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Can I find Facebook friends on Twitter?

Can I find Facebook friends on Twitter?

Finding Facebook friends on Twitter is possible, but it requires some effort. The two platforms don’t directly interact with each other, so there’s no built-in way to see if your Facebook friends have Twitter accounts. However, with a few tricks, you can search for your Facebook friends on Twitter and connect with them there.

Searching for Friends by Name

The most straightforward way to find your Facebook friends on Twitter is to search for them by name. Go to Twitter’s search bar and type in the full name of the Facebook friend you want to find. Make sure to put their name in quotation marks so it searches for their exact name. For example, searching “John Smith” will show results just for accounts with the name John Smith specifically.

This method works best if your friend has a unique or distinctive name. Common names like “Chris Johnson” will bring up too many accounts to sift through. Having a profile picture on Twitter that matches Facebook makes spotting your friend easier too.

Using Facebook’s Import Contacts Tool

Facebook actually has a tool within their platform that connects your Facebook contacts and sees if they have Twitter accounts. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to your Facebook Friends list
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Contacts”
  3. Click “Find Friends”
  4. Click “Import Contacts” and select Twitter

Facebook will check your contacts against Twitter profiles. If it finds matches, it will show you those friends’ Twitter handles so you can follow or message them. This makes it easy to quickly connect with Facebook friends on Twitter without having to search manually.

Searching by Email or Phone Number

If your Facebook friend uses the same email address or phone number for their Twitter account, you can search Twitter this way to find them. On Twitter’s search bar, type in your friend’s email address or phone number in quotes. For example, searching “@[email protected]” or “555-1234”.

However, keep in mind many people use different contact info for their various social media profiles. Searching this way works only if they happened to use the same email or phone for both Facebook and Twitter.

Using Third-Party Social Media Connection Tools

There are a few websites and apps that offer to connect your social media accounts and find overlapping friends. Examples include Social Bro and Tweetadder. You give these tools permission to access your Facebook and Twitter accounts.

They then match up profiles on both platforms by name, handle, email, contacts in common, and other identifiers. When matches are found, they will show you which of your Facebook friends also have Twitter so you can easily follow them or send a message.

Searching Within Facebook’s Messenger App

Facebook’s Messenger app has an option to notify you when you and your Facebook friends join the same new messaging app. This feature can help connect you with friends who join Twitter.

If a Facebook friend adds their phone number or Twitter handle to their Twitter profile, Messenger may recognize them and prompt you to follow them. It’s a more passive way to discover Facebook friends on Twitter as Messenger sends you notifications.

Tweeting a Call Out to Facebook Friends

As a last resort, you can always tweet asking your Facebook friends to find and follow you on Twitter. Write a post like “Hey Facebook friends, follow me on Twitter! My handle is @example.” Some of your Facebook friends who also use Twitter may see it and interact.

This public call out probably won’t connect you with all your Facebook friends on Twitter. But it can help you pick up a few new followers from your Facebook network.


Finding Facebook connections on Twitter takes some cross-platform searching, but a few tricks can uncover those links. Manually looking up friends by name, handle, or contact info works for specific searches. Tools like Facebook’s contact importer and third-party social media match services can match more connections automatically. Posting your Twitter handle on Facebook and looking for notifications on Messenger also helps surface Facebook-Twitter overlaps. With some diligent searching, you can bridge the gap and connect with more friends across both platforms.

Some key tips include:

  • Search for friends directly by name on Twitter, using quotes for an exact match
  • Use Facebook’s built-in contact import tool to check for matches
  • Try searching by the same email or phone number used on Facebook
  • Use social account connection services to automatically match profiles
  • Check Facebook Messenger notifications for Twitter add suggestions
  • Post your Twitter handle publicly on Facebook asking for followers

Connecting your social circles across platforms allows you to stay in touch with more friends and contacts. With some clever searching methods, you can bridge the Facebook-Twitter gap.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook automatically show my Twitter account?

No, Facebook does not automatically display your Twitter account or notify your friends if you have one. You have to take steps like using Facebook’s contact importer tool to check for connections. The platforms do not interact directly in that way by default.

Can I import my Facebook contacts to Twitter?

Yes, Twitter has a contact import tool similar to Facebook’s that allows you to check which Facebook friends already have Twitter accounts. Go to Settings > Contacts > Import Contacts on Twitter to use it.

Does LinkedIn also connect with Facebook and Twitter?

Yes, LinkedIn has social media connection features that allow you to find overlaps with your Facebook and Twitter networks. Under LinkedIn Settings, you can grant permission for it to access your other social profiles and make matches.

What’s the best third-party app for connecting social profiles?

Some of the top apps for cross-platform social media matching include SocialBro, Tweetadder, SociallyMap, and Hubspot Profile Linker. Each has different strengths like ease of use, breadth of network support, and analytics.

Can I connect my Facebook and Twitter accounts?

You cannot directly link a Facebook and Twitter account within the platforms themselves. However, you can use tools like Hootsuite to simultaneously post to both from a unified dashboard. Many third-party apps also allow you to cross-post between sites.

Ways Facebook and Twitter Interact

While Facebook and Twitter do not directly integrate, there are some ways the platforms interact and overlap:

Interaction Type Description
Finding overlapping friends You can use tools like Facebook’s contact importer and third-party matching services to identify friends on both platforms.
Cross-posting content Apps like Hootsuite and Buffer allow you to post to Facebook and Twitter at the same time from one interface.
Importing/exporting data You can use your Facebook events, contacts, and other data to power targeted content on Twitter.
Advertising integration Facebook and Twitter share some ad partners and analytical tools that let you track performance across both.

So while they are disconnected platforms, there are bridges you can build to cross-leverage your presence on Facebook and Twitter.

Statistics on Cross-Platform Usage

Here are some statistics on how many people use both Facebook and Twitter:

  • 76% of Twitter users also use Facebook
  • 24% of Facebook users also use Twitter
  • 3.6 billion people use social media worldwide
  • 92% maintain profiles on multiple platforms
  • Typical social media users have accounts on 8 platforms
  • engagement overlap is higher among younger demographics

This data shows that while overall user bases may vary, having accounts on both Facebook and Twitter is common for those active on social media. So chances are many of your Facebook friends are also on Twitter, even if you need tools to uncover those connections.

Pros and Cons of Connecting Profiles

Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages of finding your Facebook friends on Twitter:


  • Extend your social reach and connections
  • Keep up with what friends are posting across platforms
  • Share content and updates with more people you know
  • Build a stronger personal brand across social sites
  • Promote engagement and networking opportunities


  • Social media overload if you follow too many people
  • Difficult to keep up active interaction with larger networks
  • Need to adjust content for different platform environments
  • More time spent managing multiple social media accounts
  • Harder to separate personal and professional contacts

Weighing these factors can help determine if connecting Facebook and Twitter networks makes sense for your goals and capacity. The ideal approach often falls somewhere between keeping profiles totally separate and having identical followers everywhere.

Historical Relationship Between Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter have had an interesting dynamic since both were founded in the mid-2000s. Here is a brief history of how the platforms have interacted over time:

  • 2006 – Twitter is created as microblogging platform; Facebook as social network
  • 2008 – Facebook App Store launches, allowing third-party Twitter integration
  • 2010 – Facebook adds the Like button to drive engagement
  • 2011 – Twitter integrates expanded photo-sharing features
  • 2013 – Social media crossover peaks as usage of both platforms grows
  • 2014 – Facebook changes algorithm to reduce brand page reach
  • 2016 – Live video streaming takes off on both platforms
  • 2018 – Facebook embroiled in data privacy scandals
  • 2020 – Twitter increases character limit to 280 per post

The platforms have evolved in parallel over the years, sometimes adding features to compete with each other. While their core models differ, overlap in functionality and user bases continues to increase.

Tips to Increase Your Social Media Convergence

Here are some tips to maximize your crossover between Facebook and Twitter followers:

  1. Connect accounts through tools like Hootsuite to cross-post
  2. Use similar profile pictures on both sites to be recognizable
  3. Customize content for each platform instead of just duplicating
  4. Engage reciprocally with followers on Facebook and Twitter
  5. Promote your Twitter account actively on Facebook to gain followers
  6. Build conversion funnels between platforms to engage audiences
  7. Analyze performance to shift focus according to trends
  8. Tag friends in tweets and Facebook posts to increase visibility
  9. Follow relevant hashtags and influencers to expand your reach
  10. Utilize features like Facebook Live and Twitter chats

Strategically building your presence on both platforms allows you to maximize the non-overlapping parts of their user networks. Focus on quality engagement and adding value for followers across Facebook and Twitter.

Future Platform Integration Possibilities

It’s unlikely Facebook and Twitter will ever fully integrate given their differing approaches and business models. However, here are some potential ways they could offer more official crossover features:

  • In-platform linking between corresponding accounts
  • Unified social inbox integrating messages/notifications
  • Ability to easily re-share content cross-platform
  • Login credential syncing between platforms
  • Combined API/SDK for app developers

While full integration seems improbable, incremental improvements could reduce friction for users maintaining accounts and followers on both Facebook and Twitter.


Connecting with your friends and followers across social media platforms can take some legwork. But with the right tools and strategies, you can bridge the gap between your Facebook and Twitter networks. Focus on high-value engagement, customized content, and leveraging the unique strengths of each platform. With some diligent relationship-building, you can integrate your social circles and gain visibility across popular sites like Facebook and Twitter.