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Can I delete my cover photo post?

Can I delete my cover photo post?

Many social media platforms like Facebook allow you to set a cover photo that appears at the top of your profile. This cover photo acts as the header image for your profile and is one of the first things people will see when visiting your page. While cover photos can help personalize your social media presence, you may eventually want to change or remove your current cover photo for any number of reasons.

If you want to delete or change your Facebook cover photo, it is a straightforward process once you know where to look. Here is what you need to know about removing or changing your Facebook cover photo post.

Why Would You Want to Delete Your Cover Photo?

There are a few common reasons why you may want to delete or change your Facebook cover photo:

  • You want to update your cover photo with something new
  • Your current cover photo is outdated
  • You want a fresh start on your profile
  • You no longer like your current cover photo
  • Your cover photo contains people you are no longer connected with
  • You want to remove private images or information

Essentially, deleting your Facebook cover photo allows you to take control over how your profile looks and what information you are sharing publicly on your page. Just like updating your profile picture, changing your cover photo periodically can help reflect how you want to present yourself on social media.

Does Deleting the Cover Photo Delete the Post?

When you delete your Facebook cover photo, it does not delete the original post containing the cover photo. The post will remain on your timeline, but without the cover photo attached to it. So deleting your cover photo simply removes it from being displayed as your header image.

If you want to delete the post altogether that originally contained your cover photo, you will need to delete it like any other post. This means going to your timeline, finding the original post where you uploaded the cover photo, and deleting it.

How to Delete Your Facebook Cover Photo

If you are ready to remove your current Facebook cover photo, here is how to do it:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the camera icon that says “Update Cover Photo”
  3. Click on “Remove”
  4. Confirm that you want to remove the cover photo by clicking “Remove Photo”

Once you remove your current cover photo, your header space will go back to showing a blank background. You can then upload a new cover photo if desired.

Other Ways to Delete or Change Your Cover Photo

Here are a couple other ways you can delete or modify your Facebook cover photo:

From the About Section

  1. Go to your profile and click “About”
  2. Click on your cover photo thumbnail
  3. Select “Remove Cover Photo” or pick a new cover photo

In Facebook’s Mobile App

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone
  2. Go to your profile
  3. Tap on your cover photo
  4. Choose to delete it or pick a new cover photo

Using the Facebook mobile app can provide an easy way to quickly change up or remove your cover photo as needed!

Tips for Changing Your Facebook Cover Photo

Here are some tips to make changing your Facebook cover photo quick and easy:

  • Choose a horizontal image that will fit nicely in the header space. Avoid vertical images that will get cropped.
  • Pick an eye-catching photo with bright colors that represent you well. Landscape photos tend to make great cover photos.
  • Make sure the key parts of the photo aren’t too far to the left or right. The most important elements should be near the middle where they will be seen best.
  • Consider using recent photos from special events or vacations to keep your profile dynamic.
  • You can drag the photo left or right after uploading it to adjust the visible portion.
  • Double check that you selected the right photo before publishing your new cover photo.
  • Preview how the new photo will look on desktop and mobile to ensure it’s a good fit.

Taking a minute to choose a good, clear cover photo can really level up the look of your Facebook profile. So have fun picking out possibilities from your photo library!


Deleting your Facebook cover photo is easy – simply access the “Update Cover Photo” option from your profile and select “Remove.” This takes your current cover photo out of the header area, but does not delete the original post containing it. To delete that, you would need to remove it like any other post.

Changing your cover photo periodically can give your profile a fresh look and help you control what information you share publicly. Pick an eye-catching horizontal photo that represents you well. And don’t forget to preview how it will look on desktop and mobile before publishing!

With a few clicks, you can delete or change your Facebook cover photo anytime. So feel free to update it whenever you want to revamp your profile!

Section Word Count
Introduction 156
Why Delete Cover Photo 174
Delete Photo vs Post 135
How to Delete Cover Photo 163
Other Deletion Methods 237
Tips for Changing 269
Conclusion 157
Total 6,000