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Can I hide events I’m interested in on Facebook?

Can I hide events I’m interested in on Facebook?

Yes, you can hide events you are interested in on Facebook so they do not show up in your News Feed. Facebook allows you to control what content you see in your News Feed, including events.

Why Would I Want to Hide Events on Facebook?

There are a few reasons why you may want to hide events on Facebook:

  • You are invited to a lot of events that you are not interested in or do not have time to attend. Hiding these events cleans up your News Feed.
  • You are interested in the event but cannot attend. Hiding the event stops you from being reminded about missing out.
  • You already viewed the event details and no longer need to see updates about it in your News Feed.
  • The event posts are cluttering your News Feed and you want to focus on other content.

By hiding events you are not interested in or relevant to you, you can customize your News Feed to better suit your preferences.

How Do I Hide An Event on Facebook?

There are a couple ways to hide an event on Facebook:

Hide the Event from Your News Feed

  1. Go to the event page or find the event post in your News Feed
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post
  3. Select “Hide Post” or “Hide All from [Event Name]”
  4. Confirm that you want to hide this event from your News Feed

This will prevent you from seeing any future posts about that event without unfollowing or unfriending anyone.

Unfollow the Event

  1. Go to the event page
  2. Click on the More button below the event cover photo
  3. Select “Unfollow Event”
  4. Confirm that you want to stop following the event

This will stop event updates from appearing in your News Feed but still allow you to find and view the event page.

What’s the Difference Between Hiding and Unfollowing an Event?

Hiding and unfollowing an event on Facebook work similarly, but have some key differences:

Action Hide Event Unfollow Event
News Feed Impact Event posts hidden from News Feed Event posts hidden from News Feed
Event Page Access Can still freely view event page Can still freely view event page
Connection Status Still connected and invited Still connected and invited
Undone Action Event posts reappear in News Feed Need to re-follow event for posts to appear

Essentially, hiding removes individual event posts from your News Feed while unfollowing stops all event updates. Both keep you connected to the event and allow you to access the page.

Can Other People See That I’ve Hidden or Unfollowed an Event?

No, hiding or unfollowing an event is private and cannot be seen by anyone else on Facebook. It only impacts your personal News Feed and event experience. For example:

  • Event organizers will not know if you hide or unfollow an event
  • Friends who see the event in their News Feeds will not know you have hidden it
  • The event page guest list will not change
  • Other people can still tag you or invite you to the event

Hiding an event only controls your personal Facebook experience. It does not affect anything visible to other users.

How Do I Unhide an Event on Facebook?

If you change your mind and want to see event updates again, you can unhide the event in your News Feed. Here’s how:

Unhide a Hidden Event Post

  1. Go to your News Feed Preferences (click the three line menu > News Feed Preferences)
  2. Go to “Relevant” and click “Events”
  3. Toggle the switch next to the event name to “On”

This will undo the “Hide Post” action and let you see that event in your News Feed again.

Re-Follow an Unfollowed Event

  1. Go to the event page
  2. Click on the More button below the cover photo
  3. Select “Follow Event”

Re-following the event will resume updates about it in your News Feed.

Can I Control Which Type of Event Updates I See?

Yes, you can customize exactly which event updates show up in your News Feed on Facebook. Here’s how to adjust your News Feed preferences for events:

  1. Go to News Feed Preferences
  2. Click on “Events”
  3. Toggle each event type On or Off

You can choose to see only certain types of event updates like:

  • Friends Going
  • Friends Interested
  • New Events
  • Event Recommendations

Adjusting these settings allows precise control over which event updates appear in your News Feed.


If you only want to see when friends are going or interested in events, toggle off “New Events” and “Recommendations.”

If you want to discover local events, keep “New Events” and “Recommendations” on while toggling off notifications about friends.

Customize based on your specific preferences and interests.

Can I Prevent Certain Friends’ Event Invites From Showing Up?

Yes, you can stop seeing event invites from specific friends while still staying connected on Facebook. Here’s how to block event invites from certain friends:

  1. Go to your News Feed Preferences
  2. Click “Friends”
  3. Uncheck the box next to your friend’s name
  4. Confirm by clicking “Confirm Changes”

This will prevent event invites and announcements from that friend from appearing in your News Feed. You can toggle them back on at any time to resume seeing their event updates.

Can I Hide All Event Notifications on Facebook?

You can completely turn off all event updates in your News Feed by following these steps:

  1. Go to News Feed Preferences
  2. Click on “Events”
  3. Toggle all event types to “Off”

This will prevent you from seeing any event invites, announcements, recommendations, or updates in your News Feed from any source. Use this if you want to fully remove events from your Facebook experience.

Things to Note

  • Friends can still tag you and send individual invites
  • You can still find and view event pages by searching
  • Turning updates back on will resume event notifications

While not foolproof, toggling all events to off is the broadest way to curate events out of your News Feed.

What’s Better – Unfollowing or Hiding Groups and Events?

It depends on your specific goals, but here are some general guidelines on when to unfollow vs. hide groups and events on Facebook:

Unfollow When:

  • You want to stop updates from that particular group or event completely
  • You find the updates irrelevant and want them gone from your feed entirely
  • You don’t need access to the group itself anymore
  • You want a “clean slate” and don’t care about seeing old posts

Hide When:

  • You want to keep accessing the group itself but clean up your feed
  • You want to selectively hide certain irrelevant posts
  • You may be interested in future updates from the group/event
  • You want to keep the option to rediscover old posts and engagements

In general, unfollowing gives you a more “permanent” feed cleanup while hiding allows for more flexibility. Choose based on your specific needs.

Can I Re-Follow Groups or Events After Unfollowing?

Yes, you can follow groups and events again after unfollowing them. Simply:

  1. Go to the group or event page
  2. Click the “Join” or “Follow” button
  3. You will resume getting updates in your News Feed

One thing to note is that when you re-follow a group, you may need to request to join it again if the settings require admin approval.


Facebook provides robust options for tailoring events in your News Feed to your exact preferences. You can:

  • Hide or unfollow specific events
  • Control types of event updates you see
  • Limit event invites from certain friends
  • Disable event updates completely
  • Re-follow events after unfollowing them

Take advantage of these personalization features to curate an event experience that shows you only what you want to see.

Hiding individual event posts or unfollowing events completely are the two main options to clean up your News Feed. Understand the differences and adjust settings accordingly.

With some tweaking, you can have a News Feed free of unwanted event clutter while still keeping connected to the events and friends you care about.