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Can I invite people who don t have a Facebook account to my event?

Can I invite people who don t have a Facebook account to my event?

Quick Answer

Yes, you can invite people without Facebook accounts to events you create on Facebook. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Send invites by email or text message with a link to view the event details
  • Share the event link publicly for anyone to access
  • Allow friends to invite guests without Facebook accounts

While anyone can view event details through a public link, only people with Facebook accounts will be able to RSVP or interact with the event directly on Facebook. However, as the event host you can track RSVPs received through other methods.

Sending Email and Text Invites

One of the easiest ways to invite people without Facebook accounts to your event is by sending invites directly to their email addresses or phone numbers for text messages.

When creating an event on Facebook, go to the Invite section and select “Invite Friends.” Here you can type in email addresses and phone numbers of people you want to invite.

Facebook will send your guests an invite with a unique link to view your event details. They can RSVP through this link or by contacting you directly, even without a Facebook account.

Pros of Email/Text Invites

  • Directly targets guests you want to invite
  • Shares event details and RSVP link in a text or email
  • Allows tracking of RSVPs from non-Facebook guests

Cons of Email/Text Invites

  • Need to manually enter each guest’s contact info
  • Guests cannot interact with the event on Facebook
  • Need to collect RSVPs through an external method

Share a Public Event Link

Making your Facebook event “public” allows anyone with the link to view the event details without needing to log in or have an account.

When creating an event, click on the visibility drop-down menu and select “Public Event” instead of “Friends” or “Friends of Friends.”

This makes the event visible to anyone on the internet. However, only invited guests will be able to RSVP on Facebook.

Pros of a Public Event Link

  • Easy to share widely with anyone interested
  • Allows broad awareness of your event details
  • Does not limit visibility based on Facebook connections

Cons of a Public Event Link

  • Can reach people you did not intend to invite
  • Public events may attract spam
  • Guests still need Facebook to RSVP or interact

Allow Friends to Invite Guests

As the event host, you can allow your friends on Facebook to invite guests of their own. Their guests do not need to have Facebook accounts.

When creating your event, go to the Invite section. Select the “Invitable Friends” option under guest restrictions.

This allows any friend you invite to your event to input the contact info for their guests. This could include invited guests without Facebook accounts.

Pros of Friends Inviting Guests

  • Expands your reach to your friends’ networks
  • Less work for you to manually invite guests
  • Allows tracking of which friends bring which guests

Cons of Friends Inviting Guests

  • Less control over the final guest list
  • Friends may make very open invitations
  • Harder to track non-Facebook RSVPs

Tracking RSVPs from Guests Without Facebook

If guests without Facebook accounts are RSVPing to your event through email, text, phone call, or another method, you’ll need to track their responses separately from Facebook.

Some options for tracking RSVPs include:

  • Use a Google Form or online RSVP form
  • Keep a manual list of responses
  • Use an event management platform or app

As the RSVP deadline approaches, follow up with your non-Facebook guests to get their final response. When you have the final guest count, update the event details on Facebook.

Best Practices for Inviting Non-Facebook Guests

Here are some top tips for smoothly inviting and tracking guests without Facebook accounts to your event:

  • Customize email/text invites with a personal message
  • Follow up with critical guests to confirm they received invite
  • Provide an easy way for them to RSVP (like a Google Form)
  • Share event updates both on Facebook and directly with non-FB guests
  • Give guests advance notice of your event date
  • Send reminders about the event closer to the date

Sample RSVP Tracking Table

Guest Name Contact Info RSVP Response
Elizabeth Hughes [email protected] Yes
Jackson Roberts (123) 456-7890 No
Sierra Miller [email protected] Maybe


Inviting guests without Facebook accounts takes a few extra steps, but is completely achievable. The key is providing alternative ways for them to view details, RSVP, and stay updated.

With email, text and public sharing links, you can inform non-Facebook friends of your event. Collecting responses through a separate RSVP system allows you to track any type of guest.

While they won’t be able to interact directly, off-Facebook guests can still be part of your event experience. With planning and clear communication, you can include all the important people you want to celebrate with.

Does this help explain how to invite people without Facebook accounts to your event? Let me know if you have any other questions!