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Can I login Facebook with my username and password?

Can I login Facebook with my username and password?

Yes, you can login to Facebook using your username and password. Facebook allows users to login with either their email address or username along with their account password. Here are some quick answers about logging into Facebook:

Can I use my email or username to login?

When you first create your Facebook account, you sign up with an email address or mobile number. However, you also create a unique Facebook username that can be used for logging in instead of your email. So you have the option to login with either your registered email address or your Facebook username.

What if I forgot my username?

If you forgot your Facebook username, you can still login with your email address. On the Facebook login page, click the “Forgotten account?” link below the password field. This will allow you to enter your email address and reset your password if needed.

What if I have multiple email addresses associated with my account?

If you have associated multiple email addresses with your Facebook account over time, you can login with any of those emails. Whichever email you provide in the login form, Facebook will recognize it and login to the correct account.

Can I change my Facebook username?

Yes, you can change your Facebook username by going to your Facebook Settings. Click “Username” under the General Account Settings and enter a new username. Keep in mind your old username will no longer work for logging in once you change it.

What are some tips for creating a good Facebook username?

Here are some tips for choosing your Facebook username:

  • Make it unique – Avoid common names or phrases to stand out
  • Keep it simple – Short and easy to remember usernames work best
  • Be consistent – Use a version of your real name or nickname if you want to be easily found
  • Add details – Numbers, middle initials, birth year, interests etc. can personalize it
  • Check availability – Make sure your desired username isn’t already taken

Can someone else login to my Facebook if they know my password?

No, only you should know your Facebook password. Someone else cannot login to your Facebook account without your username and password. Here are some tips to keep your account secure:

  • Never share your password – Don’t reveal it to anyone or use an obvious one
  • Enable two-factor authentication – Adds an extra layer of security to your account
  • Change your password regularly – Helps prevent unauthorized access by others
  • Watch for phishing attempts – Emails or messages asking for your login info are scams
  • Check login notifications – Facebook will notify you of logins from unknown devices

What if I think someone has accessed my account?

If you suspect someone has gained access to your Facebook account, there are several steps you should take right away:

  1. Change your password – Reset your password immediately so they can no longer access your account
  2. Review recent activity – Check your profile, posts and messages for any suspicious changes
  3. Logout out of all sessions – This will logout any users or devices currently logged into your account
  4. Report the issue – File a report with Facebook so they can investigate any unauthorized logins
  5. Enable login approvals – Require confirmation codes when logging in from new devices going forward

How can I make my Facebook login more secure?

Here are some tips to increase the security of your Facebook login and account:

  • Create a strong password – Use a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  • Don’t use the same password elsewhere – Unique passwords prevent credential stuffing attacks
  • Turn on login notifications – Facebook will alert you when your account is accessed from a new device
  • Use login approvals – Require a special security code to login from unknown devices
  • Set up two-factor authentication – Adds a second layer of verification via SMS code
  • Be cautious of third-party apps – Revoke access for any unknown or unused apps connected to your account

Can I use a third-party app or password manager to login?

Yes, you can use third-party password managers like LastPass or 1Password to login to Facebook. These apps will autofill your Facebook login credentials from their encrypted password vault when accessing the Facebook website or mobile app.

You can also login with your Facebook account through third-party apps and websites. When accessing Facebook this way, you will be redirected to the Facebook login page to enter your credentials before gaining access. Make sure you trust the app and the permissions it’s requesting before connecting your Facebook account.


Logging into Facebook is straightforward using your email address or username along with your account password. Keep your login information private for account security and enable options like two-factor authentication for greater protection. If you ever suspect unauthorized access, change your password immediately and report it. With proper precautions, you can securely access and enjoy Facebook’s services.

Learn how to use HTML Tables

Creating an HTML Table

Tables allow you to organize and display data in rows and columns. Here is the basic code structure for creating an HTML table:

HTML Tag Description
<table> Defines a table
<tr> Defines a table row
<th> Defines a table header cell
<td> Defines a table data cell

The <table> tag creates the table, <tr> adds each new row, <th> defines the header cells, and <td> creates the data cells for that row. All content must go between these tags to be formatted properly in the table structure.

Table Headers

The <th> tag is used to define header cells in a table. These cells are bold and centered by default. You can add the <th> tag within each <tr> to create header columns:

Name Age Occupation
John 30 Developer
Jane 28 Designer

Spanning Rows and Columns

You can use the rowspan and colspan attributes to allow a cell to span multiple rows or columns:

Name Age
John Doe 30

In this example, colspan=”2″ makes the “Name” header cell span two columns. You can use any number with rowspan or colspan to define the span count.

Table Borders and Styling

There are several options for styling and customizing the look of an HTML table:

  • border – Adds a border around all cells
  • cellpadding – Sets padding inside each cell
  • cellspacing – Sets spacing between cells
  • bgcolor – Sets background color for cells
  • width and height – Sets width and height of the table

For example:

Name Age
John 30
Jane 28

This demonstrates setting a table border, predefined cell padding and spacing, background colors, and table width.

Complex HTML Tables

Tables allow you to display complex data in a grid-like format for better visualization. Some things you can do with HTML tables include:

  • Merge cells both horizontally and vertically using rowspan and colspan
  • Mix header and data cells within rows
  • Embed other content like images, links, or additional tables
  • Group header rows or columns to sub-divide sections
  • Create special semantic tables like calendars or schedules
  • Allow cells to have different heights and widths as needed

With the wide range of table elements and attributes, you can create custom HTML tables tailored to your specific needs.


HTML tables provide an efficient way to organize and display data on websites and apps. Start by structuring your content into logical rows and columns, add styling and formatting to customize the look, then explore more advanced features as needed. With the power of HTML tables, you can represent complex information in an intuitive grid format.

Learn HTML Forms

Creating a Form

Forms allow users to interact with websites and web applications. Here is the basic structure of an HTML form:

  <!-- Form elements like input, select, textarea etc -->

The <form> tag defines the form and all interactive elements like text fields, checkboxes, and submit buttons must go inside this tag.

Text Input Fields

The <input> tag is used to create different form fields and elements. For example:

  <input type="text">

Creates a single-line text input field. Common input types include:

  • text – Single line text field
  • password – Masked text field
  • email – Input optimized for emails
  • number – Input limited to numbers

Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

Radio buttons let users select one option from a set:

  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male"> Male<br>
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"> Female

Checkboxes allow users to toggle multiple options on or off:

  <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="music"> Music<br>
  <input type="checkbox" name="interests" value="sports"> Sports

Drop Down Lists

The <select> tag defines a drop-down list:

  <select name="city">
    <option value="ny">New York</option>
    <option value="la">Los Angeles</option>
    <option value="sf">San Francisco</option>

The <option> tags inside are the options that can be selected.

Text Areas

The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input field:

  <textarea rows="5" cols="30">
  Enter your message here...

The rows and cols attributes specify the size of the text area.

Submit Buttons

The <input type=”submit”> tag creates a submit button:

  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

When clicked, this will submit the form data to the server.


There are several best practices to make your forms more user-friendly and accessible:

  • Associate labels to inputs using the for attribute
  • Make inputs keyboard accessible using tabindex
  • Support screen readers and Braille devices with ARIA roles
  • Include alt text for images and captions for media
  • Make forms usable when JavaScript is disabled

Validating Forms

Form validation helps ensure the user enters the expected data before submitting it. You can validate on the client-side, server-side, or both. Here are some ways to validate forms:

  • Use HTML input types and attributes like required, pattern, min, max
  • Validate with JavaScript by checking field values
  • Match against regular expressions
  • Display error messages and hints to help users
  • Re-check and sanitize data on the server

Sending Form Data

There are different methods to send form data to a web server:

  • The GET method appends data to the action URL (less secure)
  • The POST method sends data separately (more secure)
  • Use XMLHttpRequest or fetch API to submit asynchronously
  • Encode the data as URL encoded, JSON, etc. before sending

The form’s method and action attributes determine how the data is sent to the server.


HTML forms allow users to enter data that can be sent to web applications. Begin by structuring forms with appropriate input fields, buttons, and labels. Apply styling, validation, and accessibility practices to create great form experiences. Overall, HTML forms are integral to building interactive websites and apps.