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Can I get my Facebook back if its been hacked?

Can I get my Facebook back if its been hacked?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful and frustrating experience. Your personal information, photos, conversations, and connections are all stored on Facebook, so losing access puts all of that at risk. The good news is that in many cases, you can regain control of your hacked Facebook account by taking the right steps.

How Do I Know My Facebook Account Has Been Hacked?

There are several signs that may indicate your Facebook account has been compromised:

  • You are locked out of your account or get an error message saying your password is incorrect when trying to log in
  • Your profile picture, cover photo, bio, or other account settings have been changed without your doing
  • Strange or offensive posts or messages have been shared from your account without your knowledge
  • You notice new friend requests have been sent from your account to people you don’t know
  • Your friends or followers tell you they have received suspicious messages from your account

If you notice any of these issues, it’s important to take action right away to secure your account.

How Did My Facebook Get Hacked in the First Place?

There are a few common ways cybercriminals can gain access to your Facebook account:

  • Phishing: A fake email or message tricks you into clicking a link and entering your login credentials on a fake Facebook page. The hacker then has your username and password.
  • Malware: Malicious software installed on your computer or device logs your keystrokes and captures your login information.
  • Data breaches: Your Facebook login credentials may have been exposed in a breach of a third-party website or app you use.
  • Password guessing: Hackers use automated tools to guess common or weak passwords until they gain access.
  • Social engineering: Scammers manipulate you or pretend to be someone you know in order to get you to reveal your password or other account details.

Using strong, unique passwords and being cautious when clicking links or entering login credentials can help protect you from many of these threats.

Steps to Recover Your Hacked Facebook Account

If you believe your account has been compromised, here are the steps to regain access:

  1. Log out of all active sessions: From a computer, visit Facebook and click on the upside down triangle in the top right. Select “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings.” Click “Security and Login” and then “Where You’re Logged In.” Log out of all active sessions.
  2. Change your password: Create a new, strong password that is unique and not used on any other accounts. Enable two-factor authentication for additional security.
  3. Check login approvals: In security settings, remove any login approvals you don’t recognize.
  4. Review profile and account settings: Look for any changes made without your authorization and revert them.
  5. Scan devices for malware: Use antivirus software to check any computers or devices used to access Facebook for infections.
  6. Contact Facebook support: Report the hacked account to Facebook by submitting this form. Provide details about when access was lost and any suspicious activity.
  7. Review recent activity: Check your profile, messages, and activity log for any unauthorized posts, messages, or friend requests made through your account.
  8. Warn friends: Let close connections know your account was hacked in case they received suspicious messages from your account.

By taking these steps right away, you can limit the damage from the hack and prevent further misuse of your account. Be patient, as it may take some time to regain access to your account while Facebook investigates.

How to Further Secure Your Facebook Account

Once you regain access, additional precautions can help protect your account from being compromised again:

  • Use a strong, unique password, and don’t share it with anyone
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Be wary of phishing scams and suspicious links
  • Avoid accessing Facebook from public, unsecured WiFi networks
  • Set up login approvals from your trusted devices
  • Limit the apps and third-party sites connected to your Facebook account
  • Monitor your activity log for suspicious behavior
  • Keep Facebook app and system software up-to-date

What If I’m Unable to Recover My Account?

In some cases, recovering your hacked Facebook account may be difficult or impossible, such as if the hacker changed your email address associated with the account or activated extra security measures.

If you’ve gone through all troubleshooting steps with no success, here are some options:

  • File a report about your hacked account with the FTC at
  • Contact your local law enforcement agency to file a report
  • Consult with an attorney about legal options
  • Ask your friends to report your account as hacked to Facebook
  • Create a new Facebook account and migrate your contacts and information as best as possible

While losing access permanently would be an unfortunate outcome, focusing on securing your other accounts and being vigilant for identify theft can help protect you going forward.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be alarming, but in many cases you can recover your account by taking the appropriate steps. Respond quickly to unauthorized access, strengthen your security settings, and be patient with Facebook’s account recovery process. With vigilance and safe practices, you can mitigate the damage from hackers and work to prevent future intrusions.