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Can I link a Google Calendar to a Facebook page?

Can I link a Google Calendar to a Facebook page?

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to link a Google Calendar to a Facebook page. This allows events created in Google Calendar to automatically publish to the Facebook page. There are a few methods to link the two platforms:

  • Use a third-party calendar integration app like Zapier or IFTTT
  • Connect with Facebook’s built-in events tool
  • Manually re-post Google Calendar events to Facebook

The easiest method is using a dedicated integration platform like Zapier that can automatically sync events between Google Calendar and Facebook. This automates the process so events are always up-to-date on both platforms.

Linking Google Calendar and Facebook with Zapier

Zapier is a popular automation and integration platform that can connect Google Calendar and Facebook seamlessly. Here are the steps to link the two calendars with Zapier:

  1. Sign up for a free Zapier account at if you don’t already have one.
  2. Click “Make a Zap” to create a new Zap, which is Zapier’s term for automations.
  3. Under Choose App & Trigger, select Google Calendar as the app and “New Event” as the trigger.
  4. For the action, choose Facebook Pages as the app and “Create Event” as the action.
  5. Connect your Google account and Facebook account when prompted.
  6. Set up the specific details for creating Facebook events from Google Calendar events.
  7. Name the Zap and turn it on to activate the automation.

Now whenever a new event is added or updated in Google Calendar, Zapier will automatically create a corresponding event on the connected Facebook page. No manual work required.

Benefits of Using Zapier

Some key advantages of using Zapier for Google Calendar-Facebook integration:

  • Works with both personal and business/brand Facebook pages
  • Sync is immediate with new Google Calendar events published as Facebook events in real-time
  • Flexible options for syncing event details like time, location, description etc
  • Completely automated process requiring no manual reposting
  • Free Zapier plan available with 100 task limit per month

Limitations of Zapier

  • Need to connect separate Zaps for each Facebook page you want to sync
  • Initial setup can take some time to configure
  • Facebook event comments and RSVPs do not sync back to Google Calendar
  • Zapier free plan has 100 task per month limit

So in summary, Zapier provides an automated way to post Google Calendar events directly to Facebook pages. The connection works both ways, so any changes made to events on either platform can sync across.

Using Facebook’s Built-In Event Tool

Facebook offers its own native event management system for Facebook pages. This can also integrate with Google Calendar, though not as seamlessly as dedicated tools like Zapier.

Here is an overview of how to link Google Calendar and Facebook events using Facebook’s built-in tools:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook page and click Events in the left menu
  2. Click the Import button near the top right and select Google Calendar
  3. Follow the prompts to connect your Google account and authorize access
  4. Select which Google calendars you want to import events from
  5. Choose how far back in the past to import historical events
  6. Facebook will import all events from Google Calendar into the Facebook Events tool
  7. Click an imported event, then click Add to Page to publish it directly on your page’s timeline

The main downside with this method is events don’t automatically publish or sync changes after the initial import. You still have to manually re-import Google Calendar and publish any new events or updates.

Pros of Facebook’s Event Tool

  • Native Facebook integration with no third-party apps required
  • Brings event management into Facebook’s dashboard for consolidated management
  • Can review and tweak imported event details before publishing
  • Facebook events have guest lists, comments and more built-in features

Cons of Facebook’s Event Tool

  • Initial import only, changes don’t auto-sync
  • Have to manually re-import Google Calendar for any new events
  • Existing events need to be re-published to update Facebook page
  • More time-consuming to manage vs an automated solution

So in summary, Facebook’s native event import capability provides a one-time integration, but lacks the automation of dedicated sync tools. It can be a good option if you want to manage events primarily in Facebook, but expect to do manual imports and updates.

Manually Re-Posting Google Calendar Events

If you have a small volume of events, a simple option is to manually re-post events from your Google Calendar to Facebook. Here is a quick 3-step process:

  1. Open your Google Calendar and click an event to view details
  2. Copy key details like event name, date/time, location etc
  3. Create a new Facebook post on your page with those event details

This approach obviously lacks automation. But the upside is you can customize each Facebook post with additional text, images etc beyond just the basic event details.

Pros of Manually Re-Posting Events

  • Simple process using tools you already have
  • Customize each Facebook post with additional content
  • No third-party apps required
  • Works for small volume of events

Cons of Manually Re-Posting Events

  • Time-consuming and not scalable for larger volumes
  • Easy to forget to post events
  • Changes in Google Calendar don’t automatically update Facebook
  • Harder to keep Facebook events up-to-date

So in summary, manually re-posting Google Calendar events to Facebook can work OK for small volumes of events. But it lacks scalability and reliability compared to automated solutions.

Should I choose Zapier, Facebook’s Tool, or Manual Re-Posting?

So which method should you choose to link Google Calendar with Facebook events? Here are some guidelines:

  • Zapier – Best for larger volumes of events and keeping calendars seamlessly in sync. The automation ensures events are always up-to-date on both platforms.
  • Facebook Tool – Good if you want to manage events primarily in Facebook vs Google Calendar. Still requires manual updates but brings everything into one dashboard.
  • Manual – Viable for lower frequency of events. Allows customizing posts but not scalable or reliable for larger volumes.

Evaluate your specific needs in terms of number of events, where you prefer to manage them, available time for updates etc. That will determine which linking method makes the most sense for your needs.

Step-by-Step Instructions

For more detailed, step-by-step instructions on each method, see these guides:

Linking with Zapier

  1. Sign up for a free Zapier account at
  2. After logging in, click Make a Zap at the top.
  3. Under Choose App & Trigger, search for Google Calendar and select New Event.
  4. For the Action App, search for Facebook Pages and select Create Event.
  5. When prompted, connect your Google and Facebook accounts.
  6. Configure the Zap’s trigger & action per your preferences.
  7. Review the Zap and turn it on to activate.

Linking with Facebook’s Tool

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click Events in the left menu.
  2. Click Import Events and select Google Calendar.
  3. Follow the prompts to connect your Google account.
  4. Select the calendars and timeframe to import.
  5. Facebook will import all events from Google Calendar.
  6. Click individual events then Add to Page to publish on your timeline.

Manually Re-posting Events

  1. Open your Google Calendar and click an event to see its details.
  2. Copy the main event details like title, date, location etc.
  3. Go to your Facebook page and create a new post.
  4. Paste the event details into the post and publish it.

Refer to the above guides for detailed steps to link your Google Calendar and Facebook page using each method.

Comparing Integration Options

Method Automated Sync Native Apps Only Event Management Setup Time
Zapier Yes No Google Calendar or Facebook Medium
Facebook Tool No Yes Facebook Short
Manual No Yes Google Calendar Minimal

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common troubleshooting tips for linking Google Calendar with Facebook:

Events not syncing automatically:
– Confirm the Zapier or Facebook integration is properly set up and connected.
– Check that the calendars being synced match on both sides.
– Try re-authorizing the account connections.

Changes not syncing between calendars:
– Changes only sync automatically with Zapier, the other methods require manual updates.
– For Zapier, check the trigger configuration to ensure changes are set to sync both ways.

Imported events not showing on Facebook page:
– With Facebook’s tool, make sure to click Add to Page for imported events.
– Try adjusting the date filters if events are older.
– Confirm the correct Facebook page account is connected.

Facebook events not syncing back to Google:
– Facebook event data like RSVPs does not currently sync back automatically.
– You can manually export Facebook events and re-import to Google.

Hopefully these troubleshooting tips help resolve any common issues! Reach out to the app developers for additional support if needed.


Linking Google Calendar with Facebook provides a great way to easily manage and promote events across both platforms. While manually re-posting events is possible, the most seamless automation comes from using a dedicated integration service like Zapier.

Evaluating your specific needs around event volume, management preferences, available time and resources will determine the best solution. With the right linkage in place, you can save time on event administration and ensure your calendar is always up-to-date!