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Can I find out who blocked me on Facebook?

Can I find out who blocked me on Facebook?

Being blocked on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you don’t know who blocked you or why. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t directly tell you if someone has blocked you on their platform. However, there are some signs you can look for to determine if someone has likely blocked you on Facebook.

Signs Someone May Have Blocked You on Facebook

Here are some signs that indicate a Facebook friend or contact may have blocked you:

  • Their profile and posts no longer show up in your News Feed
  • You can no longer see their Facebook Stories
  • You are no longer friends with them on Facebook
  • You can’t view their profile or see any of their posts
  • You can’t start a new conversation or continue an existing conversation with them on Messenger
  • You don’t receive their notifications, event invites, or Friend Requests

If you notice one or more of these signs, it’s very likely that person has blocked you on Facebook. However, it’s important to note that these signs alone don’t definitively confirm you’ve been blocked. There are other possible explanations:

  • They deactivated or deleted their Facebook account
  • They restricted access to their posts and profile so that only certain people can see them
  • They removed you as a friend
  • They adjusted their News Feed settings to show fewer posts from you
  • They aren’t actively using Facebook or Messenger

So while the signs point toward you potentially being blocked, you can’t know for absolute certain unless you try the methods below to directly check if someone has blocked you.

Ways to Find Out if Someone Blocked You on Facebook

Unfortunately there is no direct way to see a list of users who have blocked you on Facebook. The platform simply doesn’t provide users with this information. However, there are some indirect techniques you can try to determine if a specific user has likely blocked you:

Search for Their Profile

Try searching for the profile of the person you think may have blocked you using the Facebook search bar or by going to If their profile shows up in search results, they haven’t blocked you. However, if you get no search results for their profile, it’s likely you’ve been blocked.

Visit Their Profile Page Directly

Attempt to directly visit the profile page of the user in question by entering into your browser. If you get an error message saying “content unavailable” or “page not found”, it’s a strong indicator you’ve been blocked. However, it’s possible they deleted their account.

Check Your Friend List

Examine your Friends list by going to your profile, clicking Friends in the left sidebar, and viewing your list of friends. If the person no longer appears on your list of Facebook friends, they either unfriended you or blocked you.

Look for Recent Posts

Search for the user’s name or profile to try to find any recent posts they may have made on Facebook. If you can’t find any recent posts or their News Feed appears empty, they most likely blocked you.

Send Them a Message

Try sending the user a Facebook message or chat to see if it goes through. If your message fails to send or you can no longer start a conversation with them on Messenger, it’s likely you’re blocked. The message may say “Couldn’t send” or “Couldn’t reach recipient” if you’ve been blocked.

Tag Them in a Post

Make a post and try to tag the person you think blocked you in the post or in a photo. If their name doesn’t show up in the list of people you can tag, it’s highly probable they blocked you.

Have a Friend Check

Ask a mutual friend to check if they can still view the suspected blocker’s profile or send them a message. If your mutual friend can interact with the person as normal, but you still can’t, it’s a clear sign you’ve been blocked.

Use the Facebook Blocked List Extension

Browser extensions like “Blocked by Facebook” can be installed to determine if you’ve been blocked by a user. These extensions use algorithms to analyze interactions with a Facebook profile to detect if blocking has likely occurred.

Check Email Notifications

If you have notifications enabled for the user on Facebook, check if their posts and updates are still showing up in your email inbox. If you’ve stopped receiving email updates for their profile, they probably blocked you.

Monitor Interactions with Their Posts

Engage with a recent post from the profile you think may have blocked you, such as by commenting, reacting, or sharing it. If your interaction doesn’t appear under the post, you’ve most likely been blocked.

Limits of These Techniques

While these methods can provide strong clues that you’ve been blocked, it’s impossible to know with 100% certainty in most cases. Facebook blocks are anonymous, so the only foolproof way to know is if the user directly tells you they’ve blocked you.

In some cases, the signs point to a block but it turns out the user deactivated their account, restricted profile access, or stopped using Facebook instead of specifically blocking you. The techniques here should provide helpful insight in most cases, but can’t definitively confirm a Facebook block.

Why People Block Others on Facebook

There are a variety of reasons why someone might block you on Facebook, including:

  • You posted excessively on their Timeline or tagged them too often
  • You made inappropriate or abusive posts and comments
  • You sent too many messages or friend requests
  • There was an argument or disagreement between you
  • They ended your real-life relationship and want distance
  • They no longer want to interact with you
  • They want to avoid seeing your posts and profile
  • You shared confidential details about the person publicly
  • They find your views offensive or disagreeable

Essentially, a block happens when someone doesn’t want you to be able to contact them or view their profile and posts on Facebook anymore.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Facebook

Blocking someone on Facebook prevents them from:

  • Seeing your Facebook profile or posts
  • Sending you messages or invites
  • Tagging you in posts or photos
  • Adding you as a friend
  • Joining groups you admin
  • Seeing things you post on a mutual friend’s Timeline
  • Finding your profile in searches

So in summary, blocking completely cuts off their access to your profile and prevents any interactions. The block is anonymous and the person is not notified they’ve been blocked.

Should You Block Someone on Facebook?

Blocking can be necessary in cases where someone is harassing you or interacting with you inappropriately on Facebook. It’s a way to gain control over your experience and privacy. Here are some good reasons you may want to block another user:

  • They are frequently tagging or messaging you excessively
  • They shared personal or embarrassing details about you publicly
  • They post abusive comments on your Timeline
  • You feel harassed or uncomfortable due to their posts
  • You want to avoid seeing their updates and opinions
  • You broke up and want distance from an ex
  • You had an argument or major disagreement
  • They send hostile messages or threats

However, in situations like minor disagreements or annoyance over different opinions, blocking may be an overreaction. Consider hiding their posts or unfollowing them first. Blocking is usually the best option when you feel harassed, threatened, or just unable to avoid constant unwanted contact otherwise.

What to Do If You’ve Been Blocked on Facebook

If you discover someone has blocked you on Facebook, here are some constructive ways to respond:

  • Respect their decision and keep a distance from them online and in person
  • Reflect on your past interactions and consider if you said or did something objectionable
  • Ask a mutual friend politely if they know why you may have been blocked
  • Avoid trying to contact them from alternate accounts
  • Don’t make negative posts about being blocked

Harassing the person or repeatedly trying to contact them after being blocked will only make the situation worse. A block signals they want distance, so it’s healthiest to respect that and move on.

Prevent Being Blocked in the Future

To avoid being blocked again in the future, be mindful of these tips:

  • Don’t post excessively on someone else’s Timeline
  • Avoid making inappropriate or abusive posts and comments
  • Don’t send too many messages or friend requests
  • Be respectful of others views and opinions
  • Give people space if they haven’t interacted with your posts
  • Ask permission before tagging someone
  • Be ethical and don’t share personal details about others publicly

Basically, interact politely and thoughtfully with others on Facebook. Being considerate of people’s online experience and privacy will reduce the chances you’ll be blocked.


Facebook doesn’t directly reveal who has blocked you, but there are signs like not seeing someone’s profile that indicate you’ve likely been blocked. While you can’t know definitively in most cases who blocked you, methods like checking your friend list, sending a message, and having a friend check can provide strong clues in determining if someone blocked you. Getting blocked happens for reasons like harassment, arguments, or wanting distance from the blocker’s perspective. If you’ve been blocked, it’s best to respect that decision and reflect on how to interact better in the future to prevent blocks.