dedicated posts showcasing affiliate products rather than just linking to them
  • Use affiliate links in your profile, posts captions, and stories
  • Be transparent and let your audience know when posts contain affiliate links

With 10k engaged followers and consistent affiliate promotion, you could realistically generate $100-500 per month through affiliate commissions.

Selling Your Own Products or Services

Having an established audience also provides the opportunity to sell your own products or services. These could be digital products like online courses, ebooks, or design templates. Or you could offer physical products, consulting services, virtual assistants, etc. Some tips for selling your own offerings include:

  • Survey your audience to identify what products/services they need
  • Use Facebook ads to find and target potential buyers in your niche
  • Promote new product releases to your existing followers
  • Offer limited time sales or exclusive discounts to followers

If you create a quality product and effectively promote it, you could make anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month with a 10k following.

Facebook Ad Revenue Sharing

If your account and content meet Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies, you can also earn ad revenue directly through their monetization programs. These include Instant Articles and In-Stream ads which allow you to share the ad earnings your content generates. At a $0.10 to $0.30 RPM (revenue per 1000 impressions), 10k followers could potentially drive $100 to $300 in monthly ad earnings. Key requirements to monetize with Facebook include:

  • Having a Facebook page, not just a profile
  • Posting content that complies with Facebook’s policies
  • Creating content in approved formats like Instant Articles and video
  • Living in a supported country for monetization programs

Facebook Stars

Facebook is testing a new “Stars” tipping feature that lets fans pay creators for content. To be eligible, you need gaming video distribution rights, at least 1000 followers, and streaming capabilities. With 10k engaged followers, active tipping from just 1-2% fans could drive $100 to $300+ in monthly earnings. However, Stars remains in limited rollout for now.

Selling Merchandise

You can also design and sell custom merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, phone cases and promote it to your followers. This requires finding merchandise suppliers, setting up an online store, and driving traffic to your products. But it provides a recurring revenue stream since merchandise can continue selling over time. Potential merchandise income largely depends on your marketing efforts and merch quality. With 10k highly targeted followers, you could realistically sell 5-10 items per month at a $5 to $20 profit each.

Consulting/Coaching Services

Offering consulting or coaching is another avenue to monetize an audience. You could provide consulting calls in your field of expertise for a fee. Or develop a full coaching program that followers purchase access to. This works best in specialized niches where you have ample knowledge to share. With a combination of one-off consulting calls and a monthly coaching program, you could generate hundreds of dollars per month with a 10k following.

Hosting Virtual Events

You can also host paid virtual events like classes, workshops or speaking engagements. Tools like Facebook Live enable you to stream events directly to your followers. Promoting events to your existing audience cuts down on marketing costs. With 10k targeted followers, charging just $10 per person for a 100 person event could generate $1000 in revenue. So virtual events represent a major monetization opportunity.

Launching a Membership Program

Offering exclusive content and perks through a membership program is a sustainable monetization model. You could charge a monthly fee for access to things like:

  • Exclusive videos and blog content
  • Discounts on your products/services
  • First access to events and sales
  • Members-only discussion groups
  • Direct contact with you via chat/messaging

The more value you provide, the more potential members you can retain long-term. If just 2-3% of 10k followers join at $5 to $20 per month, that’s $100 to $600 in monthly recurring income.

Facebook Advertising Services

This involves offering Facebook ads management as a service to businesses and brands. Services could include:

  • Setting up and optimizing Facebook ad campaigns
  • Creating and A/B testing ad creatives
  • Analyzing campaign results and making improvements
  • Providing ad strategy and performance reports

Your existing audience gives you proof of concept and social marketing expertise. With just a few ad management clients at $500 to $2000 per month each, you can generate substantial earnings.

Facebook Jobs and Marketplace

Facebook now has dedicated sections for listing jobs and selling new/used goods locally. You could use these to find side income sources like:

  • Applying for freelance social media jobs
  • Selling handmade crafts and products
  • Listing unused items and household goods for sale
  • Promoting garage sales, auctions and local events

While likely not a huge income stream, tapping into Jobs and Marketplace provides additional monetization potential.


Running crowdfunding campaigns is another tactic to monetize an audience. You could raise funds for creative projects, charitable causes, startups/business ideas, and more. The benefit of crowdfunding versus other monetization models is that it provides access to capital upfront. If just 1-2% of your followers contribute $10 to $50 each, you could raise thousands in capital for projects and ventures.

Facebook Gaming and Live Videos

Facebook now lets you earn ad revenue and viewer tips for posting gaming live streams and certain Live videos. Qualifying for their Level Up and other monetization programs requires building a substantial following and viewership numbers on gaming content. But it provides long-term scalable income potential.

Selling Your Page

While not an ongoing income stream, you could also sell your Facebook page and following outright. Having 10k real, engaged followers makes your page more valuable. Typical selling prices range from $1 to $5 per follower. So a 10k page could potentially sell for $10,000 to $50,000. However, Facebook prohibits officially selling pages, so transactions have risks.


In summary, having 10,000 Facebook followers enables diverse income stream possibilities. While 10k followers alone will not make you rich, it provides a foundation to start monetizing your audience. Combining 2-3 monetization models could realistically generate anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month. The specific amount depends on factors like your niche, content quality and business savvy. But 10k followers presents ample opportunities to profit – especially if further grown over time.