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Can I do a Facebook live in a group?

Can I do a Facebook live in a group?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their followers on Facebook. This popular feature enables real-time engagement between broadcasters and viewers. While Facebook Live is commonly used to reach all of your followers at once, you can also leverage it to connect with more niche audiences by going live in Facebook Groups.

Can you actually go live in a Facebook Group?

Yes, Facebook Live is available for use directly within Facebook Groups. The ability to stream live video to Groups makes it easy to connect with your group members in real time and increase engagement.

When you go live in a group, your broadcast will appear at the top of the Group feed so all members of that group will see it. Your live video will also be published to the Videos tab within the Group for members to view later.

Who can see your Facebook Live video in a group?

When you go live in a Facebook Group, your broadcast will only be visible to existing members of that particular group. It will not be shown to any of your friends or followers who are not already members of the group you are streaming in.

So you can comfortably live stream group-specific content without worrying about anyone outside of that group accessing the video. This makes Facebook Live a great way to share exclusive content with your group members.

What are the requirements to go live in a Facebook Group?

To start a live broadcast within a Facebook Group, there are a few requirements:

  • You must be an admin or moderator in the group (or otherwise have permission to post in the group)
  • The group must have at least 10 members
  • You must access Facebook from your Page if you want to stream as your Page rather than personal profile

As long as you meet those requirements, you can tap the Live Video button from within any group to start your broadcast.

How do you actually start a Facebook Live in a group?

Starting a Facebook Live broadcast within a group is very easy!

Follow these steps:

  1. Access the group where you want to broadcast.
  2. Tap the Write Post button at the top.
  3. Tap Live Video.
  4. Give your broadcast a title and description.
  5. Tap Go Live.

Once you tap Go Live, your video will start broadcasting to all members of the group. They will be notified that you are live.

What features are available when you go live in a group?

When broadcasting live in a Facebook Group, you have access to most standard Facebook Live features to keep your viewers engaged, including:

  • Comments – Viewers can comment on your video in real-time.
  • Reactions – Viewers can react to your video (like, love, wow, etc.).
  • Go Live With – You can add a guest into your live video.
  • Filters & Effects – Add filters, stickers, frames, etc.

The only major difference is that since your broadcast is limited to the group members, only they will be able to view and interact with your live video, not your public followers.

Why would you want to go live in a Facebook Group?

There are a number of reasons why going live directly in a Facebook Group can be beneficial:

  • Engage with a niche audience – Speak directly with your most engaged subgroup.
  • Bring exclusivity – Give your group members exclusive live content.
  • Drive membership – Get more people to join your group.
  • Make announcements – Share news, updates, events, etc.
  • Answer questions – Get feedback and interact in real-time.
  • Boost community – Strengthen relationships through live video.

Best practices for Facebook Live in Groups

To ensure your live broadcasts within Facebook Groups are as successful as possible, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Promote ahead of time – Let group members know when you are going live so more tune in.
  • Keep it relevant – Stick to topics and content that fit with that particular group.
  • Engage viewers – Interact with comments and reactions as they come in.
  • Moderate effectively – Have another admin monitor and filter comments if needed.
  • Limit distractions – Find a quiet, distraction-free spot to broadcast from.
  • Check sound & lighting – Make sure viewers can clearly see and hear you.
  • Reuse content – Download and reuse your live videos to maximize value.

Challenges of live streaming in Facebook Groups

While there are many benefits, there are also some potential challenges to keep in mind with Facebook Live in Groups:

  • Technical issues – Live video is dependent on a solid internet connection.
  • Smaller reach – You may get less views than a public broadcast.
  • Negative comments – Some group members may troll or act inappropriately.
  • Finding time – Scheduling live streams takes effort & planning.

Examples of successful Facebook Live videos in Groups

Here are some real examples of popular and effective Facebook Live broadcasts within Groups:

Product Launch in Entrepreneur Group

An online business owner broadcasts live from within an Entrepreneur Group whenever they are launching a new product, service, or program. They share details, do Q&As, and drive membership leading up to the launch. Their live videos generate excitement and sales.

Yoga Class in Fitness Group

A yoga instructor goes live 3 times per week to lead yoga classes for members of their Facebook Group focused on yoga and fitness. Group members tune in live for engaging, interactive yoga sessions that they may not be able to attend in person.

Town Hall in Local Community Group

The Mayor of a city uses Facebook Live to hold virtual town halls with citizens by broadcasting within a Local Community Facebook Group. Residents are able to ask questions and get real-time answers from the Mayor.

5 Tips for succeeding with Facebook Live in Groups

If you want to get the most out of using Facebook Live within your groups, here are 5 tips:

  1. Go live consistently – Don’t just do it once, schedule regular live streams.
  2. Promote & remind – Share your upcoming live streams across your other channels.
  3. Engage meaningfully – Don’t just talk at viewers, interact with them.
  4. Reuse content – Repurpose your live videos into other formats.
  5. Analyze results – Look at viewing metrics to improve each time.


Facebook Live is a highly engaging tool that can help you connect directly with your niche audiences when leveraged strategically within Facebook Groups. With an understanding of best practices and potential challenges, you can broadcast content that resonates with your members while also driving greater interest in your groups overall.