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Can I join Facebook under another name?

Can I join Facebook under another name?

It is possible to join Facebook using a name other than your legal name, but doing so goes against Facebook’s policies. Facebook requires users to provide their real/authentic identities when creating an account. Using a fake name or pseudonym is prohibited by Facebook’s Terms of Service.

Why does Facebook require real names?

Facebook instituted its “real name” policy for a few key reasons:

  • Authenticity – Requiring real names fosters greater accountability and reduces the incidence of bullying, harassment, and other unwanted behavior.
  • Safety – The policy aims to create a safer, more trusted environment for communication.
  • Clarity – Real names help you connect with people you actually know both online and offline.

By preventing anonymity, Facebook strives to build an online community where people use their authentic identities. The goal is to mimic real-world interactions as closely as possible online.

What names are allowed on Facebook?

Facebook’s names policy states:

The name on your profile should be the name that your friends call you in everyday life. This name should also appear on an ID or document from our ID list.

Nicknames can be used as a first or middle name if they’re a variation of your authentic name (like Bob instead of Robert).

Essentially, you must use your real first and last name as it appears on official documents like your driver’s license, passport, etc. Minor variations like spelling out a middle initial or using a shortened version of your first name (like Tom instead of Thomas) are allowed.

Here are some examples of name formats that are permitted:

  • First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name (John D. Smith)
  • First Name + Middle Name + Last Name (John David Smith)
  • First Name + Last Name (John Smith)
  • First Initial + Last Name (J. Smith)

Using a fake name, alias, or pseudonym like a stage name or gamer tag is prohibited. For example, an account under the name “SuperCoolGamer125” would go against Facebook’s policies.

Can I use a different last name on Facebook?

You are allowed to use a different last name on Facebook if you can provide documentation to confirm it is an authentic name that you go by in everyday life. Reasons may include:

  • Maiden name – Women who changed their surname after marriage can use their maiden name.
  • Divorce – People divorced or separated may revert to using their pre-marriage surname.
  • Professional name – Actors, writers, performers, etc. may use their stage names.

In these cases, Facebook asks that you provide a copy of your driver’s license, passport, recent utility bill, bank statement, or other official document showing the name. This confirms you have a legitimate reason for using a different last name than what appears on your primary ID.

What if I want privacy and don’t want to use my real name?

If you are concerned about privacy or prefer not to use your real identity online, then Facebook may not be the appropriate platform for you. Some alternatives that allow for more anonymity include:

  • Reddit – Allows usernames without linking accounts to your real identity.
  • Discord – Connect with chat rooms and groups using a custom username.
  • Snapchat – Share ephemeral messages and stories anonymously or pseudonymously.
  • Tumblr – Post blogs and multimedia content under a pseudonym.

These networks do not have strict “real name” policies like Facebook. However, always exercise caution when providing any personal details online if you wish to remain anonymous.

What happens if you use a fake name on Facebook?

Here’s what may occur if you create a Facebook account using a fake name or alias:

  • Account suspension – Facebook will suspend your account until you provide proof of your real identity.
  • Restricted access – Limits may be placed on your ability to post, comment, interact with others, etc.
  • Permanent ban – Repeated or serious violations can result in the permanent deletion of your account.

Facebook employs various mechanisms to detect and shut down inauthentic accounts, including:

  • User reports – Others can report your profile if they suspect it is fake.
  • Proactive monitoring – Algorithms look for indicators an account may be fake.
  • ID verification – Facebook may require you to submit a government ID to confirm your identity.

If your account is suspended or disabled, you will lose access to your profile, posts, photos, friends, and other data stored on Facebook. There is a formal appeals process you can use to request a review if you feel your account was incorrectly disabled.

How to create a compliant account on Facebook

Follow these best practices when setting up your Facebook account to avoid issues stemming from policy violations:

  1. Use your first and last name as it appears on your primary government-issued photo ID, like a driver’s license or passport.
  2. Avoid nicknames, aliases, or pseudonyms – these are prohibited.
  3. If using a different last name, be prepared to show documentation confirming your name change.
  4. List your authentic date of birth – accounts for minors under 13 are not permitted.
  5. Provide accurate contact info like your cell phone number and email address.
  6. Do not purchase or obtain fake or fraudulent accounts or IDs.

Following these guidelines will create a Facebook account that complies with their policies. This helps avoid the risk of suspension or being permanently banned from the platform.


While Facebook requires users to provide their real identities for accounts, there may be some limited cases where alternate names are allowed. However, blatantly faking your name goes against Facebook’s Terms of Service and could get your profile shut down.

Those who wish to maintain strong privacy online may be better served using alternative social networks or communication platforms that permit pseudonyms and anonymity. For most regular personal and recreational use though, your best option is sticking to Facebook’s real name policies if you wish to avoid account issues.

At the end of the day, Facebook aims to create an authentic community experience representative of real-world human connections. Using your actual first and last name is currently a prerequisite for participation on the network.

So in summary – yes, you can technically join Facebook under a different name, but doing so violates their rules. Proceed with caution and use your real-world identity to avoid running afoul of their policies.