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Can I link my Facebook events to my website?

Can I link my Facebook events to my website?

Quick Answer

Yes, you can link your Facebook events to your website. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Use the Facebook Embedded Plugin to embed an events feed on your site
  • Manually link to your Facebook events page from your website
  • Use a third party integration tool to sync your events

Linking your Facebook events to your website is a great way to promote your events, drive traffic to your site, and make it easy for people to find and register for your events. Keep reading for more details on how to link Facebook events to your website.

Use the Facebook Embedded Plugin

The easiest way to display your Facebook events on your website is by using the Facebook Embedded Plugin. This allows you to embed a live-updating Facebook events feed directly into any page on your site.

To use the Facebook Embedded Plugin:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Events tab
  3. Enter the URL of your Facebook events page
  4. Customize the layout and appearance as desired
  5. Click “Get Code” and copy the embed code
  6. Paste the code into the HTML of any page on your website

That’s all there is to it! The embedded events feed will now display your latest Facebook events directly on your site and update automatically as you create new events.

Some of the benefits of using the Facebook Embedded Plugin include:

  • Visitors can easily see your upcoming events without leaving your site
  • Events will update automatically, no manual updating required
  • It provides a seamless experience between your site and Facebook events
  • You can customize the layout to match your brand

Manually Link to Your Facebook Events Page

If you don’t want to embed a full events feed on your website, another option is to manually link to your Facebook events page.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook events page
  2. Copy the URL of the page from the address bar
  3. Go to the page on your website where you want the link to appear
  4. Paste in the Facebook events page URL into a text link

For example, your link HTML code would look like:

<a href="">View My Events</a>

That will create a link like “View My Events” that visitors can click to go your Facebook events page.

While this method doesn’t embed your events directly into your site, it provides an easy way to link to your Facebook events from relevant pages and menus. Some additional tips:

  • Add the link in your website’s footer or navigation menu for visibility
  • Include the link on your Contact Us or Events page
  • Link to specific event pages when mentioning upcoming events in blog posts or on other pages on your site

Use a Third Party Integration

For more advanced Facebook events integration, you can use a dedicated third party platform to automatically sync your Facebook events to your website. Some popular event integration tools include:

  • Eventbrite
  • Accelevents
  • Eventbank
  • Event Espresso
  • Events Manager

These platforms provide plugins or add-ons that connect your website to your Facebook events. Once connected, any events you create on Facebook will automatically be added to your website as well.

Key features of third party event integrations include:

  • New Facebook events are automatically created as website events
  • Event details, times, locations, etc are synced between Facebook and website
  • Allows registration and RSVP on your website, synced to Facebook RSVPs
  • Events are displayed on your website via embeddable calendars and widgets
  • Ability to customize event display and branding on your website

The advantage of using a dedicated integration platform is that it creates a seamless, automated sync between Facebook and your website events. The downside is there is often a cost associated with using third party platforms.

If you manage a lot of events or want extensive customization options, exploring a paid integration may be worth the investment. But for simpler linking needs, the Facebook Embedded plugin or manual links are good free options.

Benefits of Linking Facebook Events to Your Website

Here are some of the top benefits of linking your Facebook events to your website:

  • Increased event visibility – Promoting your events on your website in addition to Facebook means more people will see them across both channels.
  • Drive website traffic – Event links bring interested people to your site, increasing overall visits and exposure for your brand.
  • Simplify event management – Using an integration to sync between Facebook and your site means you only have to create and update events in one place.
  • Track website analytics – See which event links drive the most website traffic so you can focus on promoting the most popular events.
  • Professional appearance – Displaying your Facebook events on your website makes your brand look more established and credible.
  • Customization control – Embedding events or using a third party integration allows you to customize event display to match your brand style.

In addition to driving more event traffic and signups, linking Facebook events also helps strengthen the connection between your Facebook presence and your website. Visitors perceive a brand as more cohesive and legitimate when its Facebook and website are integrated and working together.

Best Practices for Linking Facebook Events

To get the most out of linking your Facebook events to your website, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Make event links visible – Place links and event widgets/calendars on pages that will get a lot of traffic.
  • Keep links up to date – If your Facebook events URL changes, remember to update any hard-coded links on your site.
  • Use eye-catching layouts – Facebook embedded feeds or events calendars should stand out on the page to attract clicks.
  • Link to event pages from related content – If you mention an upcoming event in a blog post, link directly to that event’s page.
  • Include Facebook link in website event pages – Add a link to the corresponding Facebook event so people can easily find and join the Facebook event.
  • Promote website event integration on Facebook – Let your Facebook followers know they can now view and register for events directly on your website.

Take advantage of the social media and website analytics available to see which placement, messaging, and design drives the most event traffic between Facebook and your website.


Linking your Facebook events to your website is an impactful integration that makes it easier for people to find and sign up for your events across both platforms. Use the Facebook Embedded plugin for a quick and easy way to showcase your Facebook events directly on any webpage. Or explore a dedicated third party event management platform for deeper Facebook integration and customization options.

With some strategic linking and promotion, you can turn your Facebook events into a driver of valuable website traffic and exposure. Integrating your Facebook and website presences strengthens your brand and provides a seamless experience for your audience.

Integration Method Pros Cons
Facebook Embedded Plugin
  • Easy to set up
  • Free to use
  • Events update automatically
  • Limited customization options
  • Only displays Facebook events feed
Manual links
  • Simple to add and update
  • Free
  • Links can be placed anywhere
  • Events don’t update automatically
  • No event details visible, only links to Facebook
Third party integration
  • Events sync automatically
  • Robust customization options
  • Advanced features like registration
  • Usually a cost associated
  • Integration can be complex