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Can I hire someone to run Facebook ads for me?

Can I hire someone to run Facebook ads for me?

Facebook ads have become an extremely popular and effective way for businesses to reach new customers and grow their brand. However, creating and managing a successful Facebook ad campaign requires knowledge, time and effort. Many business owners and marketers find themselves wondering if they should outsource their Facebook ad campaigns to an expert. Here is what you need to know about hiring someone to run Facebook ads for your business.

The Benefits of Hiring a Facebook Ads Expert

There are several advantages to hiring a Facebook ads specialist rather than trying to do it all yourself:

  • Saves you time – Creating, optimizing and managing Facebook ads is a big time commitment. Hiring an expert allows you to focus on other parts of your business.
  • Increased efficiency – An experienced Facebook ads manager will work faster and know how to avoid common mistakes.
  • Improved performance – Professionals have the proven knowledge and optimization skills to get better ad results.
  • Expanded capabilities – Facebook marketing agencies have teams to provide services like graphic design, copywriting, analytics and more.
  • Peace of mind – When you hire a Facebook ads pro you can feel confident your campaigns are in good hands.

In short, hiring a Facebook ads expert allows you to leverage their specialized skills and knowledge to create more effective campaigns and get a better return on your advertising investment.

How to Choose a Facebook Ads Specialist

Not all Facebook ads managers are created equal. Here are some tips on choosing the right one for your business:

  • Check their track record – Review case studies and testimonials to confirm they have successfully run campaigns similar to yours.
  • Ask about their optimization process – A good specialist will constantly tweak and improve your campaign over time.
  • Ensure they have expertise in your industry – Choose an agency or individual with experience marketing to your target customers.
  • Verify their Facebook marketing credentials – Preferably certification through Facebook’s Blueprint curriculum.
  • Look for good communication skills – They should explain concepts clearly and keep you updated on campaigns.
  • Compare pricing models – Some charge monthly retainers, others project fees, hourly rates or commissions.

Taking the time to carefully select the right Facebook marketing professional will help ensure your ads achieve optimal results.

Typical Pricing for Facebook Ads Management Services

The cost to hire someone to manage your Facebook ads can vary greatly depending on the provider, level of service and campaign specifics. However, these are typical price ranges:

  • Freelancers: $50 – $150 per hour
  • Agencies: $1,000 – $5,000 per month
  • Outsourced CMOs: $3,000 – $10,000 per month

Additional services like graphic design, copywriting and video creation may involve extra fees. It’s important to get a detailed quote upfront so you understand the full scope and cost of services.

What to Expect When Outsourcing Facebook Ads

Here is an overview of what the process typically looks like when you hire someone to manage your Facebook advertising campaigns:

  1. Onboarding – The specialist learns about your business goals, target audience, products/services, and brand style.
  2. Campaign setup – Landing pages, ad accounts, pixels and other components are implemented.
  3. Ad creation – Your ads are produced based on proven best practices.
  4. Launch – Your campaign goes live, starting with a small daily budget to test performance.
  5. Optimization – The specialist tweaks targeting, creative, placements and other elements to improve results.
  6. Reporting – You receive regular reports on ads costs, reach, clicks, conversions and other KPIs.
  7. Refreshing – New ads are created and campaign strategy evolves over time to boost performance.

Most specialists also provide guidance on your Facebook business page content, posts and engagement tactics to complement your paid advertising efforts.

Key Questions to Ask Prospective Facebook Ads Managers

When interviewing Facebook ads specialists, come prepared with questions to find the best fit for your needs and budget. Here are some recommended questions:

  • What is your experience running Facebook ad campaigns in my industry and for similar budgets?
  • What campaign objective and bidding strategy would you use for my business?
  • How will you optimize my ads throughout the campaign? What tools and metrics do you use?
  • How can you help expand my audience reach and lower my cost per conversion?
  • What are your reporting capabilities? How often will I receive campaign insights?
  • Do you include copywriting and graphic design services? If not, do you outsource or work with my team?
  • What are your fees and billing practices? Are there any minimum commitments or contracts?
  • Can you share case studies and client references that are similar to my business?

Their responses will help you gauge their expertise and fit. The ideal specialist will have proven success marketing for businesses like yours using the latest Facebook ads strategies and optimization tactics.

Handling Facebook Ads In-House vs Outsourcing

Should you keep Facebook advertising in-house or hire an outside firm? Here is a comparison of the two approaches:

In-House Facebook Ads Management


  • Full control and ownership over campaigns
  • Internal team has intimate knowledge of your brand and products
  • Ads integrate seamlessly with other marketing efforts


  • Requires staff with specialized Facebook ads expertise
  • Harder to test new strategies and ideas objectively
  • Less time for staff to focus on core business activities

Outsourced Facebook Ads Management


  • Expertise from experienced Facebook marketing professionals
  • Faster campaign launches and improved performance
  • Unbiased perspective and expanded capabilities


  • Loss of full control over campaigns
  • Potential lack of context about your nuanced business needs
  • Monthly costs for outsourced services

For many businesses, the ideal solution is a hybrid approach – keeping campaign strategy and reporting in-house while leveraging an agency’s ad creation and optimization skills.


Facebook advertising presents a tremendous opportunity for businesses – when managed correctly. While running campaigns in-house gives you full control, most brands can benefit by outsourcing Facebook ads creation and optimization to an experienced specialist. This frees up your time while leveraging expanded expertise.

Carefully vetting specialists on credentials, capabilities, industry experience and proven results is crucial for maximizing your ad spending and return on investment. With the right Facebook ads manager, you can gain an expert marketing partner dedicated to converting your ad spend into measurable business growth.