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Can I find Facebook account with Gmail?

Can I find Facebook account with Gmail?

Many people wonder if it’s possible to find someone’s Facebook account using only their Gmail address. While Facebook and Gmail are two separate services, there are a few methods you can try to locate someone’s Facebook profile if all you have is their email address.

Searching on Facebook

The most straightforward way to find someone’s Facebook account with their Gmail is to search for them directly on Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the search bar at the top of the page.
  3. Type in the person’s full email address and press enter or click the search icon.

Facebook will search for any accounts associated with that email. If the person has provided their Gmail address to Facebook, their profile should appear in the results.

However, there are a few caveats:

  • The person may not have used that exact Gmail address for their Facebook account.
  • They may have chosen to hide their profile from search results.
  • You won’t see their profile if you aren’t already friends on Facebook.

So this method doesn’t always work, but it’s worth trying, especially if you have reason to believe the person used the same email for both accounts.

Searching Public Profiles

Another option is to search Facebook more broadly for public profiles associated with the Gmail address. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Facebook and click “Search” at the top.
  2. Select “Public Profiles” from the menu.
  3. Enter the person’s full email address.
  4. Browse through the results to see if any public profiles list that Gmail.

This search casts a wider net through public information on Facebook. People often display their contact email addresses on their profiles.

The downside is that you’re less likely to see private, personal profiles this way. But if the person has a public page for work or other purposes, it may turn up.

Using Google Search

Since Gmail is run by Google, you can also try searching on Google for the person’s Facebook profile linked to their Gmail. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for: [person’s email address] Facebook
  3. Look through the search results for any pages or profiles on Facebook that mention that email address.

This works best if the person has publicly visible Facebook content that displays their Gmail address. Google will index that information and return those pages in the results.

Again, profiles with heavy privacy settings likely won’t show up this way. But public pages are more discoverable through Google searches.

Using Email Profiling Tools

There are also some email profiling and verification tools that may be able to find associated social media profiles like Facebook when you input an email address.

  • Clearbit Connect: Connect is designed to return linked social media and employment information based on an email or domain name.
  • Voila Norbert: Voila Norbert is an email finder and profiler that can search over social networks for accounts linked to an email.
  • Email Hippo: Email Hippo aggregates user profile data from across the web and associates it with email addresses.

Results can vary widely on these types of tools based on available public data. But some may return Facebook profile links. Just keep privacy expectations low when using third-party email profiling tools.

Using a Facebook Email Lookup

There are also some websites and forums that offer Facebook email lookup or recovery services. You provide the Gmail address, and they try to find associated Facebook accounts.

However, use caution with these types of services, especially free ones, as some may be scams or collect your personal information. Professional paid services that specialize in online investigations may yield better results.

Asking Mutual Connections

If you have mutual friends or connections with the person on other social networks, you can also try asking around to see if anyone knows their Facebook profile.

Just keep in mind this may be seen as a breach of privacy if the person intended to keep their accounts separate. Use discretion when asking contacts to avoid any relationship repercussions.

Sending a Message to the Email Address

As a last resort, you can try messaging the person’s Gmail address asking them to connect on Facebook.

Make sure your request is polite and not excessive. Also, don’t expect a reply back, as many people don’t welcome unsolicited contact from strangers.

But if you have some connection to the person, a friendly email may get you the Facebook details you’re looking for.

Pros and Cons of Finding Facebook with Gmail

If you’re able to locate someone’s Facebook profile through their personal email address, here are some pros and cons to keep in mind:


  • Makes it easy to connect with people you’ve lost touch with.
  • Helpful for establishing contact for business or networking.
  • Allows you to learn more about people online.
  • Opens up communication channels through messaging.


  • Can be seen as a privacy violation if done without consent.
  • Information may be outdated if accounts are inactive.
  • The person may not want to connect or respond.
  • You may message the wrong person with a similar name.

So weigh the benefits and risks before attempting to link someone’s Gmail and Facebook. Make sure you respect privacy and avoid making unwanted contact. With the right approach, you may be able to reconnect online.


Finding someone’s Facebook profile through a Gmail address is possible in some cases depending on public information and privacy settings. Searching Facebook directly, broader Google searches, email profiling tools, mutual contacts, and polite messaging can sometimes make the connection.

However, there is no guarantee the person used the same email or wants to be found. Approach any search ethically with realistic expectations. But with clever use of available information, you may be able to link a Gmail address to an existing Facebook account and make a new connection.