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Can I have more than one business on Meta?

Can I have more than one business on Meta?

Yes, you can have more than one business account on Meta. Meta allows businesses and creators to have multiple Pages and ad accounts to manage different brands, initiatives, or campaigns. Here’s what you need to know about having multiple business presences on Meta’s platforms.

Overview of Multiple Businesses on Meta

Meta allows people to create and manage multiple Pages, ad accounts, and other assets to represent different business interests. For example, you could have one Page for your main brand, another Page for a sub-brand, separate Pages for individual locations, and various ad accounts for specific campaigns or initiatives.

Some key things to know:

  • You can create multiple Facebook Pages and connect them to the same personal profile.
  • Instagram only allows one business account connected to a given username.
  • Pages and ad accounts don’t necessarily need to be connected to each other.
  • Managing multiple assets may require switching between different accounts and profiles.
  • You need to follow Meta’s rules and policies for each individual asset.

Essentially, Meta provides the flexibility to have different presences and accounts as needed for your business purposes. This allows you to segment audiences, brands, initiatives, locations, and campaigns as desired.

Reasons to Have Multiple Business Accounts

Here are some common reasons companies and creators maintain multiple business accounts on Meta platforms:

Separate Brands or Initiatives

If your business has different brands, sub-brands, or initiatives, you may want dedicated Pages for each. This lets you target content and messaging specifically for those audiences.

Multiple Locations

For businesses with multiple physical locations, having individual Pages allows you to connect with local followers and customize content for each region.

Specific Campaigns

Creating additional ad accounts can help organize and optimize campaigns around specific products, initiatives, or segments.

Different Audiences

Extra Pages and accounts enable you to tailor your presence and approach for different demographics or interest groups.

Testing and Optimization

Setting up separate accounts allows you to experiment with different content strategies and ad approaches to see what performs best.


For large organizations with many initiatives and locations, having multiple accounts makes it easier to coordinate by dividing assets across teams or responsibilities.


Some regulated businesses may need distinct accounts to meet compliance requirements around data, privacy, record keeping, etc.

Best Practices for Multiple Accounts

When managing multiple business accounts, keep these tips in mind:

  • Clearly link and identify connected accounts in bios and contact info.
  • Coordinate messaging and branding across accounts for consistency.
  • Avoid duplicating the exact same content across accounts.
  • Segment audiences and tailor content specifically for each account.
  • Monitor notifications and assign account access to relevant team members.
  • Implement naming conventions to keep accounts organized.
  • Analyze data and performance for each account separately.
  • Be transparent in disclosures and advertising about your accounts.
  • Establish processes to efficiently manage workflows across accounts.

Steps to Create Additional Accounts

The process for creating extra business accounts on Meta platforms is straightforward:

Facebook Pages

  1. Go to and log into your personal Facebook account.
  2. Click “Create” in the top nav bar and select “Page” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the appropriate category for your business and fill out the details.
  4. Agree to Facebook’s terms and click “Get Started.”
  5. Use the Page menu to add info, customize branding, connect Instagram, and assign admin roles.

Facebook Ad Accounts

  1. Go to and log into your personal or business account.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to “Create Ad” and choose “Create Ad Account.”
  3. Enter an account name and details and agree to Meta’s terms.
  4. Follow the setup guide to configure your new ad account.
  5. Add payment info, set budgets, and create ads.

Instagram Business Accounts

  1. Log into your personal Instagram account.
  2. Go to your profile, click the menu icon, and select “Switch to Professional Account.”
  3. Choose “Business” and follow the prompts to set up your business profile.
  4. Add key details like contact info, category, etc. to complete setup.
  5. Link your new Instagram business account to existing Facebook Pages if desired.
Platform Account Type Creation Process
Facebook Pages Create Page from personal account menu
Facebook Ad Accounts Create Ad Account from Ads Manager
Instagram Business Profiles Convert personal to business from profile menu

Limits on Accounts and Assets

Meta does impose some limits on the number of assets you can create and manage:

  • Facebook limits Pages to:
    • 100 Pages per personal account
    • Unlimited Pages per business account
  • Instagram limits business accounts to:
    • 1 account per user/email
  • Facebook limits ad accounts per advertiser to:
    • 20 accounts per business
    • 5 accounts per person

However, you can request exceptions to these limits by contacting Meta support and providing justification for needing additional accounts or assets.

Pros and Cons of Multiple Accounts

Having multiple business accounts on Meta platforms comes with both advantages and disadvantages:

Potential Benefits

  • Targeted presence for different brands, locations, campaigns
  • Separate analytics and insights for each account
  • Customized content and engagement opportunities
  • Owned real estate and followers for new initiatives
  • More options for tailored ad campaigns
  • Help with organization and role division
  • Ability to experiment with new approaches

Potential Drawbacks

  • Time and resource intensive to manage
  • Brand fragmentation if accounts aren’t coordinated
  • Difficult to analyze performance holistically
  • Followers may interact with multiple accounts unknowingly
  • Need for processes to keep accounts connected
  • More chances for errors like duplicate posts

Tools for Managing Multiple Accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts and assets can be challenging. Here are some helpful tools and services that make it easier:

  • Social media management platforms like Hootsuite and Sprout Social allow you to integrate, post, and analyze multiple accounts from one dashboard.
  • Social media scheduling tools like Buffer and Planoly help plan and schedule content across multiple accounts.
  • Facebook business suites offer advanced tools for managing large numbers of Pages and ad accounts together.
  • Social media analytics platforms like Iconosquare, Keyhole, and Socialbakers can provide cross-channel reporting.
  • Spreadsheet trackers help logins, workflows, and responsibilities across team members and accounts.
  • Mention monitoring can track brand tags and conversations across accounts.

Automation and project management platforms are also very helpful for improving workflows around overseeing multiple social accounts and assets.

Policies Around Multiple Accounts

While Meta allows users and businesses to have multiple accounts, you need to follow their rules and terms of service. Here are key policies to know if you have multiple Pages or ad accounts:

  • Don’t mislead people with your accounts and be transparent about account connections.
  • Don’t coordinate Pages or ad accounts to artificially boost engagement.
  • Ad accounts can’t advertise each other without proper disclosures.
  • Follow rules against publishing duplicate content across accounts.
  • Properly secure and protect access to any accounts you own.
  • Comply with any limits placed on specific account types.
  • Don’t violate policies prohibiting objectionable, misleading, or illegal content.
  • Adhere to platform rules regarding spam, privacy, data use, intellectual property, etc.

Make sure anyone on your team managing your accounts is aware of all applicable Meta policies. Accounts used improperly may receive penalties or be deactivated.


Can I convert an existing Facebook business Page into a personal profile?

No, Facebook does not allow converting a business Page into a personal profile. You would need to create a new personal account if desired. However, you can convert a personal profile into a Facebook business Page.

Can I merge multiple Facebook Pages together into one?

No, there is no merge feature to combine multiple Facebook Pages into a single Page. The best option is to choose one Page to continue using and delete or hide the others.

Is it OK to manage friend requests and messages from my personal profile while also having a Facebook business Page?

Yes, this is fine. You can manage your personal profile and business Page from the same authenticated Facebook account. Just be sure to distinguish between personal and business actions.

Can I reuse the same ad creative across different Facebook ad accounts?

Generally, yes you can reuse ad creatives among your owned ad accounts. But you may want to test different variations and customize for each account audience.

Should I link all my business accounts in my Instagram bio?

It’s recommended to list connections to your other business accounts and sites in Instagram bio or contact info for transparency. But listing every single asset isn’t necessary.


Having multiple business accounts and assets on Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide more flexibility to segment audiences and customize initiatives. While managing many accounts takes more effort, tools and best practices can help streamline workflows.

The key is ensuring proper coordination between accounts, following Meta policies, targeting content to each audience, and leveraging tools to organize cross-channel efforts. With the right approach, multiple accounts enable businesses and creators to expand their presence while maintaining brand consistency.