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Can I invite my friends to like a page on Facebook?

Can I invite my friends to like a page on Facebook?

Yes, you can invite your friends to like a Facebook page that you have admin access to. There are a few different ways to do this on both desktop and mobile.

Ways to Invite Friends to Like a Facebook Page

Here are some of the main options for inviting friends to like a Facebook page you admin:

  • Post about the page on your personal timeline and tag friends in the post to notify them. You can include a call-to-action for them to like the page.
  • Go to the page you admin and click “Invite Friends” in the left sidebar. This will let you select friends to send invites to.
  • On mobile, go to the page and tap the “…” menu then “Invite Friends.” You can then select friends to invite.
  • Use Facebook Messenger to send friends a link to the page and ask them to like it.
  • Share a post from the page on your timeline and ask friends to like the page.
  • Tag friends in a comment on a post on the page and ask them to give it a like.

Ways Friends Can Like a Facebook Page

Once you’ve invited friends to like a page or made them aware of it, here is how they can like the page:

  • On desktop: Go to the page and click “Like” near the top.
  • On mobile: Go to the page and tap the “Like” button near the top.
  • From notification of invite: Click on the invitation from their notifications and then click “Like.”
  • From shared post: See a post shared from the page, click the page name, then click “Like.”
  • From page mention: Click on the page name in a mention, this opens the page where they can click “Like.”

Getting Friends to Actually Like Your Facebook Page

While it’s easy to invite friends and provide ways for them to like a page, getting them to actually do it involves a bit more effort. Here are some tips:

  • Offer incentives – Giveaways, discounts, early access, and other perks can entice friends to like your page.
  • Craft engaging posts – Make sure you share interesting content so the page shows up positively in the news feed.
  • Run ads – Consider targeted Facebook ads focused on friends of people who already like your page.
  • Share personally – Don’t rely just on mass messages, personally reach out to close friends.
  • Message repeatedly – It often takes multiple invites before someone will like a page.
  • Explain why – Let them know specifically why you need their likes and how it will help.

Limits on Inviting Friends to Like Pages

Facebook does place some limits on how many friends you can invite to like a page within a certain time period. This is to prevent spamming friends with unwanted invites.

  • You can message up to 100 friends per day to invite them to like a page you admin.
  • No more than one invite per friend per 7 days if they have not liked the page.
  • No more than one invite per friend per 28 days if they have already liked the page.
  • These limits apply per page and are not tied to your overall account.
  • Trying to exceed these limits can result in temporary blocks on messaging abilities.

Keep these limits in mind when reaching out to friends about liking your Facebook page. Space out invites over multiple days and weeks, and avoid repeatedly messaging the same friends.

Metrics on Inviting Friends to Like Pages

Here are some statistics on success rates and metrics when inviting friends to like Facebook pages:

Metric Statistics
Open rate on invites 15-20%
Click-through rate on invites 8-12%
Conversion rate from click to like 45-60%
Likes from invites per 100 friends messaged 5-9 on average

These numbers can vary considerably based on factors like your industry, the quality of your page and posts, and how well you know the friends you are inviting.

Risks of Inviting Friends to Like Pages

While inviting friends to like your Facebook page can give it a boost, there are some risks to be aware of:

  • Annoyance at repeat invites if not done tactfully.
  • Looking like you are spamming friends for likes.
  • Friends liking just to stop invite notifications.
  • Lower organic reach later if friends don’t engage.
  • Restrictions placed by Facebook on messaging.
  • Negative feedback if friends don’t actually like your page content.

Balance these risks by being selective in who you invite, varying your messaging, and tracking analytics to see real engagement from new page likes.

Following Facebook’s Rules and Best Practices

When inviting friends to like your Facebook page, be sure to follow Facebook’s rules and best practices. Here are some key tips:

  • Be transparent in invites – Disclose your affiliation with the page.
  • Honor opt-outs – Don’t repeatedly message friends who decline invites.
  • Provide value – Share worthwhile content and offers not just pleas for likes.
  • Have accurate page info – Fill out descriptions, categories, contact info, etc.
  • Don’t buy likes – Focus on real friends not paid likes from strangers.
  • Review limits – Check your current invite status to avoid blocks.

Abiding by Facebook policies and promoting your page ethically makes for better results and reduced risk of penalties.


Inviting friends to like your Facebook page can be an effective way to get an initial boost in page followers. However, balances promotion with providing value, avoid spamming, and leverage other growth tactics in addition to direct invites. Maintain realistic expectations, track meaningful engagement metrics, and continue focusing on great content. With a thoughtful approach, inviting friends can kickstart your Facebook page on a path to ongoing growth and interaction.