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Can I hide what Facebook groups I’m in?

Can I hide what Facebook groups I’m in?

Yes, it is possible to hide your Facebook group memberships from other users on the platform. Facebook allows you to control the visibility of the groups you’ve joined so you can choose who can see this information on your profile.

There are a few different ways to hide your Facebook group memberships. The easiest is to change your group privacy settings so only you can see the groups you’re in. You can also unfollow or leave groups you don’t want others to know you’ve joined. Restricting access to your full profile is another option for limiting group visibility.

Below we’ll go into more detail on how to hide Facebook groups you’re in and the privacy implications of doing so.

Changing Group Privacy Settings

The most straightforward way to hide your Facebook group memberships is by adjusting your group privacy settings. Your group memberships are visible to others by default, but you can limit visibility to only yourself or your friends.

Here are the steps to change who can see your Facebook group memberships:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the Groups link in the left sidebar. This will show you a list of all the groups you’ve joined.
  2. In the top right, click on the 3-dot menu button next to Groups. Select Edit next to Privacy.
  3. In the popup window, choose one of the following options:
    • Only Me – Your groups will be completely private and hidden from anyone else.
    • Friends – Only your Facebook friends will be able to see your group memberships.
    • Public – Everyone will be able to see the groups you’re in (default setting).
  4. Click Save Changes at the bottom.

Once you update your privacy settings, your Facebook group memberships will be hidden from anyone not included in the visibility option you selected.

Individual Group Settings

In addition to adjusting the privacy for all your groups at once, you can also configure visibility on a per group basis. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Groups page and click on the group you want to hide.
  2. In the top right corner, click the 3-dot menu button and choose Edit Group Settings.
  3. Under the Privacy section, choose one of the visibility options:
    • Public – Anyone can see who’s in the group.
    • Private – Only members can see who’s joined.
    • Secret – Only members can find the group and see its members.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Setting a group to Secret or Private will prevent non-members from seeing your membership in that specific group. You can hide your membership in individual groups this way even if your overall group privacy setting is Public.

Unfollowing or Leaving Groups

Another option for hiding your Facebook group activity is to unfollow or leave the groups you don’t want showing up on your profile.

When you unfollow a group, you’ll remain a member but posts from that group will stop appearing in your News Feed. Your name and profile pic will also no longer be visible to other members.

To unfollow a group:

  1. Go to the group’s page and click the Joined button.
  2. Select Unfollow Group in the popup menu.

If you want to remove your membership entirely, you can leave a Facebook group:

  1. Go to the group’s page and click the Joined button.
  2. Choose Leave Group to confirm you want to exit the group.

Once you leave a group, it will no longer show up on your profile at all. This completely hides your membership and activity from that community.

Rejoining Later

Keep in mind that unfollowing or leaving a Facebook group removes your access as well. If you want to rejoin the group later, you’ll have to request to be added again.

For secret groups, you’ll need the invite link or for an admin to add you back to the group. For public and private groups you left, you can simply request to join again.

Restricting Profile View Access

In some cases you may want to limit access to your Facebook profile overall. Doing this will also restrict who can see your group memberships.

You have a few options for restricting general profile access:

  • Friends only – Set your profile visibility to friends only and only your accepted friends will be able to see any info on your profile.
  • Acquaintances – Choose acquaintances instead of friends and limit it to non-close connections.
  • Specific friend lists – Create friend lists and limit certain info like your groups to just close friends or family.
  • Exclude specific people – Prevent exes, coworkers, or other individuals from accessing your profile info.

Here’s how to set your Facebook profile to friends only:

  1. Go to your profile and click the 3-dot menu in the top right corner.
  2. Choose View As… from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the icon for Friends in the popup window.

This will change your profile settings so only friends can see your posts, info, and group activity. You can switch it back to Public at any time.

Creating friend lists or blocking certain people from viewing your profile takes a few more steps but provides more granular control.

Implications of Hiding Group Memberships

While limiting the visibility of your Facebook group memberships gives you more privacy, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Friends, family, and acquaintances may notice the change and ask you about it.
  • Group admins may be suspicious of people hiding their memberships.
  • You’ll need to be careful about mentioning or discussing the groups you’ve hidden.
  • Any group activity prior to hiding your memberships will still be visible.
  • If you leave groups, you lose access and have to request to rejoin.

Essentially, hiding your group activity adds a layer of complexity to managing privacy. You’ll need to remember which groups are visible and be thoughtful about what groups you engage with publicly.

Some admins prohibit members from hiding their group memberships as well. So you may get removed from closed groups if you try to conceal your membership.

Additional Privacy Tips

Aside from your group memberships, be sure to check these other privacy settings on Facebook:

  • Edit the visibility of your posts and profile info.
  • Review apps and websites connected to your account.
  • Check ad preferences and remove sensitive interests.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Periodically check and update your privacy settings.

Taking a few minutes to go through your privacy and security settings can help you safely manage what’s visible on your Facebook profile and activity.


Facebook groups can provide useful connections and conversations, but you may not want everyone knowing which groups you’ve joined. Adjusting your privacy settings gives you control over who can see the communities you’re part of.

The easiest option is making your group memberships completely private. You can also hide your membership on a per group basis, unfollow or leave groups, or restrict overall profile access. Just be aware that hiding groups adds some complexity when interacting within those communities. With a bit of privacy management, you can safely take part in the Facebook groups you find meaningful while maintaining control over your profile.