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Can I have 2 personal profiles on Facebook?

Can I have 2 personal profiles on Facebook?

No, Facebook’s terms of service do not allow users to maintain more than one personal profile. Facebook requires each user to have a single account representing themselves as an individual. However, there are some exceptions that allow a user to have multiple presences on Facebook.

Why Facebook prohibits multiple personal profiles

Facebook prohibits multiple personal profiles for a few key reasons:

  • To maintain authenticity – Facebook aims to be a platform for real identity and genuine connections. Allowing one person to represent themselves with multiple accounts goes against this goal.
  • To prevent abuse – Multiple accounts per person can enable abusive activities like harassment, spamming, and spreading misinformation. Requiring one account makes users more accountable.
  • Simplify advertising – Advertisers rely on accurate user data and demographics. Multiple accounts per user would distort this data and undermine Facebook’s advertising model.

In summary, the one account per person policy helps protect Facebook’s community, business model, and ultimately the user experience.

Exceptions that allow multiple presences

While you can’t have multiple personal profiles, there are some exceptions where one person can maintain multiple presences on Facebook:

Facebook Business Pages

Facebook allows and encourages business owners, brands, organizations, public figures, artists, and influencers to create Facebook Business Pages. These Pages represent entities rather than individuals.

A user can create and manage as many Facebook Business Pages as they want in addition to their personal profile. Pages offer features tailored for public figures, businesses, and organizations to connect with their audience.

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups allow users to create dedicated spaces about specific topics and interests. A user can be a member of as many Groups as they want in addition to their personal profile.

Group admins can manage their Groups using a second account. This allows them to distinguish posts and comments written as the Group admin from their personal profile activity.

Facebook Events

Users can create Facebook Events associated with their profile or on behalf of a Page or Group. For large Events with multiple hosts, each host can use their personal profile to manage the Event Page.

So one Event can have several hosts from different personal profiles. But each individual host still only has one personal profile.

Facebook Apps and Games

Users can connect games and apps to their Facebook profiles. Many games allow users to set up additional accounts and avatars that are tied back to their core profile.

So a user can build up multiple personas and identities within a particular Facebook-connected game, but this is still anchored to their single profile.

Risks of having multiple personal Facebook profiles

Maintaining two or more personal Facebook profiles goes against the platform’s rules. Those who try to bypass the one profile per person policy take substantial risks, such as:

  • Account suspension or disablement – Facebook regularly disables accounts it finds to be duplicate profiles for the same person. All associated profiles could get shut down.
  • Loss of access – If you get locked out of your account and try to recover through an alternate profile, Facebook may disable both accounts.
  • Merged profiles – Facebook can detect duplicated profiles and merge them together, causing you to lose control over what gets shared between them.
  • Legal liability – Falsely representing yourself or engaging in abusive behavior with duplicate accounts can lead to criminal charges in some jurisdictions.
  • Copyright & trademark violations – Posting protected content from multiple accounts to artificially inflate viewer numbers can lead to serious copyright infringement issues.

In most cases, it’s simply not worth the effort and risk to try to circumvent Facebook’s one profile per person policy. Those who genuinely need multiple presences on Facebook have many legitimate options through Pages, Groups, and connected platforms.

How to properly manage multiple presences on Facebook

If you have a legitimate need to maintain multiple presences on Facebook beyond your personal profile, here are some best practices:

  • Use Facebook Business Pages – Properly set up separate Pages for your business, brand, organization, initiatives, etc. Follow all Facebook Page policies.
  • Be transparent – Clearly indicate that your Pages represent an entity or brand, not your individual personal identity.
  • Link your assets – Use crossposting and associating features to link your Pages with your individual profile as the admin.
  • Segment audiences – Maintain separation between audiences by posting content targeted for each specific Page or Group.
  • Enact role changes – Switch between your personal profile and admin roles when posting and interacting with different assets.
  • coordinate with team members – Designate other admins for Pages and Groups so managing content and conversations is a team effort.

The key is keeping your individual profile separate while leveraging Facebook features specifically designed for entities to have a public presence on Facebook. Misrepresenting yourself with multiple personal profiles risks account termination and legal trouble.


Facebook does not allow users to have more than one personal account. This policy helps maintain the integrity of the Facebook community and prevent abuse. However, users have many options to create additional presences through Business Pages, Groups, and other features without compromising their primary personal profile. Individuals who genuinely need multiple identities on Facebook should properly structure and coordinate these assets for the best experience.