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Can I get paid through PayPal on Facebook Marketplace?

Can I get paid through PayPal on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items directly through Facebook. It provides a convenient way for people to connect and transact locally. As Facebook Marketplace has grown in popularity, many users wonder if they can get paid through PayPal when selling items on Marketplace.

Can I use PayPal on Facebook Marketplace?

The short answer is yes, you can get paid through PayPal on Facebook Marketplace. However, Facebook does not directly integrate PayPal as a payment option on Marketplace. Instead, buyers and sellers must handle PayPal transactions manually outside of Facebook.

Here’s how it works:

  • A seller lists an item for sale on Facebook Marketplace. They include in the listing that they accept PayPal as a payment method.
  • A buyer is interested in the item and contacts the seller through Marketplace to purchase it.
  • The buyer and seller agree to use PayPal for the payment. The seller sends the buyer a PayPal money request or invoice.
  • The buyer pays the seller through PayPal. Once payment is received, the seller ships the sold item to the buyer.

So PayPal can be used with Facebook Marketplace, but the payment transaction itself happens directly between the buyer and seller through PayPal, not through Facebook.

Why Facebook doesn’t directly integrate PayPal

Facebook likely does not integrate PayPal directly into Marketplace for a few key reasons:

  • Avoid competing with Facebook Pay – Facebook has its own payment system called Facebook Pay that it wants to promote for payments across its apps.
  • PayPal charges fees – PayPal charges transaction fees for sending and receiving money. Facebook may want to avoid subjecting users to these additional fees.
  • Encourage local pickup – Facebook designed Marketplace with local pickup in mind. Direct PayPal integration may encourage more shipping which goes against this.

By keeping payment off platform, Facebook can better control the Marketplace experience and encourage in-person, local transactions.

How to request PayPal payment on Facebook Marketplace

If you want to request PayPal payment for an item you are selling on Facebook Marketplace, here are some tips:

  • Clearly state in your Marketplace listing that you accept PayPal. This signals to interested buyers.
  • Once a buyer reaches out to purchase your item, move the transaction over to PayPal by sending them an invoice or payment request.
  • Make sure to get the buyer’s email or phone number associated with their PayPal account to send them a request.
  • Confirm the details like item price and shipping cost before sending a PayPal request.
  • Use PayPal tools to generate an invoice or payment link to send to the buyer.
  • Communicate clearly with your buyer throughout the purchase process.

By following these tips, you can successfully coordinate PayPal payments on Marketplace. Just remember the payment transaction itself will take place through PayPal, not Facebook.

Pros of using PayPal on Marketplace

There are some advantages to accepting PayPal payments for your Facebook Marketplace sales:

  • Buyer and seller protection – PayPal offers protection programs for both buyers and sellers in case issues arise.
  • No sharing bank details – PayPal keeps your financial information private unlike direct methods like bank transfer.
  • Easy to send and receive money – PayPal provides tools to quickly invoice buyers or request payments.
  • Transaction records – PayPal keeps records of your payments sent and received for reference.
  • Large user base – Many Marketplace users likely already have PayPal accounts making it a convenient option.

For certain high value or long distance transactions, the protections and convenience of PayPal may give buyers and sellers more confidence.

Cons of using PayPal for Marketplace

However, there are some downsides to keep in mind when using PayPal on Facebook Marketplace:

  • PayPal fees – PayPal charges fees for business transactions which cut into your sale profit.
  • Manual process – Arranging PayPal payments requires manual coordination outside Facebook.
  • Shipping required – PayPal encourages shipping which goes against Facebook’s local pickup preferences.
  • No buyer vetting – Facebook doesn’t vet buyers using PayPal like they do with eligible Facebook Pay transactions.
  • Harder returns – Facebook’s post-transaction buyer and seller protections don’t apply to off-platform PayPal payments.

For cheaper, everyday transactions, Facebook’s suggested local pickup and cash payment may be less hassle than integrating PayPal.

PayPal policies for Facebook Marketplace

If you plan to use PayPal for Facebook Marketplace transactions, be sure to brush up on their policies. Here are some key things to note:

  • PayPal payments should only be arranged for items that comply with both Facebook and PayPal’s allowed transactions policies.
  • Personal PayPal accounts have lower sending and receiving limits than business accounts.
  • PayPal’s buyer and seller protection policies apply, including requirements for proof of delivery.
  • PayPal will share certain information on transactions with Facebook as required by law.
  • PayPal may request more information on high risk or suspicious transactions.
  • Standard PayPal fees for sending and receiving payments will apply based on account type.

Review PayPal’s user agreement and fees pages to fully understand their policies before transacting.

Other Facebook Marketplace payment methods

In addition to PayPal, buyers and sellers on Facebook Marketplace can also consider these payment methods:

  • Cash – The default local pickup option suggested by Facebook. No fees and instant payment.
  • Facebook Pay – Facebook’s own payment system. Good option for trusted Facebook connections.
  • Venmo – Owned by PayPal. Better for smaller casual transactions.
  • Apple Pay / Google Pay – Seamless payment through mobile devices for in-person trades.
  • Debit / Credit Card – Either in-person swipe or by manually entering card details.

The optimal payment method will depend on the specific item, buyer, seller, and transaction details.

Should Facebook integrate PayPal directly?

There is an argument that Facebook should build in direct PayPal integration for Marketplace. Benefits could include:

  • Streamlined checkout experience for buyers and sellers.
  • Fewer abandoned transactions due to payment coordination issues.
  • Tap into audience already using PayPal for online payments.
  • Provide an electronic payment option for long distance or high dollar sales.
  • Enable end-to-end transaction management within Facebook.

However, Facebook will also need to carefully weigh the downsides:

  • Transaction fees cutting into margins for sellers and eroding buyer demand.
  • Regulatory and compliance requirements that introduce costs or liability.
  • Shifting focus away from local, in-person exchanges.
  • Promoting a competitor payment platform over Facebook Pay.

My assessment is the current status quo of allowing but not directly integrating PayPal makes sense for now. Facebook may revisit this if Marketplace continues growing as a priority product area.


While Facebook Marketplace does not offer direct PayPal integration, sellers can still accept PayPal payments manually for items. This gives both buyers and sellers the protection and convenience of using a trusted platform like PayPal.

However, the current approach also allows Facebook to incentivize local pickup and cash payments aligned with Marketplace’s focus. For big ticket or long distance transactions, the minor inconvenience of manual PayPal coordination may be worth it for the buyer and seller protections.

Be sure to communicate clearly, follow both Facebook and PayPal policies, and use PayPal tools properly when arranging payments off of Facebook. With the right approach, PayPal can be an effective payment method for select Marketplace transactions.